new stay at home mommy having trouble staying out of kitchen

I have always struggled with emotional overeating and overeating because I'm tired. I have a beautiful 7 wk old baby girl and I really want to get back to a healthy weight, but I'm home for 3-4 days a week by myself. Hubby is Coast Guard so he is on base for up to 80 hrs, and then home for a few days. We just moved so I have no friends or family here.

I need help and tips to avoid just eating because I'm exhausted from the baby and it'll make me feel better/ have more energy. I feel like I'm either consuming way too much coffee, or too much comfort food to cope.

I just feel like I'm never going to make any progress.


  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Hi! My DH is also CG. He is a 65 pilot and we are stationed in Detroit. I log in each and every day, and am on a streak of over 120 days. I have lost 20 pounds and several inches since April. Check out my profile and feel free to add me. Please message me first, or I will not accept (I won't remember who you are or why you want to be friends without a message).

    Good Luck!

    PS: I have no children, so I cannot help with that part. :)
  • michelle_w_04
    michelle_w_04 Posts: 23 Member
    Look up local playgroups in your area to get out of the house. Or if you feel yourself getting into a funk go out for a walk. Getting out seems to help me. I also know quite a bit of people swear by prelogging their food/meals. I do this from time to time and it really helps me stay on track throughout the day. Having a ton of healthy snack options is also key for me.
  • rocksyraeis
    I had three jobs before i had my DD, the transition really took a toll on me from that to SAHM. I honestly used exercise to keep myself occupied i would workout in the morning go for a walk in the afternoon then stretch at night, if i found myself wanting to snack i would make myself tea and stare in the mirror i gained ALOTwith my daughter like 60 pounds!
  • rocksyraeis
    If i absolutly had to snack id pick something healthy like celery or pickles maybe not healthy haha but not full of calories and i still felt like i was able to snack and have a good day.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Although I'm probably not nearly as exhausted as you are, I have the tired and home alone thing nailed. I am a school social worker, and find that my eating habits when I'm home alone all day can be poor.

    Here's what I do:
    1. never have yummy snack foods in the house. No chips, cookies, desserts, etc. Your body does not need them as fuel ,and they are way too easy to eat mindlessly - before you know it, the entire package is empty.
    2. prepare tons of HEALTHY snacks - cut up some veggies, wash the grapes, etc.
    3. plan your meals ahead of time. Then you know what you'll eat.
    4. plan your day's schedule ahead of time. Are you going to take your daughter on a walk? To the park? Sure, you're tired, but it's not like a walk will make you MORE tired. It might even make you feel better.
    5. Make plans with friends as often as possible. It gives you something to look forward to. You say you're new to the area, but seek out playgroups, parent groups, groups based on mutual interests.
    6. (I don't do this because I"m single with no kids) negotiate with your husband to have him watch the baby while you go out every so often. You need a little time away now and again.
  • OliveCarsey
    First find healthy snacks you like- if you buy something you don't really like you're not going to eat it. Prep your snacks as soon as you get home from the store, I don't buy the 100 cal packs (to expensive) I make my own I can control the calories better and I get a much better selection. If you are to tired for a walk (or your baby is sleeping) get up and pace around your livingroom or dance to a song you like. Look online and find something you really wish you could wear and print out a pic of it- put it on the door of the fridge so everytime you open the fridge you see it.

    I'm also a stay at home mom but my kids are much older than yours (8 and 14), and i also have trouble not snacking when I get bored or lonely or just blahish about everything (trust me life with a 14yr old girl can get very blahish very fast lol), having a healthy snack handy is so much easier than having to prepare and unhealthy snack. If your hubby likes junk food (or if you want to eat some sometimes) keep it in an inconvient place- say a bin in the closet or in a plastic bag in the bottom of the drawer in the fridge- that way it isn't easy to just grab without thinking about it.

    Don't short yourself on protein or any food for that matter- caring for a new baby is hard work, you don't get enough rest- are "working" 24/7, and trying to hold everything together. Don't forget to relax, if the dishes don't get washed tonight they will still be there tomorrow- a year from now you won't remember not doing them, but you will remember if you stressed yourself over them and due to the stress gave up on transforming yourself.

    Good Luck-
  • HotelWife
    HotelWife Posts: 26 Member
    I agree with the other posters - keep the yummy, sugary treats out of the house and get out of the house as much as you can! I'm a SAHM and have been for nearly 6 years. Go on to look for parenting groups, also see if there's a MOPs group in your area ( - it stands for Mothers of Preschoolers - but you don't have to have a preschooler to join.

    Also, do you live near a YMCA? They have great mommy and me programs...also you can drop your babe off in the child care and get some much-needed alone time in the gym!

    We moved around a LOT when the kids were's hard to be in a new place, at home, with no friends. You can add me if you'd like! Just get out there and stay out of the kitchen. :)
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    Yup, I was a stay at home mom for years, moving every 2 yrs b/c husband was in the military and I agree w/others. You have to find support outside of the home. Take walks, look for parks in your area where you can walk w/ your child and check out the mommy and me classes at gymboree or the ymca. Also your church should be a good support w/moms mentoring moms or LAMPS or MOPS. Ours offers free childcare for biblestudies and groups- look for a church w/free childcare :)
    Back in the day I did vhs exercise videos when the kids napped- Jane Fonda, Richard simmons, Kathy Smith lol I'm dating myself.
    And lastly- have a routine not only for the kids but also for yourself- and remember it's 80% what you eat so keep junk out of the house. Good luck!