Helllooo, I'm new too :)

Hi everyone (who's reading!!)

I have just found MFP this week, and I must admit its great. I have had a tough year and now feel ready to change my lifestyle and eating. I was shocked by how many calories I have been eating, 3000 and above everyday! Now wonder i have put a stone and a half on since last year.

I arent the biggest of eaters, many grazing, but god what a mess I have become. Anyway, the good news is, I can monitor what I eat and have slashed my calories/carb/fat intake massively already.. And in 2 days I dropped 5kg.. I need to find the conversions because I am still using stone and llb's haha..

Anyway, as you have probably gathered I am a bit of a waffler and like to talk, so feel free to drop by :)



  • Hi Treeza, I am new too. Well, not so much to the site, but to the whole weight loss and exercise thing. I've tried it actually many times but failed. I am a point where it's now or never. Would love to add you, sending a friend request if you don't mind!

    WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER for support if you'd like!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lhs1965
    lhs1965 Posts: 99 Member
    I am a weight loss program at out local hospital and they recomended myfitnesspal for food tracking. I have been in weight watcher online before and mfp is about the same, plus it is free.
    I am working on my intake of water this week.
    Good luck and don't forget to exercise:drinker:
  • Hi rainingbrook and lhs :)

    Nice to meet you both. Thank you for replying to me, its nice to know we are in this together...

    I have never really dieted before as I have a bowel disease and that usually keeps my weight down. But this past year I have got into the whole 'destructive' habit of shopping! I cant resist the knock-down's, and buy more sweets than ever before.

    I have been unable to exercise, mainly due to laziness.. but I have just rung up the baths and I am going to aqua class tonight!!!

    I need to drink water too ihs, I have been drinking upto 20 cups of tea a day! Thinking that that was ok..

    Good luck this time round rainingbrooke.. dont see it as a failure, see it as work-in-progress :)

    I try not to use any negative words about anything anymore and found that my life in general has improved..

    So, we are success already :))

    Thanks x
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I am not so new to this site, I have had it as an app on my iphone for a while but after some recent health issues (including passing out) I had stepped away from counting calories. Now I am ready to be healthy, not necessarily skinny. I think that was my main problem with my failed attempts. I was worried about how many pounds I had to lose rather than how I wanted to feel. So I am back, although this is the first time I am actually using this website on a computer. I had no idea groups were even a feature on here!
  • Hi Jepaly

    I haven't calories counted either, ever! I have had a real eye-opener coming onto this site. My main weakness is bread! I could eat it all day long, but already I have cut that right back.

    I dont want to be skinny either, I am usually a size 12, I do have shapely hips and bosoms haha.. but even they have gotten too big for my liking.

    It great your back, this place seems a great way to get support. I hope we can keep in touch and help each other :)
  • mark759
    mark759 Posts: 6
    You can add me as a friend if you like. I also like bread it was the way I was raised.
  • lhs1965
    lhs1965 Posts: 99 Member
    Gulp-got in my 8 glasses of water yesterday and have already had 2 glasses this morning. Have been logging my food for a week and have a weigh in tonight.
  • Awolkawasaki
    Awolkawasaki Posts: 379 Member
    Good Morning! Im new... I used another site like this to lose a ton of weight also. Slowly have gained a little back so its time to kick it up again. My name is Mike.
  • Hello everyone!

    Another newby right here, I found MFP about two weeks ago and have only started to use it properly in the last week. I haven't lost any weight yet mind!

    I'm quite bubbly and I love my food but it's about time I stop looking like a beach whale and get some proper confidence! I'm 5'11 and weigh 13st 6 ;0( - oh dear!

    Anyway, my partner and I are having a meal together tonight, but i'm not sure what to cook. I have 600 calories left to spend today - any ideas?

  • Hi Treeza.. i started a few weeks back and i am loving it. Have met a few people on here and there is a lot of great support and even just talks...i too love to yammer on. LOL! Hope we can be friends and help support each other. I myself a long time ago use to weigh 155-158. approx. I have ballooned since to 273. I am now down to 251. And am promising myself, there will be more pounds to drop off. My goal is to atleast get to 175- 180 for now. I am tall and large boned so that will suit me o.k. But i also love to talk about the kids and the weather and shopping and anything else. I love my plants and my plants and my plants..lol! Hope we can be friends. Take good care and hope to hear from ya
  • I'm new as well! Been over weight since I was a kid, done a lot of yoyo dieting. I am down 42 lbs. From my highest weight after having my 3rd child, but have 60 more to go. Really struggling with it. Feeling down on myself, and summer makes it worse for me because I'm home with the kids, feeling overwhelmed and turn to food. Could really use some support, motivation, inspiration and maybe a swift kick in the butt! Hoping this site and it's tools can help me, but I think it's my own mindset and will power that I need to get straight if I really want to succeed.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me, I've been on MFP about 18 months and I struggle sticking to the diet but will aways try, come and say hi.x
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi been here since April but only found the message boards about a month ago. Anyone feel free to add me if you like to be motivated and like to help motivate others!