Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for August 2012



  • fieryred0424
    fieryred0424 Posts: 48 Member
    5'3" here and definitely struggling... I would love to join!
  • 5'3 here. Im at about 140 right now but my goal weight is 127, a number I havent seen in two years! These last 10-15 pounds are my mortal enemy but my goal is to be around 130 by the end of october and be completely in maintainance mode by my bday in january.
  • I'm 5'1" (maybe 5'1.5" if I think really tall thoughts), currently experiencing a bit of a plateau at 191 after losing about 13 lbs in the last two months. I need to get back to being very strict about logging my calories. I've stuck with going to the gym, so even though I'm not seeing as much weight loss I'm still seeing improvements in the mirror due to building up some muscle mass.

    It's definitely nice to see other people who are also short and trying to lose. It's tough to admit to yourself that no, you can't eat as much as people (for me, my husband) taller than you can and still expect to maintain or lose weight. This is something that I'm trying to come to terms with, because even when I hit my goal (currently 160, but I may revise that once I get there) I'm going to always have to be careful about calories so as not to gain it all back.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Jam - so so sorry for your losses.

    I'm 5' 2 and a half maybe haha. I'm looking to lose another 5 to 10 pounds before my wedding that's in exactly 2 months! I've done many rounds of P90X but am now doing my own routine. I stopped counting calories maybe a month or two ago and have been taking the eat less move more approach for the last month or so. I focus on listening to my body and when I'm actually hungry and not just bored then I eat and when I'm not hungry I don't eat. I don't listen or let a clock, person or website tell me how much and when to eat anymore and it seems to be working =]
  • Thaton
    Thaton Posts: 12 Member
    Can i join this group i'm 5'3" and would love to lose some weight this month. It's almost spring and i won't be able to hide my body under jerseys anymore :-)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    is it too late to join?

    I'm a 'fun sized' (love that term) 5'3" and turned 40 this year. Lost the majority of my weight a few years back but am down from 200lbs since having my youngest 2 years ago.

    Not been part of a challenge for a while and had a huge plateau - emotionally and on the scale.
    finally got my butt in gear, and thanks to meds (for a mood disorder) I'm back on track and in the gym... long may it last!

    SW 184.5
    CW 181.5
    GW 177

    Would really like to be back down to where I was last summer - so that is my goal! it may not happen as I'm predominately lifting weights but having shifted 3lb of the 7lb goal already it seems rude not to aim high at just over 1lb a week now.

    My main objective is not weight orientated though, it's to manage the full month of fitness in the lead up to my return to Uni at the end of Sept. :) I commute in, so joined the gym in the hope I can manage a quick work out on the way to or from Uni. :)
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    i am just starting out on this site as of last week. I'm 5ft and weigh 144 right now. I had gotten myself down to 124 lbs, but after a miscarrige in 2008, I put it all back on. I got started w/ weight loss again after my youngest son was born in 2009 from 178 to 137 by his 1st b-day. I then took off another ten to 127lbs after my husband got me started on herbalife shakes last year(from aug-dec). Unfortunately I loaded back up to 147lb due to stress and the fact that I was still eating like my son was nursing frequently which had diminished drastically by Jan 2012.

    I am starting to try to workout 3x/week. My husband and I got memberships w/ the PF that opened up nearby. I am quite intimidated by all the equipment, so have only used the treadmill at this point. I am more comfortable taking classes, but none are offered there. At the times that I am unable to make it to the gym on the days I set out to go, I have dvds to use(if I can get them to work)-got up too late this morning to go to the gym, so I went downstairs to do the new yoga dvd I had bought last weekend, but I couldn't find the playstation remote!). I do have the ps3 active 2 system, but it takes me a bit to get all connected w/ all of the bands and sometimes, the program doesn't pick up the movement.

    My current goal is to reach 130 by christmas. After that it down to 115-120.

    I don't know if I have my calories set up right b/c of breastfeeding. My son is almost 3(yes, I am still nursing). He only eats a few times a night, so I don't know what I should set my limit to. I am currently set at 1500 cals. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • jenln26
    jenln26 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5-2 and would love to join!
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    hello! 5t and 3/4 here !
  • jenniferedwards123
    jenniferedwards123 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5'4" on a good day...normally a little under I am setting a goal to be under 160 by the end of August. Hopefully 155. I am currently 163. I have been working out multiple times a day and eating better. Lots of salad and no bread. Nice to meet all of y'all and feel free to friend me!
  • silverjezture
    silverjezture Posts: 46 Member

    I am 4'11" and (depression) 241lbs. I need a lot of support- I think I am eating too little actually- I can't seem to get enough calories in- I am just not hungry and on the go all the time.

    I have three kids- two have Aspergers Syndrome and ADHD and so life is BUSY!!! I am in the middle of a separation and will be starting full time school on the 27th.

    OKies enough about me- Looking for friends!!!
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member

    I'm 5'4" so just made the cut! I am trying to lose weight by just cutting out as much processed crap as possible (not always successful, stupid penguin bar yesterday!) and trying to stay active and exercise a little everyday. I have just started walking/jogging and am hoping to get better at this and eventually become a runner. Aside from that I go to gym classes and use home workout DVDs.

    SW: 144
    1ST GOAL: 135
    2ND GOAL: 125
    3RD GOAL: 115
    CW: 130
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Well, I am back on the band wagon after a stressful year and one half. I stayed in my calories and exercised yesterday and plan to do the same thing today.

    Welcome to all the new posters. I look forward to getting to know you all. Yes, friends and support is what it is about.

    Silverjezture - I am a geek, but I am a geek for an Autism clinic. I hope you have support where you are, but if not, please always feel free to private message me. I can always look for information for you through our resources. Good luck with all you are trying to do.
  • kimg70
    kimg70 Posts: 32 Member
    I am 5'3" if I stretch :smile: I lost 5 pounds in July, I have really bumped up my efforts the last two weeks or so. My goals in August are to run 40 miles, get to 165 by August 31 (I'm at 172 now) and run my first 5k (August 18th Color Run St. Louis!)

    Good luck on your August goals!!
    I'll be running (well mostly walking) the Color Run in St. Louis too!! Can't wait, looks like so much fun>
  • kimg70
    kimg70 Posts: 32 Member
    5'2" (when stretching)!!
    Ultimate goal is to lose 20# by Dec. 22nd. Leaving for a Christmas cruise to the Carrbbean on the 23rd.
    I know that this is not a "good" reason to do it, but it's the motivation at hand so I'm going to go with it!!

    I'll take a 5# lose for August and I am going to focus on the 30 DS with some walking/running thrown in the mix.

    Good luck everyone!
  • RollercoasterPam
    RollercoasterPam Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am close to 5'2" and weigh 137. I lost 22 pounds last year on WW and have gained 10 back. I am hoping this free tool will get me back into paying attention to how much I eat and drink. Have been slacking on exercise too, need to get back into a routine. Want to be at 125 or less. Looking for support from ladies with a similar build.
  • MrsBorderline
    MrsBorderline Posts: 13 Member
    I'm hoping to start being more active in August. I just got back to MFP after some over a month of eating poorly. I want to get back to just being aware of what I'm eating/drinking and increasing my activity. I've lost 10 lbs since starting MFP and I'm working toward my 1st goal of getting down to 199.
  • Happy_Goat
    Happy_Goat Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 5'1". Reaching equipment can be tough! I'd love to be in.
  • pittso
    pittso Posts: 18
    HI! I'd like to join! I just turned 35, married with two kids (15, 8). I just recently moved from AL to NC and am trying to eat right while still not feeling 'settled.' I'm a yo-yo, meaning I have the ability to eat well and exercise for a while then lose all focus and eat like crazy and gain all that I lost back. I never understand why I do this:(, but I bet I'm not alone!!! Feel free to add me as a friend, I can use the encouragement. I need to add a pic on my profile, too.
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    I'd like to join! I'm 4'10.5" and have lost 90 lbs since January 2011.
    My goal is to develop some abs this month. I am currently working the Hip Hop Abs program and LOVE it!