A good calorie calculator site?

Hello! I am new to MFP and mostly joined so I could try out calorie counting to lose some weight and get fit. Does anyone know some good sites where I can calculate how many calories I should be consuming each day so I can reach my goal weight within a certain time period? I've tried a few different ones and I'm getting results that vary by a couple hundred calories. Since every one counts, I want to do it right! Any tips would be greatly appreciated :)


  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
    This one is my favorite and probably the most accurate overall (at least for me personally), but I think you will need to tweak any site's recommendations to fit you best:

  • beingfitroxx
    beingfitroxx Posts: 7 Member
    I know there are tons of information on bodybuilding.com, and I'm positive you can find the info you need there. They sometimes have the tools/calculators you need for weight loss.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
  • apvalletta
    apvalletta Posts: 110 Member
    Try caloriecoach.com. He is very informative & has weekly newsletters & recipes too. Best of luck to you!

    oops! it's coachcalorie.com. sorry for the confusion
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    Try caloriecoach.com. He is very informative & has weekly newsletters & recipes too. Best of luck to you!

    I would recommend avoiding this site. A lot of his information is based on old studies and information. I called him out on some of his articles on Google+ and the only proof he could make for his claims was based on results from animal studies and non-human trials.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Ok, I'll definitely look into these. Thanks for your help!