Tattoos anyone?



  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    both arms, hands and fingers, on my throat and neck around \m/ bunch of piercings too lol
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    So ive got 8 pieces of ink on my body, all of which are covered by my clothing well i went with my cousin to her OB appointment (shes 28 weeks prego) and her receptionist had a tattoo feather on her wrist (beautiful grey wash) and gages in her ears along with black and red highlights my cousin just stared at her with this bewildered look. Well fast forward we are in the office and a nurse walks in he has tattoos on his right arm and again my cousin with that look so i asked "you dont like tattoos..?" i asked kinda like, really? She has one on her forearm she just plainly said. " i dont mind them i have one myself obviously but in a professional atmosphere i dont believe they should be showing..its jist very different from how strict buisness used to be about self-expression i would have never been able to have gauges or visible tattoos when i was her age." the girl looked about 16, maybe a LIL older my cousin is 26. What do you think? Do you think companys should be more relaxed about tattoos, piercings, and gauges, ect or should they be more strict in covering them?

    Yes, people need to relax where tattoos and piercings are concerned.

    Tattoos and piercings DO NOT make a person unprofessional. That person as the individual and how they carry themselves is what makes a person professional or unprofessional.

    I have seen plenty of unprofessional people that have no visible tattoos.

    WELL said. Professionalism has nothing to do with tattoos, hair etc. It's an attitidude and demeanor..... I work as a medical receptionist... have bright red streaks in my hair ( which is medium dark brown, but I dye blueblack) ... Purple streaks at one point...why? Because I'd always wanted to try it...AND all my nurses thought it would be cool. Lol. Even the more conservative ones egged me on to do it. Then... of the older nurses, who works directly with patients day in and day out... put a nice streak of the same purple in her silver hair because she liked it so much. LOVED that!!!!! ) I also have a nose piercing....AND a few visable tattoos. I have been at that job ten years...and got them all while I was here. None of the doctors in my office has any problem with me..... I get my job done, and deal with unpleasant callers all day.....

    I went to see a specialist a few months ago...and SHE...the DOCTOR... had the most beautiful tattoo on her foot. It was the medical symbol...obviously something she takes a lot of pride in. With or without that tattoo, she was one of the best Doctors I have ever met with..... loved she had a tatt though, because it totally broke a stereotype!

    And yes...there ARE oodles of supposedly * professional* looking people...who act like toads. Having an outward sense of style and expression...has NOTHING to do with professionalism or non. It's how a person acts and treats others.

    And like someone else said...I could never work for a company again that is that over the top conservative. I work so I can afford life....not so my life can be conformed to someone else's thoughts. Having stable employment should not dictate how you can look in your off time!
  • julesassid
    I was at the water park yesterday..... I can honestly say that 40% of adults had tattoo. They are becoming so common that I don't see why people should hide them unless offensive. I have a big tattoo that take half my back. It show a little bit when I have my hair up.

    Exactly. If someone has one hiding, I don't think it's fair to judge someone else for their choice of tattoo / placement. I think if the employer is okay with showing them, then go ahead and do it. I'd be out of a job if mine could never show, one's on my foot and one on my ankle, i would never be able to wear a skirt / dress or go sockless in dress shoes. I think it's amazing to see other people's art, it reminds me that everyone is an individual. It's 2012, tattoos are no longer taboo.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    I don't have a tattoo but if someone wants one, it's their skin. I sort of understand why tattoos are popular but I've under gone too many changes in life to mark something permanent. After 25 years I thought a wedding ring would be permanent but.....

    My tattoos are scars. Scars are like tattoos only a better story. lol.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I don't think a tattoo says if a person is professional or not but working in a professional office with many upper senior management staff I keep most of mine covered. The only one that shows is on my ankle. It's pretty large but so far no one has ever said anything and when our bosses from NY come in I either wear black tights or pants to cover it.

    Another employee said we had something written in our handbook about covering tattoos but I couldn't find it.
  • amandatomicbomb
    i am 100% for acceptance of tattoos in the workplace. i work at a law office, and many people here have visible tattoos.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You have to think to yourself about what it means to be professional.

    I have an undergrad degree in Economics, and MBA and a great position in management at a fortune 500 company. I make big decisions and guide others careers as well as set policy and run projects for my company. And, you think because I have a few tattoos, I'm not a professional? Why does this matter to people so much? Professionalism is defined by your actions, not how you look. I thought we already went through all this in the 60's.
  • rocksyraeis
    You have to think to yourself about what it means to be professional.

    I have an undergrad degree in Economics, and MBA and a great position in management at a fortune 500 company. I make big decisions and guide others careers as well as set policy and run projects for my company. And, you think because I have a few tattoos, I'm not a professional? Why does this matter to people so much? Professionalism is defined by your actions, not how you look. I thought we already went through all this in the 60's.

    Um i never said i thought it was unprofessional haha, im all on board with self expression and thinking for success i believe each position job, life, ect has its own set of whats exceptable and whats not. In my experience, however, id say that i try not to show my tattoos as some people still have that mindset i know it would be easier if i didnt have to worry about such silly things as covering my art haha. I mean really i have more important things to worry about then if people share my taste in what art is on my body lol
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    i work in a professional office building and many people have tattoos and cute colored hair. it helps show who we really are. We are still all 100% professional. when i started i worked at the reception desk and more often than not people admired by wrist heart tattoo which is quite big and obvious. it prompts to small talk which is helpful!
  • tinabatinaflc
    i have a full sleeve and 4 large tattoos all over my right leg (among others that are more easily hidden)... it was my choice, and i have to pay the consequences of living in this society - which is to wear long pants and long sleeves in certain atmospheres.

    do i agree with it? absolutely not.
    do i realize i will likely not be able to practice medicine if i don't comply? absolutely.

    people still judge others based on appearance...its all a form of ignorance and prejudice.

    welcome to the united snakes. land of the thief, home of the slave.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    I have 4 tattoos 3 of them are covered though the one on my upper back creeps out now and then and people are ALWAYS surprised to see it...

    I work in a professional office, we have a dress code and SOP, as most companies I think if a company wants to have a certain standar they should include it in their employee manual...otherwise, if you stay within company rules then there should be no problem.

    My personal opinion is tattoos are part of who we are..they show a feeling, a memory, or something else that is repressntative of who we are as a person. Remember that guy with all the tattoos..could end up being a docotr and saving your life....

    I do believe people need to be more accepting especially in the business world....the only thing constant about life is we need to change with it...
  • thecrass
    thecrass Posts: 79 Member
    I have 2 tats, one on my calf and another around my elbow, i work in an office and and when i got the elbow one my manager came over to me and said "awww sweet" and then rolled up his shirt showing he had a full sleeve. its not an issue and i have a government job, even the police are allowed them as long as they are not hateful sectarian or racist ect. ect which i feel is fantastic.

    i just wish i had more spare cash to get lots more but way to many other things to throw my money at :-(
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    I think people should be and are getting to be more relaxed with tattoos. I have a very important business meeting on Thursday that could bump me up to 6 figures and I will be hiding my tattoos for the initial meeting because I want to the focus to be on what I can bring to the table and I don't want him to have any misconceptions about me because I don't know him or his ideals. I have 7 tattoos including a giant owl on my forearm, a peacock across my foot, and some grouplove lyrics from my right shoulder to my collarbone.

    A person's capabilities should speak louder than their tattoos, but for some, there's still a stigma attached. I think it's getting more widely accepted though.

    Agreed, on my initial interview for the bank I covered every tattoo I had so they would just look at me and what I could bring to the company. It was about a year before anyone at work knew I had any tattoos and my manager at the time decided that made me a slacker and bad at my job so I transfered to a new branch. People need to start relaxing their policy on tattoos grabted if I had a tattoo that said F You on my face I could see that being a problem.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    If you own a business, you can make the rules. If one rule is to not show tats, then you, as an employee, must abide by that rule or don't choose to work there.

    Sounds harsh, I know.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I've had 42 piercings, some gaged and 6 tattoos currently. I have no money or I'd have more. Far as work place though, I follow the rules and if that means removing a piercing or putting in a clear bar then I do. All my tats can be covered by a long sleeve shirt. But currently I love my job and my dress code. (I work for myself and wear what I want.)
  • thecrass
    thecrass Posts: 79 Member
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    I have my back, chest both arms, both legs, and my fingers. I also have the cartilage in my left ear gauged and I have both lobes gauged to a 4. I work as a Business 2 Business Inside Sales Rep for a huge company. I have a wife, 3 children, full insurance, a 401k, a great place to live, and a nice car. The tattoo's and piercings I have are just art and body modification. I can be just as professional and intelligent with them as I can without them. I can definitely put on a suit, take out my earrings, and get a haircut if I need to do anything that deserves my most professional appearance but I have been in sales for 15 years and have only felt the need to a few times. I excel in my profession and have made a great amount of money working face to face with people in customer service and sales.

    It's your attitude, demeanor, and the way you hold yourself.

    Not the way you look.

    Maybe some people just need to smile a little more.

  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    I love all of my ink and want to continue getting them. I have 14 of them now, but many of them are all blended together. So, 2 quarter sleeves, back, chest, ankle, wrist, and back of neck are all done. I'm in a professional setting, so no one will be able to see my ink. Even at home, if I was to wear shorts and a t-shirt, you will only be able to see a couple of them. I kind of like it that way!

    Now, I want to finish my sleeve and my wife wants to get one on her rib cage. So, as soon as more finances come in to play, I think that we will get what we both want. I see nothing wrong with them, I don't think that it negatively effects anything in my career, but then again, I don't have any on my face, which I'm sure will be seen negatively here in the office that I work in.

    :drinker: - Cheers

    Edit - one of my funny stories with my ink - I'm a dorky white boy that is pretty much covered... the funny thing with me though, is that I like to help people, one time, this poor older lady was having some issues and I went in to help with some grocery bags she couldn't lift... she grabbed her purse and pretty much ran away from me. I said pretty loudly - I was only trying to help... I'm sure if I didn't have a sleeveless shirt on, she would have thanked me!!
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Mine show- and i'm proud of them! Some people are just too uptight these days- people should be allowed to express themselves...only way I see it being an issue is if the tattoo is an offensive one, other than that... it's 2012- you don't like tattoos, don't get them...but I won't be forced to hide who I am b/c someone else can't come to grips with the way the world is. Times change.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm 40 years old and don't have any tats. I am however for the first time in my life considering getting two of them. One possibly soon, and the other when I reach my goal. As far as placement the one I am getting soon was going to be on my arm (like where a watch would be), but I have decided to move it up my arm, as to be more professional. I am VP of my family's company and work in very expensive houses.

    The second one will be around my ankle.

    I was against getting a tattoo for the longest time, because it is technically against my religion and we were afraid of what our families would say. Now we just don't care... LOL