Whole 30 opinions please

Ok I just read about the Whole 30 and was wondering what your opinion was. I am on the fence and I need a push over:-) I figure I can do anything for 30 days, and it does seem like a great way to get bad stuff out of your diet for a bit.

Have you done the whole 30? How did you overcome struggles?
Did you like the whole 30? How long have you done it?
What are some of your favorite foods?
No booze:-( I will miss my wine:-)
Do you have any ideas, shortcuts, inspiring words! LOL

I need a push over the fence and what better place to get input thn from the great MFP community! Thanks in advance:flowerforyou:


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What is Whole 30? Is it some sort of diet plan?
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I've never heard of it, but judging by your no booze sad face it sounds like it has rules that require you to completely eliminate things. So, judging by that my opinion is that it doesn't sound practical. I say eat more veggies and drink less booze. Not no booze. :)
  • Karena_Juarez
    I've never heard of it, but judging by your no booze sad face it sounds like it has rules that require you to completely eliminate things. So, judging by that my opinion is that it doesn't sound practical. I say eat more veggies and drink less booze. Not no booze. :)

    I agree, I think that a good balance of everything is heathier and easier to maintain. This is a lifestyle change, if you cant see yourself eating that way forever it just a temperary fix. Too many diets require things to be cut out but once the diet is over people gain the original weight back or more.
  • mat0424
    mat0424 Posts: 42 Member
    Yep no wine would make me sad:-) Not a wine-o...well yes I am, but only when I am out with friends usually 2x per week. and of course on weekends with my hubby relazing on the patiuo or out with friends.

    Thanks for the great input. I am in a lull and needed a boost I just thin 30 days is a long time to be that restrictive.

    I love that this forum is available and I appreciate all MFP feedback! Thanks:-)
  • mat0424
    mat0424 Posts: 42 Member
    What is Whole 30? Is it some sort of diet plan?


    clean eating for 30 days. no dairy, no sugar, no wine! LOL
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I've read "It Starts With Food" (the book upon which the Whole 30 thing is based), it's a pretty good read if you tend towards the 'What am I ACTUALLY putting in my body and is it beneficial not just from the weight loss perspective?' kind of thinking (as opposed to the 'Can I get thin eating Pop Tarts as long as they are within my caloric goal?' kind of ting).

    I like my red wine and I tolerate cheese well so I'll never sign up but the principles of avoiding sugar, processed food, grains and legumes I am following.

    There, I made it all the way without mentioning 'Paleo' ... Dagnabbit, there go some people ... ;)
  • LLRider
    LLRider Posts: 65
    I recently read about the Whole30 on Melissa Sevigny's Bog - I breath, I'm Hungry.

    Melissa wrote "the Whole 30 is a 30 day, hardcore Paleo detox that eliminates all sugars (including any artificial sweeteners), processed foods, grains, dairy, legumes, white potatoes, alcohol, sulfites or MSG. Instead I'll be eating unprocessed meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruit (in moderation), and lots of healthy fats from oils, nuts and seeds.

  • mat0424
    mat0424 Posts: 42 Member
    I've read "It Starts With Food" (the book upon which the Whole 30 thing is based), it's a pretty good read if you tend towards the 'What am I ACTUALLY putting in my body and is it beneficial not just from the weight loss perspective?' kind of thinking (as opposed to the 'Can I get thin eating Pop Tarts as long as they are within my caloric goal?' kind of ting).

    I like my red wine and I tolerate cheese well so I'll never sign up but the principles of avoiding sugar, processed food, grains and legumes I am following.

    There, I made it all the way without mentioning 'Paleo' ... Dagnabbit, there go some people ... ;)

    I love this...Thank you so much for the great advise. I am going to go for it. 30 days is 1/12 if a year...I want to see how my body reacts to the NO SUGAR. LOL I love your pop tart reference except mine is wine! LOL I use that theory at least once a week, dinner or I am going out with friends so lets eat low so I can drink my calories that night...I don't think that is what the calorie counting really had in mind! Grear perspective I will use that! Thanks again for your infup:-)
  • mat0424
    mat0424 Posts: 42 Member
    I recently read about the Whole30 on Melissa Sevigny's Bog - I breath, I'm Hungry.

    Melissa wrote "the Whole 30 is a 30 day, hardcore Paleo detox that eliminates all sugars (including any artificial sweeteners), processed foods, grains, dairy, legumes, white potatoes, alcohol, sulfites or MSG. Instead I'll be eating unprocessed meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruit (in moderation), and lots of healthy fats from oils, nuts and seeds.


    Love this site...I have "Pinned" many of her recipes. Now I shall go chek out her site...Thanks so much. I am thinking I can do it for 30 days!
  • fugaj01
    fugaj01 Posts: 171 Member
    i tried whole30 for a week. lol.. baby steps. i love it. i feel so energetic and light and healthy. then i had pizza and smores one night, i never really knew how much that impacted my body before. needless to say, i prefer the way i feel eating the whole30 way. :) go for it.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Read the book and started whole30 yesterday, too early to tell if it works. No dairy, grains, or legumes, like the above poster mentioned, the wine is another story, that will be the true test for me : ) It does take some planning with the food, but like you said it is only 30 days, why not give it a try?
  • fugaj01
    fugaj01 Posts: 171 Member
    oh, and you can add me as friend if you would like more friends that eat this way. my diary is open to my friends.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I like the idea of it but my only concern would be getting enough carbs not to feel sluggish and run down. I have done a similar thing for awhile (4-hr body diet), where you only really get your carbs from veggies, and found that I could definitely feel a drop in my energy levels which were remedied by bringing my carbs up to 75g/day or so. Apparently this so called "carb flu" passes but I was never able to get to that point. Otherwise I think it sounds like a great thing -- and, it's not like you are giving anything up forever, it's only 1 month. Good luck!
  • mat0424
    mat0424 Posts: 42 Member
    I did see sweet potato on the shopping list and I love that with a little cinnamon sprikled on it. of cut up like fries and baked...i will have to get creative:-)
  • lifescircle
    I've read "It Starts With Food" (the book upon which the Whole 30 thing is based), it's a pretty good read if you tend towards the 'What am I ACTUALLY putting in my body and is it beneficial not just from the weight loss perspective?' kind of thinking (as opposed to the 'Can I get thin eating Pop Tarts as long as they are within my caloric goal?' kind of ting).

    I like my red wine and I tolerate cheese well so I'll never sign up but the principles of avoiding sugar, processed food, grains and legumes I am following.

    There, I made it all the way without mentioning 'Paleo' ... Dagnabbit, there go some people ... ;)

    This is what I really like about this site... Oh the knowledge. Thank you for sharing this. I am reading reviews about this book on Amazon and I do believe I will be going out to the store to buy it today. My focus is health and fitness, weight loss is simply a result of that. I've been learning a lot about food over the past year and while I do pay attention to what I eat, none of that packaged stuff (most of the time) I'm still learning.

    Thank you.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Doing it now, I feel great and lost weight too, eating as much as I want and it rocks!
  • jennajocummings
    I had never heard of this until I read your post and after research and reading all the positive responses I am going to try it too. I am recently back on my weight loss journey after losing 80 lbs then gaining it back. Sounds like a great way to detox my body and set it back on the right path. Thanks!
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    I am on Day 13. The first week or so was rough, but I have been feeling really good the past few days. It definitely requires a lot of planning. I do a couple of things which have helped. I spend a bunch of time on weekends cooking and then dividing the food up into meal sized containers. For example yesterday I made Indian Butter Chicken from Everyday Paleo cookbook and Stovetop Pork Carnitas from WellFed. It is SOOOO much easier when the food I make tastes really good. The other thing I do is I have an emergency ration of food for those times I get stuck away from the kitchen. Usually a package of nuts or some fruit. Good Luck.

  • mat0424
    mat0424 Posts: 42 Member
    I had never heard of this until I read your post and after research and reading all the positive responses I am going to try it too. I am recently back on my weight loss journey after losing 80 lbs then gaining it back. Sounds like a great way to detox my body and set it back on the right path. Thanks!

    congrats on the 80lbs!! you look great! I want to be able to say that one day and I am hoping this Whole 30 will give me a little kick start!
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I'm on day 17, and before that I got to day 10 and blew it at the fair :(
    I miss my wine too.. But you can do anything for 30days. I know I've lost weight (hubs mentioned it, and he normally is pretty clueless) and I feel fantastic. It's like a complete reset. Plus, eliminating things for a short time can help you figure out what you can and cannot tolerate. For me, dairy apparently makes me bloated, so when the whole30 is over I'll eat it very rarely now that I know my body isn't 100% happy with it.

    It's worth a try.. It's only 1/12 of the year like you said :)