Problems in the house!



  • EmmaMay93
    Ha, I like your style! My tolerance regarding messiness will definitely decrease! And everything else for that matter. I'm never consulted on anything tht goes on in this house. It's ridiculous. I've just told me boyfriend that he should have stuck up for himself, and for me like he said he would. And he got all stressy and stormed off up stairs - again an example of not sticking up for himself!!! He seems like he just swans through life, care-free!

    who is listed on the lease agreement? if it's just you, your boyfriend, and your friend, it may actually be against the lease agreement to have another person living there, sub-leasing from you. look at your paperwork and if you can, use that to get the girl out of YOUR PLACE! or use it to back out of the lease and just leave the original friend and the new roomie to pay for the rest of the lease term. the new person shouldn't ruin the rest of the year for you.

    or hey, just make her life a living hell. that should get rid of your problem within 2-3 weeks if you do it right. eat all her food. throw out everything she leaves on the kitchen or bathroom counter, throw her stuff out in the hall- if you live in an apartment complex. and while you're at it, make the friend's life hell too. you should've been asked, NOT told a week after the fact. you clearly had a spare bedroom for a reason, you didn't want anyone else in it!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Yes, apparently the landlord is going to write up a contract for her to sign. Formal action before informal, charming. I guess you are all right, I will have to put up with it. I stand by my 'only for a month to find somewhere new' statement though.

    Your boyfriend has already shown that he won't support you on an agreement that the three of you already made.

    I'd say keep the apartment as three people, your (possibly former) boyfriend, his friend, and the new girl. Go find a small one bedroom flat of your own where you can study.

    Your degree is important, and so is your living situation. If the people around you have decided that you have no say in the way you live your life, then find new people who will respect your boundaries.

    Tell the landlord that the new girl is replacing you on the lease, and have her give you your share of the security deposit.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Yes, apparently the landlord is going to write up a contract for her to sign. Formal action before informal, charming. I guess you are all right, I will have to put up with it. I stand by my 'only for a month to find somewhere new' statement though.

    Your boyfriend has already shown that he won't support you on an agreement that the three of you already made.

    I'd say keep the apartment as three people, your (possibly former) boyfriend, his friend, and the new girl. Go find a small one bedroom flat of your own where you can study.

    Your degree is important, and so is your living situation. If the people around you have decided that you have no say in the way you live your life, then find new people who will respect your boundaries.

    Tell the landlord that the new girl is replacing you on the lease, and have her give you your share of the security deposit.

    I agree with this.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    I would tell the landlord I am NOT happy with her being there, and did not agree to it. Therefore, I would want my name removing from the lease, and replacing with her name. I would tell my boyfriend, that I am not prepared to live, and study in that environment...and I am looking for another place to live.

    It is hard enough for any two adult human beings to live in harmony, let alone 4 of them. Especially when it starts of with one of them barging their way in.

    I would hate every minute of going home. Home SHOULD be a sanctuary, not a hostile environment.

    Best of luck
  • EmmaMay93
    I think I will do this. Find somewhere else in time for the start back of uni. You are so right. Thank you!

    I would tell the landlord I am NOT happy with her being there, and did not agree to it. Therefore, I would want my name removing from the lease, and replacing with her name. I would tell my boyfriend, that I am not prepared to live, and study in that environment...and I am looking for another place to live.

    It is hard enough for any two adult human beings to live in harmony, let alone 4 of them. Especially when it starts of with one of them barging their way in.

    I would hate every minute of going home. Home SHOULD be a sanctuary, not a hostile environment.

    Best of luck
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    Yes, apparently the landlord is going to write up a contract for her to sign. Formal action before informal, charming. I guess you are all right, I will have to put up with it. I stand by my 'only for a month to find somewhere new' statement though.

    Your boyfriend has already shown that he won't support you on an agreement that the three of you already made.

    I'd say keep the apartment as three people, your (possibly former) boyfriend, his friend, and the new girl. Go find a small one bedroom flat of your own where you can study.

    Your degree is important, and so is your living situation. If the people around you have decided that you have no say in the way you live your life, then find new people who will respect your boundaries.

    Tell the landlord that the new girl is replacing you on the lease, and have her give you your share of the security deposit.

    I agree with this.

    This is exactly what I was thinking. Just find your own place.
  • EmmaMay93
    I did suggest that, but i was accused of making 'a mountain out of a molehill!' ...
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    All three of us are on the lease, we are all equally in the agreement. Me, my boyfriend and our friend.

    If her name is not on the lease then you have every right to call the police and have her and her stuff removed from the premises. It's called trespassing. Doesn't matter if the other two lease-holders have (or haven't) said she can be there,. If her name is not on the lease, she is not allowed to be there.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    That is exactly why I've chosen to live alone when I move -- well that and I have two dogs.

    You should have a house conversation about what's going to work for everyone and what isn't going to work (i.e., late night parties, having oodles of friends over all the time, etc etc) -- if she [and her boyfriend] can't abide by house rules then tell them to find somewhere else to live. Its you, your boyfriend, and your friend's place -- the 4th person isn't even on the lease so shouldn't really have a say in anything.
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    I did suggest that, but i was accused of making 'a mountain out of a molehill!' ... are not making a mountain out of a molehill.
    Your boyfriend did not stand up for you or himself.
    These other two have found they can divide and conquer you and your b/f.
    Therefore you will be stuck with her face in your face everytime you come home.
    I would find my own apartment (boyfriend NOT invited except visits if you choose) and let that be it.
    I know how hard working for a Psychology degree is, I have my masters. You don't need the stress EVERY SINGLE DAY when you come home.

    Parties? Do you know the people they hang out with? Would be terrible if they were friends with thiefs, people who destroy your apartment, etc. Trust me, when my husband was getting out of the lease (he let the jerk live there by himself and STILL Paid half the rent!! DUH!) with his old roommate we wound up paying MUCH more than we should have because his friend was an idiot and put dogs in the apartment (no pets in the lease), broke light fixtures when drunk. NOte, my husband and I were living in a home together when everything was broken and he didn't think the company would let him out of the lease. So we got screwed out of A LOT of money. My husband wasn't willing to stand up for himself either. He learned that lesson really fast.

    Be careful.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    -checking in-

    how's it going?