Michigan and Missouri Crew



  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    Steph keep it up. it is hard during the holidays but that was one of the reasons to do this now so that we stay good during the holidays. It has been shown that people can gain an average of 5 pounds during the holidyas because of all the parties and good things to eat. If we play our cards right then we will all have lost weight and beat the odds.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    same workout as yesterday and same diet.

    hope the pounds are coming off. cant wait to weigh myself on monday
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    had an ok workout today. Not as long as it should have been. I did 45 uphill on the treadmill than 30 on the eliptical. Did 300 crunches as well. Lighter than my usual workout so i'm going to come home from work and do plyometrics. Tomorrow going to go all out long as i get up for my big workout before weigh in. I plan on the cycle class than swim an hr than stairmaster lvl 13 for an hr to top it off.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    Mike that would be a great monster workout. I will try for 2 hours on sunday before weigh in.

    I worked out today. 1 hour of cardio and 30 minutes of weights.

    2 parties tonight. need to eat well. only had a subway sandwich and a protein bar today.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Oh ya I wanna be ready for weigh-in Monday. I really want to do plyo tonight, but my energy lvl is so-so. I haven't eatten as much as i normally do because I woke up and missed breakfast basically. Just had a protein shake to kick start the metabolism before the gym today. Hopefully I can get up at 8. I need some kind of wake up call or it'll never happen. I'm not a morning person at all. Wonder whos going to have the most improvement this week?
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Well did 2 hours of cardio and some sit-ups. I missed my bike class, but I did do the stair-master and swimming. I'm going to come home and bust out plyometrics and maybe the ab ripper before the weigh in. I'm sure plyometrics is the equivalent as the cycle class or at least it feels like it. Weigh in should be really good. Hope everyone else stayed on task
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    so where is everyone.

    I lost another 2 pounds this week. dont get discouraged if you did not lose as much as last week. that normaly happens in the beginning. I am feeling better and looking better. this morning my abs looked like they might want to show up soon.

    i missed workout on Sunday and Monday. Felt bad but thats the breaks. I ate a couple bad things in the last couple of days. I made it to workout today and the increased food and the couple of days paid off. my cardio was strong, more calories burned on the machines at the same levels. I will up the levels next time.

    Did weights today also.

    All in All it was a good workout day.

    Keep plugging away at it. dont give up. You all are kicking major butt!!!

    I want an update soon and keep working out
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Well Had a bad sunday at work that just shut down my working out for the last two days. Fell off the band wagon and ate all the junk food in the house pretty much. Hopefully this won't kill me for next weigh in. Lost my motivation or something because now i'm having a hard time wanting to go to the gym. Gonna try to do some p90, but if I dont start waking up earlier, I will lose this routine.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    come on mike think of the long run i.e. triathalon and marathon. just keep going to the gym. it is all good. you were killing it. dont stop now.

    I did stepmill today at level 8 and it was easier than last week. I did 30 minutes no problem. I may try for an hour next time. Once i get to an hour on level 8 I start the backpack. That will be cool. I will start with 30 minutes with 25 pounds at level eight.

    I did the bike at level 15 and got 390 calories. thought about doing level 16 but it was right after the step mill. next time when I do bike first I will do level 16 for 30 minutes.

    My goals are once again Mt. Rainier and the sprit triathlon in june with I hope an olympic distance at the end of the season.
  • msulady24
    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Going home this past weekend made it hard to get back on track, but I lost another 3 lbs so I'm down 7 total!!! People at work have been asking me recently if I've lost a lot of weight so thats exciting that its starting to show :) Keep it up Ben, sounds like you're doing great. Mike and I went to the gym last night and swam for an hour and did 30 minutes on the stair climber. Seems like everyone is still seeing results so keep up the great work!!!
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138

    Hope everyone is keeping on track. I think this week has been a little rough since its christmas week. Try to stay strong and keep the rewarding to a minimum. I think I may lose 2lbs this week, but we will see. HOPEFULLY i do not gain a pound. I'll freak out if I do i think haha. Anyhow best of luck to everyone and I will post in the morning my weight. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE and merry christmas.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Steph, Kristin, Ben:

    Man did i kill it this week. I really thought I only lost a pound, but it ended up almost being 5lbs. Thats even after i ate crappy for 2 days. The site made me change my diet profile to recalibrate my newly acquired weight since i've lost over 10lbs. Took about a 100 calories from me, but thats ok. I'm almost the size for the marathon. Now I gotta stick on that p90x hard to tone me out so i can be a mini bruce lee! Hope everyone elses weigh in goes well. GOOD LUCK!
  • manetta33
    Well I'm back. Gained a pound but that not bad for a bad week last. Going into CHRISTMAS, it's all good. :) I hope everyone is doing great. I will read the blogs later taking the boys out right now. They are out of school already. Home for 2 weeks!! It was so nice to sleep in this morning too. But back to work tomorrow. 3am start is rough!!:wink:
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone. Stay strong over the next couple of days. i know I will eat a little bad ove rthe next day but that is good. Kristen that is great. KEEP it UP. and reach that goal.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    It seems everyone has fallen off the band wagon? We need to keep motivated through these holidays and not give up! Realize that its a life change if you wanna lose weight vs just want to fit in a pair of jeans. Lets stay on task and help one another stay on task. Share your dieting secrets or when you are hungry how you avoid consuming a ton of calories. A couple of mine are:

    -edy's popsicle, sugar free fat free that is fruit flavor. They are only 25-30 calories
    -Sugar free gel packs. They come out to 10 calories for one. Might as well say its kool aid
    -I can't believe its not butter spray. You can use a lil spray for zero caolories.
    Green beans and green onions i use inside my mashed potatoes mixed with califlour to act as a corn. Tastes the same to me and everyone knows how picky I am.
    -I use snack bags and prepare foods the day before so i dont get caught up when i am hungry and have to cook something that is going to take awhile.

    As far as working out goes. I usually start out fast and strong and be very disciplined about my diet/workout regiment for the first few weeks because eventually I will burn out or taper off and slow down. But in those few weeks ill do a drastic change where it will keep me on task and want me to continue my workout regiment. I recommend going hard vs. "kind of" doing a workout.

    Steph, Kristin, and Ben. Lets get back in the zone! Triathalon will come sooner than later! We need to be ready.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I am still on the bandwagon

    I am down to 211. that is great, I did 2 1.5 hour cardio workouts this weekend and did p90x chest and back today. plyo for Tuesday.

    I am super pumped. I am on an ICU month for January for I will work 80 plus hours a week and get constant calls at night so my goals are less. i want to lose 5-6 pounds. in the past when I was in the icu I gained weight so if I can still lose 5-6 pounds that would be awesome
  • manetta33
    Hi People. I'm back and doing it this time. It feels good to be back in. I already feeling better. More energy of corse with a little help from Panix Genesig. I have been so tried. Ever with the working out. I think it's my work schedule 3am to 11am is no joke. Mike it sound like you are doing great keep it up. Good luck this month Ben. Sounds like it's going to be ruff. You can do it!:bigsmile:
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I am down to 209

    I started the stepper with a pack today. I could only do 30 minutes then did 30 on the bike. I have done a couple 1.5 hour workouts and they have gone well.

    I will keep trying for 1-2 pound s a week. I will be lucky if I keep it up over the month in the icu but one week in and I have lost a couple pounds.

    Good luck everyone
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Ya i've been fading on the website some. Thats how I am though, normally pretty gung-ho than start to fade. I'm going to get back into entering my calorie intake, but i have a good basis on how many calories i am eatting during a meal. I'm where I want to be now, RACE WEIGHT. Now I just would like to continue to maintain weight. I want that tone body! gonna lift hard and focus on running. I'm going to sign up for a st louis marathon which is hilly. Got 13 weeks which is a short amount of time, but i should be good since i've been doing exercise for a while now. It will be fine. Hoping to run that bad boy under 3 hours but we will see. Everyone needs to get back on board with this so we can maintain or lose weight/body fat.
  • manetta33
    Mike and Ben, You two talked about the px90. Share please where do I get it???? Sounds like something me and Charlie can do!! So spit it!! Thanks.:laugh: