Stay at Home Mom , Confused about Going back to work

I am a 33 Year old Stay at Home Mom .......Well Kinda ! I watch 3 Little Ones during the week to have an Income . My Husband is a Long Haul Trucker. So before I had my son 2.5 Years ago , I worked in Car Sales during the recession and the Chrysler Bankruptcy. I decided that working on 100 % Commission and having 2 kids in daycare was too expensive , so I decided to stay home and watch a few kids to pull my weight and be home with the kids while they are little . I have been home for almost 3 years and I am going CRAZY ! I love my Kids but with my Husband gone all week I feel Stuck ! My Daughter is now in school Full Time and I would only have my son in Daycare . I really really enjoyed working in Car Sales and they have changed so much in 3 years a lot of Dealers are now Salary Plus Commission . The Thing is , whenever I try to talk to my husband about how I feel staying home all the time and wanting to work or take some courses , he tells me to stick it out until Ethan is in school in 2 years ! Some Days are better than others and Yes I like being Home , Yes I like Spending time with the kids , but There is no Me Time, I am never alone , I have kids come at 7 am and my kids go to bed at 930. I am not Unhappy but I am not Happy with myself I used to feel Great about getting dressed up , selling cars and spending quality time with my kids. Now I don't feel like they have the best of me , I loose my patience easy and that can't be good for any of us. I guess I am looking for some advice on work , how to approach my husband , to do car sales...............Help !!


  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I guess I am looking for some advice on work , how to approach my husband , to do car sales...............Help !!

    Just tell him you're not asking for his permission, but you're willing to discuss any issues or concerns he may have regarding it.
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    I agree. Don't ask, tell him that you have to get out of the house.
    I love my daughter, but I'm a happier and better mom being at work.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I would discuss with him why he wants you to stay home for the next 2 years. What exactly will he expect when he starts school, will you only work part time or full time? If he feels that it's important to him that you stay at home with your son for the next two years then maybe you should get a sitter and find some you time. If he has no reasoning as to why he wants you to wait two years, then you could compromise by going back part time at first and then full time...

    I've been a stay at home mom for awhile, at first I too was watching just one extra child and I noticed just doing that was taking a toll on me, so I stopped that and took the loss of that income for my own happiness. I'm so busy now with my kids that I just go out whenever I can to get me time, but as soon as I can fit in a job, either going while they're at school or when I know I can make enough to afford daycare after school, then I plan on jumping on the job wagon. I would like a job eventually. Pretty sure I'd be even more happier.