sleepless in texas

atxdee Posts: 613 Member
anyone else have trouble sleeping? its 4 am here and havent gone to bed. Doc told me if I start exercising more I would for sure be tired at nite and have no trouble sleeping but not true so far, been over 6 months.. and I don't want to start taking sleep aides either. Any tips?



  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    I am on a night shift, so my schedule gets all messed up switching from day shifts and nights all the time. You drink much caffein or eat a lot of protein before bed?
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    no cafeine for sure, hardly ever drink it.. but yes i eat hard boiled eggs as my midnite snack usually so i dont go to bed hungry.. didnt know protein kept u up?
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    Is your mind hard to shut off when you try to sleep? I know that I've had wicked dreams after consuming high protein right before bed.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    yes my mind is hard to turn off
  • OliveCarsey
    What time do you normally get up? Do you nap at all?
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    It could be animal protein.

    I thought I read somewhere that a lot of protein can kick start your brain and hurt sleep. Try changing it up. Cottage cheese, peanut protein might be better.

    You aren't sleeping in super late are you? Are u tired but can't sleep? Or not tired? I took sleepMD once and woke up more tired because I had crazy dreams! I probably ran miles in my bed. I thought I might be a coincidence but tried it again with same results.

    Are you stressed? Maybe you should just take a long hot bath and have some wine? Lol

    Are you "frustrated"? Lol u might try rubbing one out. Lol sorry if u are sensitive.

    Guess there could be lots of things and since I don't know all that much about you.
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member

    A little more. Sort of what I remember reading. Looks like, low fat protein is better witha little bit of complex carbs.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Dont know if this might help. When I cant sleep its usually things whizzing around in my head keeping me awake so I keep a pen and paper at the side of the bed, dont turn on the light but write down whatever is driving me crackers at that point, then you dont have to think about them any more. Doesnt matter if you cant read the note in the morning. Helps a bit. Oh and camomile tea.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    being adhd and finding that my mind never really shuts off ive gotten to the point over the yrs of writing mini stories in my mind while trying to sleep organizes my mind enough that i can fall asleep righting in a journal before bed can also help to tho its never done a thing for me cant keep up with said journal
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep because my mind was racing. Then I discovered melatonin a couple of years ago, and once I started using before bed, all has been perfect. I still wake up in the middle of the night once or twice most nights, but can instantly fall back asleep.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    What time do you normally go to sleep/wake up?? Do you take naps during the day??

    I've found that I have a tough time falling asleep when I've had a nap during the day. I napped on Sunday and couldn't fall asleep until 11PM sunday night --> late for me because I'm up at 4 or 5AM so I'm usually in bed by 8PM
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep because my mind was racing. Then I discovered melatonin a couple of years ago, and once I started using before bed, all has been perfect. I still wake up in the middle of the night once or twice most nights, but can instantly fall back asleep.

    I had same issueas the OP and began taking higher amount of Melatonin, which is actually our sleep hormone. So if you want to try a sleep aid that is more natural and aligned with our normal bodies I would suggest that. I took it for maybe a month and then my sleep patterns went back to normal. Any grocery store that sells vitamins will have it.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    lots of great ideas guys..

    As far as melatonin, I have tried that since its a natural hormone, but I wake up four hours later, soemtimes have nightmares on that. I don't take naps, but I do usually wake up around 10ish. Since I had trouble falling asleep to begin with. So my body just wants to sleep later. But the ideas of writing everything down in my head by the bed sounds good, will def try that..And the tea too. :)
  • waterrabbit1104
    waterrabbit1104 Posts: 9 Member
    I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep because my mind was racing. Then I discovered melatonin a couple of years ago, and once I started using before bed, all has been perfect. I still wake up in the middle of the night once or twice most nights, but can instantly fall back asleep.

    Have you found any adverse effects using melatonin? I go to bed early, like 10 p.m., but i don't fall asleep till 11 p.m., and I end up tired even though I wake up at 7 a.m. already went to a doctor, he blames vitamin d deficiency, but that still doesn't rectify my inability to sleep for an hour.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    the only adverse effects I felt on Melatonin was the nightmares
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    Me too. Wicked dreams! Felt like I had been running in my sleep? Sleeping better?