Weight Watchers vs MyFitnessPal



  • xJeNx_
    xJeNx_ Posts: 1 Member
    It's different for everybody I guess,but I love WW I've lost 35lbs in 3-4 months following the plan to a T! I love MFP as well because they have a lot more nutrition info than WW that I use for tracking.
  • cattraxs
    cattraxs Posts: 47 Member
    It's different for everybody I guess,but I love WW I've lost 35lbs in 3-4 months following the plan to a T! I love MFP as well because they have a lot more nutrition info than WW that I use for tracking.

    Ditto. Have lost 50 lbs on WW since joining in Jan '12. They set me on my journey and headed me down the path of sound judgement, and better choices in weight loss (mind you I attend the weekly meetings and do not participate in their online program). I use their point system in conjuntion with MFP and have surpassed my goal weight loss and am now moving beyond. Whatever works for you; more power to you :flowerforyou:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I didn't find WW helpful. I joined their online program over a year ago but gave up because the Points system didn't work for me. However,. I have a close friend who lost about 25 pounds on WW and swears by it. She still logs in her points. I've tried to get her over to MFP but Ino luck. think she's very comfortable with the WW system.

    I love MFP! It's easier to do than WW, there are a variety of diets, workouts, and members here, and best of all MFP is FREE!! No group meetings. No dreaded weigh in at the start of the meeting. I get supportive friends who can be there for me regularly and vice versa.
  • I have a co-worker friend who has tried WW in the past. I got her to join MFP and she says she likes it so much better. Easier to follow, easier recipe area and best thing its FREE. A few other co-workers have tried to talk her into joing WW again and she refuses. Tells them that MFP is so much better!

    I am totally addicted to this site! I can't get enough of it. I find myself coming on here so many times during the day to see how my MFPFriends are doing on their exercise and food.. And I LOVE the forums! They are great!

    What makes you like this site over www.sparkpeople.com or www.loseit.com? Just curious
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    I think it's great that some people can be successful on WW. But personally I think about WW just like Jenny Craig and all the other "programs"....I shouldn't have to pay anybody any amount of anything to lose weight!!! I joined MFP because it was FREE and simple enough for me to understand and I don't have to pay to eat cardboard to lose weight!!!
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    Isn't it great that there are so many DIFFERENT ways to lose weight, so that DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT needs can all be successful if they follow the plan that works for them?
  • JCulpan
    JCulpan Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been doing well and really enjoying MFP, thanks to a friend at work who has put me onto this.

    My GP has referred me to Weight watchers and I get three months free membership; however I don't have access to their online logging system. It feels like a lot of hard working figuring out the points, but I am going to try WW out for 3 months to see where I get to.
    Right now I am an MFP enthusiast, and somewhat wary of WW!

    I definitely like the size of the database here, and system of logging ( I do it manually). I also like the "cost". WW feels a bit too commercial for my liking, and I am only going because I have been offered it for free.

    cheers for now
  • Lynda177
    Lynda177 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree..I signed up with WW on several occassions only to gain back more weight...you're right...fruit is food and has calories! All I lost was a lot of money in the long run...so now I am trying MFP..my daughter told me about it...she lost 30 lbs...looks and feels terrific! I'm glad to be part of this new group! :smile:
  • Hi! I'm just novice from MFP around 29 days but I already loose 10 lbs! I am Soo happy my friend introduce me to this app! I need someone to help me count my calories intake and it's FREEEE !
  • ratchet2
    ratchet2 Posts: 87 Member
    I joined WW in Oct 2012. I have lost 60 lbs. I am online only (Canada) and I have found the 100+ board to be the best. The members of the board do not judge you, but offer support and suggestions, or just let you vent if need be. This group of people are very open to newcomers.

    I hit a plateau and remembered that I had signed up for MFP a few years ago, but never really committed myself to it and forgot about it. I came back due to the plateau (which lasted 10 months using both systems).

    I like MFP for the breakdown of the macros.
    I currently use WW, MFP and FitBit and I won't be stopping WW due to the support of the board. I am 10 lbs from goal and I feel great and look pretty good.

    I would suggest that you use what works for you. Sometimes you need to use more than 1 program. Take what you need from various programs and tailor your journey just for you. You are the only one who counts and when you find your fit, don't worry about any one else's opinion.
  • firebloom
    firebloom Posts: 109 Member
    I've tried WW three times and have had some success each time but always ended up giving up at about the weight that I'm at currently and then gaining it all back plus more. I found their recipes and advice didn't accommodate different eating habits very well. I'm pescetarian (no meat, only seafood) and I also try to avoid refined sugar and all artificial sweeteners. It was hard to get really on board with the WW program when most of the recipes and discussion focused on meat and desserts loaded with artificial stuff.

    I did quite like the in person support and to replace that, I have recently joined a group in my city on meetup.com that is focused on weight loss and they go for walks together etc. I haven't been to any of the events yet though.
  • mom2nicknat
    mom2nicknat Posts: 56 Member
    I did Weight Watchers - lost 24 pounds and I found it to be very easy and I was losing anywhere from 1 to 1.5 pounds a week.
    I am a lifetime member since I hit my original goal weight but chose to try MFP to lose the last few pounds (I'm currently 5'3, 119 pounds and would like to get to 115).
    I have been doing MFP for about 7 weeks and I lost a few pounds but definitely not having the success that I had on WW. I'm doing MFP in conjunction with a pretty intense workout program - so not sure if I'm adding a lot of muscle and that is keeping me from losing or if something is wrong with my calories in vs. calories burned. Or, potentially my body just doesn't want to lose anymore weight!

    At any rate, I have nothing negative to say about Weight Watchers..
  • jules92761
    jules92761 Posts: 55 Member
    I was happy to see this post! Love all the feedback. I always struggle with "what diet should I do" - what is the "right" diet - and fluctuate between ww and other plans. (Consequently my diet always starts "tomorrow"! :embarassed: ) Like some others have said, I've re-joined ww more times than I can count. I have lost successfully with ww before, but always fell short of hitting my lifetime and then would put the weight back on. So for me it wasn't really a lifestyle change which I think is the key no matter what plan you choose. One thing I struggle with in MFP vs ww is the fruits and veggies. It is nice to have a big salad for lunch and I only have to worry about how many points are in the piece of chicken and the dressing. On MFP I have to figure out how many calories are in my lettuce, shredded carrots, cabbage, etc. So to me it seems like more work. Also the ww app on my phone scans packages and calculates points just as easily as MFP so they seem equal there. My initial goal was to do ww online, which is cheaper than the meetings, until I get closer to goal Then join the meetings and get my lifetime membership. With the lifetime membership your phone app/online tools are free as long as you go weigh in every month and stay within your range. I too have noticed that I can be low in calories - 1,000 or so - and still go above my points. I think in my mind, that was telling me that ww helps me pick better foods based on more than just the calorie count. I only have to look at the points rather than also try to keep track of fiber, fat, carbs, etc. I think it's probably just because I'm so used to ww it's kind of second nature to me. I have both apps on my phone and have been alternating between the two trying to make a decision and a commitment to one! Hearing all the success stories on MFP is so encouraging!! There have been so many people that "re-join" ww so many times you have to wonder how many people really are successful at getting to lifetime and sticking with it. I just want a healthy plan, something that is heart healthy (heart disease runs in my family) and something where I don't have to give up everything I like. You all have convinced me to give MFP another closer look! I also LOVE the fact that MFP syncs with Map my Walk. With ww they want you to buy their activity thing and a whole different paid subscription for it! :mad:
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I have seen so many people on MFP asking about WW. I want to give my opinion, my HUMBLE opinion. Some may disagree, some my agree, and maybe this or some comments help. :)
    1. My mom is 52, 5'0", weighs 150-155. She had been a WW member for 18 months. Since she joined she lost 6 pounds. She paid $54 per pound lost! LOL!!

    2. Her points range is the lowest allowed. I decided to take one of her diary entries and plug it into MFP. She is only eating 800-900 calories per day, and WW says that is correct!! One difference is they don't want you to count fruits and vegetables as points. Okay, that can make up the deficit in points. I just thought you were supposed to track everything that you eat. Heck, 2 bananas is 300 calories! Fruit or not, its calories and calories is the weight loss factor...am I wrong?

    3. If my mother is invited to a dinner, or goes on vacation she comes back up to 3 pounds heavier. I think she is starving herself.

    4. Support! There is none on WW. I think there is a place for that, but no one uses it. To me MFP has replaced Facebook! Not really, but I get so many "good jobs" and "yays". I can't tell much that helps me keep going! I may not know any of my friends personally, but there is a bond there because we are all "fat losers"!!

    My mother paid for my first 3 months, and said she would continue the membership, but I told her to save the money. I wish I could convince her to join MFP! I did try WW for 3 months, so I am speaking from experience, SAVE THE MONEY. I really have nothing good to say about Weight Watchers after joining MyFitnessPal

    I agree with you.

    As a former member, Weight watchers is a good program that does promote healthy long term weight loss but it has become obsolete with nutritional information become more easily available and online calculators like my fitness pal.

    I quite and ultimately come to myfitness pal because

    1. It's free
    2. If I'm going to count calories for life, might as well be calories
    3. I want to track my macros
  • jacksonsoxfan
    jacksonsoxfan Posts: 8 Member
    I have done WW in the past and it worked for me, I was lifetime for many years. However now I choose to not spend money on losing weight and to be self motivating. Any program will work for you if you stick to it. I'm happy with MFP since I've been doing it.
  • Wow! Glad I found this.... I'm actually a current WW meetings member but reconsidering and reading here is raising more points (no WW pun intended) than I even thought of.

    My initial hesitation in continuing is just the cost and as a member on the WW messageboard I started hearing about MFP so googled it and it's FREE so I've signed up for this free account (NOT a trial - it's free)...

    Feeling a bit lost as one always does with something new but it's so true. If you're going to count something for the rest of your life it makes sense to be calories and other macros vs some formula for points. I think I am going to cancel WW and put that $ into savings!!
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    If you need face to face support, try TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly. You get a weekly weigh in, people who trying to lose weight, people who have become KOPS, suggestions to try. The yearly dues is about $36.00. Then you have your monthly dues to cover the rent of the building etc. If you find a group that meets in members homes, you do not have even that.