cant "Face" it

i dont know if it all in my head, but i cant face it anymore,
i am ok looking but my body is a fact of sci-fi movies... it the worst
i total hate looking my self in the mirrow, they only time i think of looking myself in the
mirrow is their brushing my teeth or putting on make-up, its a tiny mirrow, hate feeling like this
and it worst now then i have ever been, stuck in a gear and cant seem to get out, so ashamed and
embarrassing on how my life going on!!!!!


  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I know how you feel that is why I started on this journey because whenever I looked at myself in the mirror (especially naked) I wanted to cry. I always thought I looked great with my hair in a ponytail but one day I looked at my face and I was disgusted.
    I felt so desperate and I felt like there was no way out of it I was stuck I was going to reach 300lbs and I felt like there was nothing I could do.
    Then one day I snaped and thought I have never in my life let anything or anybody keep me down I have always fought for what I wanted I can fight this too and so I started. You have to realize that this is going to be a long process. It's not going to happen over night in one month or even 5.
    Set small goals for yourself. Like 5lbs or I know your on the metric system so 2.28kg (I don't know if that right) in 1 month then once you reach that set another small goal.
    Work out whenever you can and if you have a bad day eating well... that was one day.
    The only way this is going to work is if you want it to and you make it happen.
    I still look like a fertility idol but I'm getting smaller and stronger every day.
    I know you can do it. Everyone has felt this way.
    One step at a time.
  • PulchritudinousLady
    PulchritudinousLady Posts: 66 Member
    I physically began this journey in May, but I have been gearing up for quite some time. That was when I read that weight gain is a symptom of self-hatred. In my lack of confidence I started to hide behind my fat! Eating felt so good, like a drug, and I kept getting bigger and bigger.

    I started really taking care of myself this last year, health-wise. I've seen every doctor possible in order to address different ailments. One was that I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about my mistakes and gaffs, embarrassing moments, and times when I failed, in addition to my gross, chunky body. I read, and talked with my therapist, about different ways of looking at myself differently. Less harshly. I decided to think, "Let me give myself a break. I'm really doing the best I can." Instead of, "I am a wreck and a loser," I thought, "There are many reasons why I'm not giving myself a chance to do better, what are they?"

    So I'm healing -- and I'm losing weight. I see a direct correlation. Everyone has a "can't face it" moment and I have them a lot! But I have to forgive myself and continue to love myself (work out, eat right, sleep enough). It does get better.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I've been over 300 lbs. I gained a LOT in my early teens, so I have horrible stretch marks from both then AND the 80 lbs I gained with my daughter.

    I had an emergency c-section, so I have a scar. I've had 2 laparascopic surgeries since March (both had at least 5 incisions) and I've lost 100 lbs.

    Believe me, I completely understand. I look 'ok' with clothes on..but nekkid..oh my, it's frightening.

    you know what tho? I'll take looking ok with clothes on over being obese ALL THE TIME :)
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I am so sorry you're feeling so badly. I know what you mean. I've felt that way for a very long time. But you're not givng up and that is such a good quality to have. I am here anytime you want to talk. Hang in there.
  • sava624
    sava624 Posts: 19
    I am so sorry you feel in such a bad space....we all get those days and sometimes weeks but I am looking at a picture of a lovely young woman. Like below I have lost big numbers in weight and naked im a ship wreck but in clothes so much better and feel much better.............but........i had to deal with all my negative feelings about my life and stuff going on in my life.........and that freed me and also I use action planning so when those feelings come on....look at why you feel this way...i really wish I cud give you a hug and tell you that you are a wonderful person as I find that behind every face is an inspirational story. Please look at what is going on thats good in your life, the people who are good for you in your life and surround yourself with good things when you are feeling like for embarrased for how life going on........everyone hits a wall like this some stages so please have you a good friend that you could sit down and talk with and share your problems...dont be an island ..reach out and embrace your friends and family that make you feel good about yourself
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Sorry you are in a bad place...but you arent alone. I avoid mirrors like the plague. Especially if I am not dressed. I was over 300 pounds at one point and have been overweight for my entire adult life. I am old, saggy and wrinkly in places a girl shouldnt be. But....I am healthy...and getting healthier everyday. ,,,and so are you :)
  • pljohnson001
    pljohnson001 Posts: 50 Member
    I've been over 300 lbs. I gained a LOT in my early teens, so I have horrible stretch marks from both then AND the 80 lbs I gained with my daughter.

    I had an emergency c-section, so I have a scar. I've had 2 laparascopic surgeries since March (both had at least 5 incisions) and I've lost 100 lbs.

    Believe me, I completely understand. I look 'ok' with clothes on..but nekkid..oh my, it's frightening.

    you know what tho? I'll take looking ok with clothes on over being obese ALL THE TIME :)

    I love this comment. It's a great trade (the health), isn't it.
  • earndien
    earndien Posts: 195 Member
    thanks guys. it feels like the mountain on my shoulder are sliding off