not enough calories?

I just started with the MFP app last week. After going through the set up it gave me 1200 calories as my goal (which i have found out to not be even enough for one meal a day that I usually eat!!). so far i have had several days that I ended between 900-1050. Each time it tells me at the end of the day that I am not eating enough calories and that I need to look at eating a minimum of 1200 a day. I am confused... I thought it is telling me not to eat more than 1200 ... but then it is telling me to eat at least 1200?

Anyone come accross this before?


  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    do you have it set for losing more than 1 lb a week? are you exercising at all? you should be eating AT LEAST 1200 calories a week BUT if you have it set to lose too much per week it will ask you to eat the minimum. Either rethink your goals, or start being daily active to increase your NET allowance so that you can eat more than 1200 within the allowances you have.
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    if ur supposed to eat at least 1200 u need to eat at least 1200. 900 or 1050 is not meeting ur 1200 goal. 900 is 300 cals short from 1200!!!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    The program gives you a calorie deficit so you will lose weight. 3500 calorie deficit = 1 pound loss. SOOO. depending on what you set your goal as (1 pound per week loss or 1/2 pound loss per week) will determine what your calorie deficit is. 1/2 pound per week is 1750 calorie deficit, 1 pound is 3500 calorie deficit PER WEEK Therfore 3500 / 7 = 500 calorie per DAY deficit.

    So the program already has you at a daily deficit so you will lose weight. If you eat significantly less than that, you body can actually slow down your metabolism and make it more difficult for you to lose weight. Does that make sense?
  • 1200 calories is the recommended minimum. If you exercise you can eat more to recovered the burned calories.
  • Jerms234
    Jerms234 Posts: 7 Member
    I have it set to loose 2 lbs a week. So far i went for the exercising 1 time for about 20 min it said I had burned about 100 calories.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I just started with the MFP app last week. After going through the set up it gave me 1200 calories as my goal (which i have found out to not be even enough for one meal a day that I usually eat!!). so far i have had several days that I ended between 900-1050. Each time it tells me at the end of the day that I am not eating enough calories and that I need to look at eating a minimum of 1200 a day. I am confused... I thought it is telling me not to eat more than 1200 ... but then it is telling me to eat at least 1200?

    Anyone come accross this before?

    What's your height and weight?
  • Jerms234
    Jerms234 Posts: 7 Member
    Okay, so I should eat more than the 1200 calories. Got it...for some reason it looked to me like it was saying that I couldnt go over 1200 calories.

    Thanks everyone!
  • Jerms234
    Jerms234 Posts: 7 Member
    5 ft and 138 lbs. I just started on friday...
  • KatieFaye03
    KatieFaye03 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been doing this for a couple of weeks, and I try my best to eat 3 meals a day as well. I also throw in lots of snacks! your meals should not be 400 cals each. That is way to much, and you'd have to do so much cardio just to keep it off. Trust me. Also, don't "Drink" your calories! Make sure you are drinking tons of water.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    The best thing is to use the Basal Metabolic Rate calculator under the "Tools" tab and then set your calories at that number. Your body will adapt very quickly to a low calorie diet, then you will be more likely to gain the weight back if you do not eat your BMR in calories every day. Hope this helps! Good luck with your journey.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    5 ft and 138 lbs. I just started on friday...

    2lbs loss a week is pretty high for you as you don't have much to lose, set your goal to 1lb per week ;) or 0.5 lb even better.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    I have it set to loose 2 lbs a week. So far i went for the exercising 1 time for about 20 min it said I had burned about 100 calories.

    If it set you to 1200, you're trying to lose too fast for your current weight.
    Play with it more- change it to lose 1lb a week or even .5lb a week. You and your body will both be happier.
  • Jerms234
    Jerms234 Posts: 7 Member
    :):) I really wanted to get to 110 ASAP... I know this doesnt sound like much but I only gained this weight in the last yr or 2 and just want to bring it down again.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    :):) I really wanted to get to 110 ASAP... I know this doesnt sound like much but I only gained this weight in the last yr or 2 and just want to bring it down again.

    Not eating enough will make you feel sluggish and eventually you'll be hungry and end up craving for more. You need adjust your diet as well. Under My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom, lower your carbs as MFP sets them pretty high compared to proteins and fats. You can go with %40 carbs, %30 protein, %30 fats or %30-%40-%30 etc but definitely do increase protein intake as it will keep you full longer. Increase it to 70 grams first if you find it hard to change your food habits and gradually increase it.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    BTW if you are having trouble with the 1200, try 1500 for a week or two until your appetite starts slowing down, then it will be easier to cut, and easier for you to stick with. Shock and Awe is a military maneuver, not a way to diet.
  • Jerms234
    Jerms234 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone!!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yes, at least 1200:) Also, if you exercise, it is important you eat more. Some people eat all their exercise calories back and some eat part and some eat none. If you eat none of your calories back you are going under 1200 which isn't recommended.

    Once you get in a routine of eating at least 1200, and if you don't lose a lb in a couple of weeks of diligence, you might want to try the Eat More to Weigh Less info. Most of these gals set their own numbers(customize)and they are more about building your body(while of course losing fat)and not paying a whole lot of attention to the scales. I like the group and plan to re-work my numbers in another week. For now, I am just focused on sticking with the numbers I have since I fooled around for weeks and didn't get anywhere. I kept changing my numbers, taking in too much info at one time in other words. "Oh, maybe I should try this, no this, no that, yeah, this" LOL!! I was a basket case;)

    I just started with the MFP app last week. After going through the set up it gave me 1200 calories as my goal (which i have found out to not be even enough for one meal a day that I usually eat!!). so far i have had several days that I ended between 900-1050. Each time it tells me at the end of the day that I am not eating enough calories and that I need to look at eating a minimum of 1200 a day. I am confused... I thought it is telling me not to eat more than 1200 ... but then it is telling me to eat at least 1200?

    Anyone come accross this before?