~10 lbs @ a Time Challenge 2010!!~



  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to the group mimi
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks Megan!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    I am feeling a little lazy today but I am aware that I weigh in tomorrow and I am trying not "order out" since I have boarded the lazy train...LMAO!

    I will be ok I just need to get my but in gear and make dinner once I actually start it will not seem like such a problem!!

    How is everyone??? How did you make it through Friday night? I think someone mentioned it was Wing night. Does everyone had a "night" that they eat something not so good. I actually do not do that, I have "one meal", whenever I have a hankering for something I will get the "better" version or make it myself, I try not to go over calories when I do. I think if I was to give myself a whole night it could be something that bled over into the next day.

    I dont know, how do you guys look at the craving situation???
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I've learned the hard way that if I have a "craving" for something then I give in right away and have it. Not a lot of it but I have it. In the past I use to fight that urge and would eat a bunch of "good for you stuff" to try to get over the craving ... and then after all the snacking on the good for you stuff I ended up binging on the thing I "craved" in the first place. Now it's controlled ... if I "crave" a piece of chocolate cake I'll get myself a tiny slice of it and the craving is over and done with. Well at least that's what I found works for me.
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    May I join you guys? I love the idea of mini goals. I will weigh in on Monday and use that as my "starting" point for the ten pound challenge.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to the group missyjane
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Sunday Check in
    1/10/09 232.4

    1/10/10 226.4

    I lost 6lbs!!! Good luck all
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    This is an excellent idea and I'd love to jump on board.

    I'm not sure I can do 10lbs a month (I avg about 6lb/mo.), so I'm aiming for 10lbs every 1.5 months!

    Starting weight on 1/1/10 - 210.2 (Current 207.4 :) )
    2/15/10 - 202.2
    4/1/10 - 190.2
    5/15/10 - 180.2
    7/1/10 - 170.2
    8/1/10 - 165 - GOAL WEIGHT!!
  • holly122677
    My weigh in

    sw 172
    current weight 166

    Lost 6 whole pounds this week WOOOHOO. Getting close to my goal of 162 by Feb 1 :flowerforyou:
  • DiDislosingit
    I did great last week, that is until the weekend:mad: I could not stop with the snacking. At least I tried to make it a healthy munch away. Some fruit and then I spotted a box of Nilla Wafers. It was downhill from there. I'll weigh in tomorrow & see how bad the damage was :sad:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    sorry i have not posted in a couple of days...stressful week :(, and TOM payed me a visit...I am trying to get back on..making it a routine...
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    My win this morning: 223, so I'm aiming for 213 by Feb 11. My ultimate goal is 140 but I'll just take it a month at a time right now.
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Hey everyone - great work on the past week! & for those of you who didn't lose . . . just by posting here and keeping motivated is awesome!

    I was pleasantly surprised to be down a pound this past week. 9 more to go for the month of January. I've ramped up my exercise and have tried to come up with a daily meal plan . . it helps me to know what I'm 'supposed' to eat for the day. I'm okay with repetition if it means staying within certain calories.

    My biggest problem is that I work from home . . which means I have access to food all day, everyday. Ugh. I have to get better at no snacking :mad:

    Keep it up everyone for the next week!
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    I would like to join! I am a 10 lb at a time kinda gal. That is what keeps me motivated is the little goals that lead up to the big one! I am yo-yo'ing between 160 - 158 right now. So my next goal is to be 150.

    My birthday is March 4th, which is 7 weeks from now and I'd really like to be down at least 10 lbs.

    Good luck everyone!
  • tcaldsimon
    Hi Everyone -
    I do am extremely proud of myself. I feel like I'm finally taking weight loss seriously. I started this last Monday at the same time that I started a boot camp workout program and also the South Beach diet. Phase 1 of SB is a pain but it's true to form. I strictly followed the rules, gave up anything white and worked out 5 times last week. All I drank was H20 and a limit of 2 cups of coffee a day. The hardest day last week for me was Saturday night. I went to the bar with friends to watch NFL. As everyone sat and ate wings and fried food, I had a salad. As everyone drank beer I had water. And do you know what, I actually still had fun. It's true that you can be social and go out and still maintain your diet. So, I have no idea how it happened, other than I think it was a complete shock to my system to be doing so much "good stuff" all at once but in a matter of 1 week I've gone from 167 to 160. I'm eating right, 3 meals a day with 2 snacks, and I'm working out. I just need to keep this "high" up, because right now I feel amazing!!
    Weigh in Day 160
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    WELCOME ALL THE NEWBIES....congrats on taking the steps to help yourselves. This is a great group!

    Heather- I love your positive attitude ! You go girl!

    Ashethbellana- great goals..just stick to it !

    Okay so this week was tough I am trying to fight this cold that wants to attack:yawn: but I forced myself back into the gym on Sunday. And tonight have to take the kids to eye appoints so I am planning on doing the Shred 30 and Cardio Max videos to get something in. I may also go walk at lunch.

    So weighing in-
    since very begining
    SW: 259
    CW: 206.8
    lose of 52.2 lbs
    since this challenge
    lose of 2.2 lbs

    I am trying to break that 200 mark this month - cmon 199...I can do this! :happy:

    Have a great week folks! Oh, something cool I did do this weekend I made zucchini noodles to eat with my spaghetti - they where yummy and easy to make. I have some for lunch today :bigsmile:
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Cheshire -- how did you make the zucchini noodles? Are they just "ribbons" of zucchini or is there more to it? sounds yummy!

    tcaldsimon - Great job on SB. I did that a few years ago but kept getting mind blowingly horrid headaches so couldn't stick with it! But I do love the SB recipes and still use them today. The turkey chili is super yum!
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Nothing fancy - just cut up the zucchini as thin as possible and bolied in water with a little olive oil and I salted them once I pulled them out. Just watch thgem because if you over boil they dissolve. Good luck :)
  • nevertoolate
    I would also like to join the 10lbs at a time challenge! I lost 30 lbs after retiring and kept it off for three years. In the summer/fall, I put on 10lbs while feeding lots of company who all announce that because "they're on vacation" they want to eat junk food. Since our house is the place to be for friends and family, I've got to figure out how to stand up to that pressure and insist on serving healthier food (or at least making sure that I have my food prepared first!). If it's not too late, I'd like to join starting today and planning on taking off the first ten pounds by Feb 11!

    I'm starting at 190.

    P.S. I've also never utilized a message board of any sort in my entire life so I hope I'm doing this correctly!

    Good luck to all!
  • tcaldsimon
    Cheshire -- how did you make the zucchini noodles? Are they just "ribbons" of zucchini or is there more to it? sounds yummy!

    tcaldsimon - Great job on SB. I did that a few years ago but kept getting mind blowingly horrid headaches so couldn't stick with it! But I do love the SB recipes and still use them today. The turkey chili is super yum!

    I actually made the Turkey Chili last night! :) It was delicious!!:happy: