Any Adults Who Are Living At Home???



  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I think you need to believe that you will be fine. Just make the commitment and move. You did it once you can do it again, this time will be better.
  • I'm already 33, single, have a job & still living with my parents but in my case since I came from 2 family oriented culture & don't live in the US so this is something to do with the culture though I also want to live by myself. Anyhow I don't see anything wrong with kids living on their own.
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 24, I live in a duplex that my parents own. My boyfriend and I got lucky that my parents let us stay in the other side or the place for next to nothing, 250$ a month, all utilities included. I've always been lucky in the sense that my parents make sure I can have my space and distance while still maintaining a good relationship with them.

    I wish you well and there is NOTHING wrong with being at home to safe for your future, you're only 33, you aren't 50. Just make sure you are focusing on saving money for what you want in your future. The only way I stick to a budget and saving money is to write everything out monthly and stick to cash while throwing the rest into our savings account.

    Just make your time at home count so your future is what you want it to be.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Owning a home is a lot more than just a down payment, let me say from experience!!

    I would suggest that maybe owning a home isnt the best thing for you but I dont know your true situation. Renting is NOT a bad thing!

    Also, if living with your parents is affecting your mood and outlook on life, its time to move out whether its into a house or not.

    I cant even tell you how happy I got once I left. Sure it was nice not to have rent but mentally and emotionally it was brutal. Moving out may have saved my life.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    I'm 24 and I'm still at home.
    You are not alone.
    Many, if not all my friends from college still live at home with their parents.

    I'm still at home because I live in NY so rent is not affordable on my salary.
    I only work part time (actively looking for another job).

    I do help my mother out with expenses though, so it's not like I'm squatting, even though I feel like I am sometimes.
    She is working on putting me on the deed though.

    ETA: Majority of the people that I work with are always complaining about struggling to pay the rent & I wouldn't want to be in that position.
  • txcaveman
    txcaveman Posts: 167 Member
    My situation:

    Married with a kid. Work is HARD! I have no free time to just do what I want... And my entire paycheck goes to paying bills. I can't even save very much money for expensive things like a bigger house, new car, or vacations.

    Did I say In order to just survive I've got to work A LOT! It's wearing me out.

    So, how did you do it... I mean convince your parents to let you move back home? I may give it a shot.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    If you've been living with your parents for a couple of years without paying rent, you should easily have saved $1000 - $1500 a month. By now you should have at least $24,000 for a downpayment.

    If you're unable to save $1000 a month, then I don't see you ever moving out because owning a home cost $1000+ per month (incl property taxes, utilities etc).

    If you're going to continue living there, at least pay your parents a decent rent, they deserve it.

    Depends on where a person lives. Here in Michigan you can buy a house for anywhere from $26000-$100000 the average house in a nice neighborhood $85000
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    SOOOOO not alone! I was in a relationship that ended. During that relationship I was living at his house, went back to school and had to put things on credit cards while I was in school. Got out of school, started working, broke up with no real money to get an apt so parents offered me my grandmother's place to allow me to save up and pay off all of my debt. I am SO greatful to them for that. Another two years or so and everything will be paid off. So I don't LIVE with them, but they are paying the utilities and such for me and I'm also in my yes, it sucks and can be a blow to the ole ego...but I'd rather deal with THAT then claim bankruptcy or struggle with barely paying rent, loans, insurance (car AND health), CCs, food, gas, utilities, cable, Internet, blah blah blah. I do have a full time job, but it's by commission and isn't predictable.
  • My adult children are 28, 26 and 25... The 26 year old and her husband and two kids lived with us for 5 1/2 year saving up for a home of their own. Most of the time my daughter was going to college to get her degree. Last September after graduating in December, they moved out when they purchased their own home. I absolutely loved being able to have my grandchildren so close and seeing them as they grew. I know it was hard on them not having their own place, but they had the entire upper floor to themselves.. still not a lot of privacy though.

    We were empty nesters for about 4 months when the 28 year old moved home from out of state. He has been with us since January and not only is a great help around the house, he is helping us to finish landscaping the back yard. He is really anxious to get out on his own again, but knows it's not smart to leave until he can support himself without going into debt.

    I think you are really smart to save to buy your own place and be ahead of the game before you leave again. Good luck !!!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    If you've been living with your parents for a couple of years without paying rent, you should easily have saved $1000 - $1500 a month. By now you should have at least $24,000 for a downpayment.

    If you're unable to save $1000 a month, then I don't see you ever moving out because owning a home cost $1000+ per month (incl property taxes, utilities etc).

    If you're going to continue living there, at least pay your parents a decent rent, they deserve it.

    Depends on where a person lives. Here in Michigan you can buy a house for anywhere from $26000-$100000 the average house in a nice neighborhood $85000
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    good for you OP for saving up for your future while you stay with your parents. it must be frustrating at times, but i'm sure the benefits outweigh the inconveniences.

    I'd give anything to be able to move in with my Mom, chill out with her, talk, shop, cook and i'm 47.

    I miss her so.


    good luck OP don't forget to tell them you love them :wink:
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    well I have been on my own since age 16 and now with 3 kids am a single mom....I dont have a choice just do it and I actually dont make alot. Personally I can't imagine living at home with parents if I could afford a place. When I first lived on my own without room mates I made 7.50 per hr....
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I lived at home for the first 30 years of my life (minus a year and a half for college). I moved out last September with my then fiance (now husband). I was struggling financially, and my parents were more than happy to let me stay with them until I sorted myself out.

    There is nothing wrong with it, so long as you don't take advantage of the situation. By the sounds of it, you are saving up for your own place and you are also helping out with expenses which is totally fine. Life happens and it is great that your parents are helping you out by letting you stay there.

    I had my moments of frustration living at me. At the end of the day, I was grateful for the love and support they gave me. It is difficult living at your parents at that age, but it won't be forever and once you leave, you will probably miss it some days. I sure do. Then again, I now live in a different country and have gone from seeing my mom and dad every day to talking to them on the phone for 30-40 minutes once or twice a week! I had it pretty good!
  • TrishaMarie13
    TrishaMarie13 Posts: 12 Member
    You're not alone. I'm currently living with my parents after spending 2 years in San Francisco on my own. It's difficult. Good luck!
  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    Andreamkelly... My hat's of to you. You are a wonderful mother and an awesome grandma! :flowerforyou:
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    i had my own place up till this past january....i was let go from a horrible job, and my mother had gotten extremely ill to the point she may have gone into a home....i didn't want that to happen, i moved home and i am her full time caretaker as well as executor to the estate...i am also a full time student (again, i guess i like school), so being able to work as her caretaker, go to school, have a part time job and be near family isn't so bad. it could be worse, my mother could have go to a home or was that bad.
  • elly85
    elly85 Posts: 3 Member
    You are definitely NOT alone, as all the previous comments have stated. And oddly, I find comfort in this post myself. I'm 27 and I live with my parents. So does my sister for that matter. After I graduated university and I went over seas for a few years, came back, had a **** time finding a job (still can't land a job for the life of me) and currently residing with my parents. I help out as much as I can though since I have a good amount saved up and I help out with their business (small business owners).

    I'm debating over going back to school and such. This is just life. We all hit peaks and valleys and everything in between is a struggle. I mean, trying to lose weight is hard enough, you know?
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 28 and I never moved out. Why? About the time I was ready I lost my job, went to college, had no money, and frankly it was just bad timing all around. Do not be bummped or upset that you are living at home. It's a GREAT way to save money.

    To the people who say to move out: It isn't the answer. Don't you think I would have, or the op, would have moved out already? Sometimes, its just easier to live at home.

    I come from a mostly german family. Most Germans don't ever move out but stay in the same house for all their life. That's the facts of life.

    My parents help me and I help them. (While we get into arguements about me not helping enough.) I do what I love to do and I save so, someday, I can buy myself a house.

    While at home I saved to buy a new car. Got the car.

    I hold down a job...

    That being said, op I know it's hard. I want my own space too at times but don't worry, it will get better. Enjoy it while you can.

    Frankly, I would rather live at home and save then move out..

    Op don't give up. Keep saving. You will get there one day.
  • mminor77
    mminor77 Posts: 313
    To the OP, Im 35 and have an 18mo that was born with a lot of medical probs. Her father decided that family life wasnt for him. He didnt want to deal with a sick kid and it interfered with his dating life. He drove us from IL to FL and dumped us on my parents doorstep. I lived with them for a few months and am now in a condo less than a mile from them while they look for a bigger house closer to other family members to accommodate all of us since their current house is too small. I am not working because of my baby but am taking online courses to finish my degree so I can afford any medical care that she may need. I will be working when we move closer to other family because I will have more help with my daughter but Im not sure if I will ever live on my own again unless she is much better. Life throws you a lot of curve balls and you gotta do the best you can with what your dealt.
  • I love my mom! I'm never gonna move out!