Fat and 42 and ready to start to change it.



  • taty8289
    I am 43 and feeling the same way as all of you have mentioned, frumpy and tired. Seeing that I am not alone in my feelings makes me want to work harder. I also see that it is one day at a time and I need to set realistic goals rather than overwhelming myself and setting myself up for failure. Thanks to all the great posts and helpful suggestions. Good luck to all of you.
  • grandmasthebest
    your story sounds so similar to mine. I hae taken care of everyone in my family i have lost 6 family members in a total of 1 year and the day of my brothers funeral my daughter 11 years old at the time just stopped breathing thank god my husband did CPR and brought her back to life. My problem isnt eating to much its that i dont eat eough and my body goes into starvation mode. I have wrapped a year in a half around my daughter and cant sleep or eat i need to find something quick and easy to grab for breakfast i need to consume 1700 calories aday i would love t have a friend to help me keep on track! I'm excited to hear from you soon!
  • pbunny37
    pbunny37 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new and also in my 40's I just started weight watchers and then my niece told me about this site. I figured I'll long into both to see what they both tell me. Either way I want to lose 180lbs.
  • wtbsn
    wtbsn Posts: 2
    Hey, I'm right with you. I' m 42 and obese. Your story sound just like mine. I've tried so many times to lose weight. I'm always so up and down. I've been on this program for 10 days and I'm really enjoying it. If you need any encouragement let me know. I'm like you I feel funny putting it all out there, but it does seem to help. Good luck!!
  • Dyetcoke1
    Dyetcoke1 Posts: 54 Member
    First, to add friend, touch or click profile picture then you will see add friend button. My advice is to set a goal for 5 pounds. Then Google "photo of five pound of fat". Everytime you lose five, look at that picture. Or if you are creative, make playdough (only 3 ingedients plus yellow food coloring, and use the picture to make a model of it, into any shape, like a small person. As you add playdough pounds every time u lose 5, you will never get discouraged. Crazy but look up the picture, you will see...
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    First, to add friend, touch or click profile picture then you will see add friend button. My advice is to set a goal for 5 pounds. Then Google "photo of five pound of fat". Everytime you lose five, look at that picture. Or if you are creative, make playdough (only 3 ingedients plus yellow food coloring, and use the picture to make a model of it, into any shape, like a small person. As you add playdough pounds every time u lose 5, you will never get discouraged. Crazy but look up the picture, you will see...

    that is a great idea! I can fill a garbage bag full of yellow play dough. I can then donate it to a school or create a sculpture for the local museum of art. :laugh: Really, that is a great visual to see the accomplishment. Someone on MFP told me also to think of 1 lb of fat loss is equiv. to 4 sticks of butter. Thats a good one too. So far I have lost 76 sticks of butter and I do not miss it one bit!

    I am 42 as well and want and need too create a new leaner sculpture of myself.
  • slimfitin40s
    I can't tell you how much it means to me to realize I am not in this boat alone. It is kind of you all to share your stories. Grandma, I'm so glad your hubby can do cpr. Hugs!

    Thanks for all the instructions! I am finally learning to navigate the site!
  • ChelleA1234
    Hello I am 40 years old and feel like I am literally 60 with how my body aches! I just had a baby boy almost 8 months ago and since then my health has gotten even worse after my c-section and I am now having blood pressure issues and know that in order to begin to feel better I must lose weight. I want to lost at the very least 50 pounds. I am hoping to do this diligently and seriously need to but I lose motivation so easily with a new baby and all (btw he is our only child)

    Baby boy is starting to crawl so mommy needs to be healthy enough to chase him down! From what I am finding online all I really need to do to lose the weight is be consistent and watch my calories and even just walk...I am hoping so. I have many physical ailments like damage knee and herniated discs so going to the gym is not an option for me.

    So at the very least I can say that I honestly know how you feel and I know how hard it is to admit we need to lose weight...but this is a start and we can do this together, please feel free to add me and let's support and encourage one another to lose this awful weight and be healthier! by no means do I think I can be a size 6 even but I would love to just be able to lift my legs and move without getting winded and sweat! Any and all advice and support everyone can give would be greatly appreciated
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I'm 55 this year and started to change my life around 3 yrs ago, a lot because of what you are experiencing now, You can do it. x
  • slimfitin40s
    Thanks for sharing Chelle! You'll be zipping around before you know it :)

    Ribena, congrats on all your success!!!