Help! I need some motivation boost!

My fire to lose weight is reducing since I amnot seeing any changes in my body. Please help me before I completely stop. I don't want that to happen. Please share your before & after pics. Body transformation in 3-4months. Share your story when you felt low & what kept you going. Anything & everything that will keep me & many others like me on track.

Thank you.


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    (I also answered with this at the success group.) I would advise you to begin using weights, if you aren't already. You WILL see a change in your body as you tone your muscles. These muscles will also help burn calories.
  • 4months2beingthin
    (I also answered with this at the success group.) I would advise you to begin using weights, if you aren't already. You WILL see a change in your body as you tone your muscles. These muscles will also help burn calories.

    I haven't been using weights.. only brisk walking. How many lbs should I start with?
  • Clpursell
    Have you started tracking your body measurements? some times the scale is not showing you everything that is going on...I have found that there are times and periods when the weight loss on the scale is not show the inches lost on the body! Take your measurements for starting point NOW and then again every month.
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    I would start ANY type of structured program - DVDs, c25k, anything! It will give you focus, a goal (finishing!) and definitely results! Oh....and then read your profile pic...everyday :smile: you can do it!

    Edit: I've completed 3 Jillian Michael's DVDs and am on my 4th. Have lost 36 lbs. and 24 inches, endured a 2 month plateau, kept 'at it' and am losing again. Patience and faith! :smile:
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    I agree with SwissMiss, weights, I use weights 2-3/week and alternating days a cardio workout. Weights are huge, I see definition in my arms for sure, especially the biceps even though I'd prefer to see it in the triceps but those are tougher to define but I am starting to see it there. My legs are so much stronger and definitely more toned from my elliptical/walking workouts. Stay with it, it has taken me since February to see results and feel good, definitely takes time and patience. I have gone down one pant size and I am thrilled. I found a site "", look at her body, she is all about weights and step work, but keep in mind she's been at it all her life. Checking out her site inspired me to start on the weights. GOOD LUCK AND think positive!! You can do it.
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    I haven't been using weights.. only brisk walking. How many lbs should I start with?

    Start out slow, 3 to 5 pounds, you will feel sore in the beginning, be sure to stretch after workout. Google some beginning strength workouts. Livestrong, WebMD, are good sites to check out. You are on your way....!
  • smilam90
    Hang in there and don't give up now! Whenever I am feeling like you are now, I go to my favorite subreddit, They always have success stories with pictures and that is just what I need to get back on track.

    Good luck :)
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Remember that this journey is something you will start alone......if you are hell fire bent on success know that the person to your left and to your right will fail.............You have to accept this and keep moving forward........You are all the support system that you need because you hold all the cards.........if you don't go workout its nobody's fault but your own that you didn't pull your big *kitten* off the couch and get it done!!!! In this journey there is no room for excuses......If you are like me I have spent a great deal of my life making them and regreting them. Its nice that people support what you are doing but know this.........a lot of them will talk **** about you when you walk away...........not because of what you are doing its because of what they are not doing! So that is the alone it and know it WILL happen and when it does rejoice because you will know you are going in the right direction! A lifestyle change............its time to make some tough decisions.........I know there where a lot of people in my life that never made my life any easier..........These are the people that rolled there eyes when I said I can't go here or there because I was on a diet and needed to stay focused or told them I needed to go to the gym..........These are the people that now ask me OMG what are you doing to loss the weight............Inside I just smile knowing even if I told them what I have done to loss this much weight they will never really do anything with that information. A lot of these people I had to cut loose because there lifestyle was not condusive to will have to make a choice at some point about this..........some more drastic than others.........Knowing that if I have friends with the same goals and lifestyles in mind then my lifestyle change doesn't seem like a change anymore it seems normal. So to sum all this up: Misery loves company................and it is a lonely place at the top!!!!!!!! So find as many people as you can to hang out with you up there!!!!!

    My fire to lose weight is reducing since I amnot seeing any changes in my body. Please help me before I completely stop. I don't want that to happen. Please share your before & after pics. Body transformation in 3-4months. Share your story when you felt low & what kept you going. Anything & everything that will keep me & many others like me on track.

    Thank you.
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    This is a good one to watch if you need some motivation :

    My fire to lose weight is reducing since I amnot seeing any changes in my body. Please help me before I completely stop. I don't want that to happen. Please share your before & after pics. Body transformation in 3-4months. Share your story when you felt low & what kept you going. Anything & everything that will keep me & many others like me on track.

    Thank you.
  • 4months2beingthin
    Thank you all for replying..