Looking for friends to keep me motivated

Hi, i've been logging my food for a week now on MFP and thinks it's great. I have lost 3lbs so far but have a really long way to go and could do with some friends who can be strong with me and keep me motivated.
Looking forward to meeting you all.


  • cemithballstar
    cemithballstar Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm Christina and I was using MFP on and off now I'm really into using it! I'll add you if that's ok! Good luck!
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi there and welcome. This place is sooooo addictive :smile: Feel free to add me
  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    Add me as a friend. I'll be glad to be here for you and would love the support too. I added the ap to my iphone and keep track of my foods and exercises all day long. It is fun to have those around to help motivate and stick by your side through this all. I have about 70-80 lbs to lose and all the help I can get is a great motivator.
  • sroysw
    sroysw Posts: 1
    Hi I am new to this website as well as still learning how technology works. I am excited about the site and on my third day of keeping track of my food intake.
  • Hello, I'm new too. This site is quite fun so far...Best Wishes!
  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I've been using this program for quite a while now and having mixed results, but through my own fault, I'll admit. I think I'm finally getting on track. I also need motivation, so when I figure out how to add you as a friend, I will. Or you can add me. Have no clue how to do that! I'm from Ontario, Canada, have 2 children and 2 step-children and I'm 49. Where are you from? See my profile for more info. If you think you can relate to my situation, go fo it!
  • meg3456
    meg3456 Posts: 10
    Hi I started today I have a large amount of weight to loose and was told by my nutrtionist to join this site because it is excellant. I need support because it is difficult but I will do ti this time. I need to get healthy. Have to take one meal at a time.
  • Hi there! I just started my fitness and health journey
    You can read more about me in my profile. Feel free to add!
  • Brwnsugar_80
    Brwnsugar_80 Posts: 25 Member
    Looking for some support buddies as I start my weight loss journey!
  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Wow, I am humbled by you all. You have much further to go than I have. I applaud you all!
  • meg3456
    meg3456 Posts: 10
    hi I am new and looking for friends for support ,