trying it one more time

HI! my name is Caitlin!
I go to school full time, and work close to full time.
I feel like I don't have much time for exercise, but i walk more than a mile a day while at work.
I consistently weighed 135- 140 from the time i was a 6th grader till my senior year of high school
Then I got a job working at a restaurant after my full time job, and I gained almost 40lbs while employed there.
I am trying to watch what I eat, and I recently bought a Wii Fit, which works wonders, I'm hoping that using My Fitness Pal, on my iPhone will help me!
If you have any advice don't be afraid to fill me in
Thanks :happy:


  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
  • _Alicyn_
    _Alicyn_ Posts: 10 Member
    my advise is to keep eating our yummy salads and to take tucky on walks a bunch!! and no movie popcorn!!
  • cminter007
    okay... sounds like a good plan... but walks for mr.tucker consist of walking to the stop sign right next to my house and back his little teeny legs do not need much to get him exercise! lol but deal on the no popcorn!
  • cassieohlaa
    hey i'm also a full time college student with a very similar history and weight loss goal. good luck with everything. maybe we can be support buddies :smile:
  • cminter007
    Support buddies are always a good thing!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Sounds like you need to get a stroller for Mr. Tucker! :bigsmile:
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Welcome back + good for you for not giving up. I would love to get a Wii Fit too. Heard they are lots of fun.