Changing my lifestyle, not on a diet!

Hi everyone. I am a 49 year old determined not to live another year as a chubby woman! We have totally changed our eating habits. It was a slow process. But now we are eating only whole mostly organic foods. Also, we've made exercise a priority. Trying to add fun healthy walks, hiking, biking and horseback riding into our weekends.

And yes, I've been on a diet off and on most of my life. But something is different this time. I am determined to get down to my goal weight and feel the best I can feel. Not depriving myself. Once a week I can have a few bites of something I am missing. But I've given up sugar totally! I really feel that is my downfall, so I won't even try it. Yes, I am a former chocoholic!!!


  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome to the board. I too changed to whole foods two weeks ago and have lost 10 pounds. I don't have cravings, and I eat until I am full. feel free to friend me if you would like.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I've been changing the way I eat myself. I didn't ever think I ate that badly, but after logging my food I realized how much I ate. I'm a CURRENT chocoholic though. I've found that if I forbid myself from eating sweets, the more I want them and the more likely I am to slip up and overdo it. I keep some dark chocolate in my desk at work. Satisfies the craving and dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate. :)
  • krb67MI
    krb67MI Posts: 8
    I'm 44 years old (almost 45; in September). And I'm a grandma of two beautiful boys, and work full time. However, I've been exercising regularly since January 3rd; at least three times a week, mostly strength training, but working on adding more cardio into my workout. In fact, in the past four weeks, I've been working on making my strangth-training work outs cardio workouts too by doing one thing right after another without a break in between, keeping my heart-rate up thoughout the workout.

    I know I will lose more weight as I add more cardio so that's my goal now. Get that added in NOW before winter hits here in Michigan. Gotta get into some good habits now. But if I add more cardio and adjust my diet, I'm sure I'll make the progress I want to see.

    Keep up the good work, and never give up. Don't let anything get in your way. I read on a post yesterday that you will accomplish what you want to accomplish depending on how badly you want to accomplish it. So, it's up to you and you alone. I try to remember that I control if/when I get any exercise in a day and I control what I put in my mouth. If I wait until evening to get any exercise, I usually don't. So, it's time to get up earlier EVERY DAY; not just M/W/F. I HAVE CONTROL of that. Those are two of the only things we have control of in our lives and they are the things we let go and don't try to be accountable for.

    So, Keep the control you have and never give up! It IS a lifestyle change; it's not temporary. If it is temporary, you're wasting your time. keep it up my dear!

  • melitta155
    melitta155 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on giving up sugar! Check out Lindt 90% chocolate...extremely low in sugar and super yummy for a treat