Weekend over - eating!

Ok, so it's Friday again and I just KNOW I will over eat during the entire weekend starting on tonight!! This is really the hardest part of it all.. I meet with friends and family and it's all " muching programs". When going out, I usually try to choose the restaurant making sure I have healthy options.. the thing is.. how can I stop myself from eating so much when others do? If they all ask for an entree... I got to have my entree, or at least share... and of course, there's dessert.. there's no way Im skipping that or going for a nespresso. Im always consistent during the week, and Im sure I gain it all back in these 3 days! How can I focus on keeping it to only " 1 cheat day" and not 3? HELP. !


  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I have had the same problem for the last three weekends. Lost the same 3-4 pounds again and again. My plan is to do what I've been doing during the week. Make good choices. Drink more water. Move more. LOG EVERYTHING. I'm ready for the weekend, and I'm going to beat this plateau!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    This is ME 100%. Have you read about zigzagging calories?? Whatever your daily goal is, multiply it by 7, to get the weekly goal. Mon-Thursday, cut the goal by whatever you can work with (obviously not TOO much- I am set at 1500, so when I zig zag I aim for 1200) Lets say for the 4 days, you cut out 300 calories each day…that is 900 extra calories for your Fri-Sat-Sun romp. I have been working the calorie counting and exercising for a year or two now, and have come to the determination that I JUST LIKE TO EAT ON FRIDAY NIGHT, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY!! The zig zag method seem like a good way to manipulate your way into eating more on the weekend w/o gaining weight.

    I posted a question like this before and was bombarded with the ‘control yourself’ ‘just don’t do it’ ‘everything in moderation’ and other mean comments, and all I have to say about that is *I control myself all week……. *I want to do it, because it is how I socialize, and it makes me happy! *and I am sorry, but one bite of desert just isn’t going to do it for me 

    Oh, also, I am not sure your workout regimen, but I also work out every day, but on the weekends I decided I like eating more than my beauty sleep, so I get up early and put my all into an extra workout those mornings to ward off my guilt!
  • zimmmmms
    zimmmmms Posts: 13 Member
    This has been my problem for months and it's such a bummer! Lately I've been exercising more during the week and over the weekend, so far that's the only solution I can find (that, or become a hermit! no thanks). I read something once that said weekends allow the opportunity to overeat, but they also allow the opportunity to be more physical and exercise more too, so take advantage of that. But I'd like some suggestions too.......
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm really not trying to be rude- honest its the last thing I want you to think I am - but if you don't make some sacrifices then you are not going to see results! If this is every weekend then you are not showing self discipline - let the rest of them get fat with their starters and desserts and you sit back and enjoy. Have something to eat before you go out, skip starter (or ask for a side salad), healthy main and no dessert - take a treat that you know is going to be ok for your diet with you, have it when you leave the resturant :)
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    What I have been doing is eating at the most only 1/2 of the entree. I ask for a take home container when they bring the food so I can stick to this. Otherwise I'd just eat more than 1/2 or all of it. As far as desert, I myself have had to give that up or at the most steal one bite of my husbands. I had a bad weekend last weekend and it's just not worth it for all the work we put in during the week! Plus by Monday I felt like crap!
  • veronica2124
    Exaaacctlyyy! I cant control myself when I meet for dinner with friends on Fridays, lunch with my dad on Sat, dinner with friends again on Sat. night.. and so on.. Plus I do enjoy it!!! Your zig zagging method seems something I could try!! great idea!! thanks! :)
  • veronica2124
    This is ME 100%. Have you read about zigzagging calories?? Whatever your daily goal is, multiply it by 7, to get the weekly goal. Mon-Thursday, cut the goal by whatever you can work with (obviously not TOO much- I am set at 1500, so when I zig zag I aim for 1200) Lets say for the 4 days, you cut out 300 calories each day…that is 900 extra calories for your Fri-Sat-Sun romp. I have been working the calorie counting and exercising for a year or two now, and have come to the determination that I JUST LIKE TO EAT ON FRIDAY NIGHT, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY!! The zig zag method seem like a good way to manipulate your way into eating more on the weekend w/o gaining weight.

    I posted a question like this before and was bombarded with the ‘control yourself’ ‘just don’t do it’ ‘everything in moderation’ and other mean comments, and all I have to say about that is *I control myself all week……. *I want to do it, because it is how I socialize, and it makes me happy! *and I am sorry, but one bite of desert just isn’t going to do it for me 

    Oh, also, I am not sure your workout regimen, but I also work out every day, but on the weekends I decided I like eating more than my beauty sleep, so I get up early and put my all into an extra workout those mornings to ward off my guilt!

    Exaaacctlyyy! I cant control myself when I meet for dinner with friends on Fridays, lunch with my dad on Sat, dinner with friends again on Sat. night.. and so on.. Plus I do enjoy it!!! Your zig zagging method seems something I could try!! great idea!! thanks! :)
  • slobkat
    slobkat Posts: 15 Member
    I'm really not trying to be rude- honest its the last thing I want you to think I am - but if you don't make some sacrifices then you are not going to see results! If this is every weekend then you are not showing self discipline - let the rest of them get fat with their starters and desserts and you sit back and enjoy. Have something to eat before you go out, skip starter (or ask for a side salad), healthy main and no dessert - take a treat that you know is going to be ok for your diet with you, have it when you leave the resturant :)

    pretty much what i came to say!! i know it seems hard at first but it's really, really not. if you really want to lose weight you will find a way to make these things not be a problem :)
  • SickSkilz
    I have the same problem as my weekday goal is unrealistic for the weekend. Here is how I manage it:

    First, I am much more physically active on the weekend aside from not working. My weekday calories burned without workout is 2270. So on the weekend I give myself a bit mroe and just try to stay under 2400. I also eat a light breakfast and lunch, knowing int he evening I will eat more. Doing this keeps me at the point where I start monday where I left off Friday, whioch is all I can hope for.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I'm really not trying to be rude- honest its the last thing I want you to think I am - but if you don't make some sacrifices then you are not going to see results! If this is every weekend then you are not showing self discipline - let the rest of them get fat with their starters and desserts and you sit back and enjoy. Have something to eat before you go out, skip starter (or ask for a side salad), healthy main and no dessert - take a treat that you know is going to be ok for your diet with you, have it when you leave the resturant :)

    pretty much what i came to say!! i know it seems hard at first but it's really, really not. if you really want to lose weight you will find a way to make these things not be a problem :)

    I third what they said.
    You just have to make the change. If that means packing your meal or eating before you go to dinner (INSTEAD of eating while at dinner) then so be it. There's nothing stating that you HAVE to eat out on the weekends. If you really want to lose weight and see results you have to make the changes/sacrifices.
  • krb67MI
    krb67MI Posts: 8
    I think the "zig-zag" method may be the answer here! That and make sure to get some extra cardio in over the weekend to cover any extra calories you take in. Track your food and your cardio and try to make it work.

    There isn't much in our lives that we control. But what we eat and how active we are, those we do have control of. The outcome depends on how bad you want it. While I'm not saying "don't eat out", or telling you to be completely "self-disciplined", what I am saying is that it always requires some self-discipline. REQUIRES it. you have to have balance in everything you do.

    How bad do you want it?

  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    I'm really not trying to be rude- honest its the last thing I want you to think I am - but if you don't make some sacrifices then you are not going to see results! If this is every weekend then you are not showing self discipline - let the rest of them get fat with their starters and desserts and you sit back and enjoy. Have something to eat before you go out, skip starter (or ask for a side salad), healthy main and no dessert - take a treat that you know is going to be ok for your diet with you, have it when you leave the resturant :)

    pretty much what i came to say!! i know it seems hard at first but it's really, really not. if you really want to lose weight you will find a way to make these things not be a problem :)

    I third what they said.
    You just have to make the change. If that means packing your meal or eating before you go to dinner (INSTEAD of eating while at dinner) then so be it. There's nothing stating that you HAVE to eat out on the weekends. If you really want to lose weight and see results you have to make the changes/sacrifices.

    I fourth what you said. Don't let instant gratification and short term satisfaction derail you from your long term goal. When you sit down to eat, think about yourself in your current condition, wearing a bikini, while eating whatever you are thinking about ordering. Would it gross you out? If so...it is too easy. Don't eat the ****. :-)