Green Coffee Bean Extract?

Has anyone tried the green coffee bean extract that supposedly Dr. Oz recommended on his tv show?

Just curious if anyone on HERE has tried it, as opposed to the probably "paid" people who say how great it worked for them.

Thanks in advance,


  • ltconner
    ltconner Posts: 4 Member
    I know they are selling a new thing at Starbucks which has Green Coffee Bean Extract in it called "Refreshers". They are good but unfortunately they have a ton of sugar in them (OF COURSE).

    I honestly would just stick with plain old coffee, without sugar. There has been scientifically proven benefits that coffee drinkers live longer and are less likely to get diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

    I hope this helps! : )
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    thanks. :)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    i just started taking it yesterday and most likely it's a coincidence but I'm down a pound today from yesterday. I'm starting it now while I'm not dieting or exercising because I wanted to see if the pill on it's own really does anything. Once school starts for my kids in two weeks I'm going to be starting Insanity again and watching my diet. For now I'm just playing around with the pills to see what happens... :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I did, prob the best money i've ever spent ever. Very strong placebo effect from them
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    i just started taking it yesterday and most likely it's a coincidence but I'm down a pound today from yesterday. I'm starting it now while I'm not dieting or exercising because I wanted to see if the pill on it's own really does anything. Once school starts for my kids in two weeks I'm going to be starting Insanity again and watching my diet. For now I'm just playing around with the pills to see what happens... :)

    bumping this because I'd like to be able to come back and remind you to give us info on your results! :)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    i just started taking it yesterday and most likely it's a coincidence but I'm down a pound today from yesterday. I'm starting it now while I'm not dieting or exercising because I wanted to see if the pill on it's own really does anything. Once school starts for my kids in two weeks I'm going to be starting Insanity again and watching my diet. For now I'm just playing around with the pills to see what happens... :)

    bumping this because I'd like to be able to come back and remind you to give us info on your results! :)

    Ha! Will do! :) I'm not holding my breath but if they work it would be awesome. I do notice more energy taking them which is great (I've got three small kids to tend to so I can use all the energy I can I'll at least finish out this bottle and see what I think at that point.
  • akw1989
    akw1989 Posts: 9
  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I did, prob the best money i've ever spent ever. Very strong placebo effect from them

    Be careful. I heard that too much placebo can cause blindness and impotence.
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    I just started taking it, so we'll see what happens.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    So far so good. I wasn't being very good at taking it when I first started but as of last Monday I have taken it as directed only I am doing it three times a day (before every meal) instead of two. I still am not exercising but I have started logging my food again. I'm not starving myself by any means but trying to stay around 1500 calories most days and other than that just taking the pills. So, far I'm down just about 5 pounds in a week. Hoping it continues!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    A week in I can say that I no longer really feel the energy boost I felt at first but what it does for me is controls my hunger. Before I'd be starving right before lunch and often make bad decisions and then in the afternoon and late evening I'd be all about snacking but now that has been wiped away. I have a small cereal bar for breakfast and when lunch rolls around I'm hungry and can eat but I could also wait and be fine. Then even a light lunch tends to fill me up really heavily for hours. I rarely need an afternoon snack now and if I do a piece of fruit is more than enough. And dinner seems to be the same thing. No more after dinner cravings and making bad decisions. I'm full until bed and just have a cup of tea. I'm sure this is at least partly (if not totally) responsible for the 5 pound loss but even if all the pills do is control my eating I'll take it.
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    Well, I started taking it Saturday, and I lost like 3.5 pounds between today and saturday. I did NOT work out, and I think I ate pizza twice!

    I worked out for 2 weeks straight, didn't lose a pound, or an inch. I took these for a few days, just did normal activities, grocery shopping, walking, etc. and lost 3.5. Could be coincidence, but I have two bottles, we'll take the rest and see if loss continues. So far so good.

    I did and still do feel just a twinge of energy....but I think mostly the energy's come from working out and just being more active the last few weeks...but even a little boost is a welcomed boost. :smile:
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    After reading this feed I am interested. Where do you purchase this extract??
  • How much and how often do you take it?
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    If Dr. Oz endorses it, avoid it. Although I gotta say, I tried this coffee berry juice drink the other day and it was delicious. Now, to make some roasted coffee bean extract.
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    I got mine from Must be "PURE" no other ingredients, and must have 50% cholorgenic acid....according to dr. oz show, anything else, doesn't work and is just crap you don't need.
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    I take two (800 mg) before breakfast (30 min. before meal w/ 8 oz glass of water), and two more (800 mg) before Lunch, but I hear others take two before every meal. I started out slow, only taking two when I woke up at first, and then increased after a couple days.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Magic pills!!! Sign me up....and here I was being silly by eating healthy and exercising!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I got mine from Must be "PURE" no other ingredients, and must have 50% cholorgenic acid....according to dr. oz show, anything else, doesn't work and is just crap you don't need.

    So naturally we should see people who drink lots of light roast coffee slimmer then those who drink dark roast due to the differences in chlorogenic acids, correct?