What should I eat after burning 3000+ calories?

It's my day off today and I plan to bike the whole 26mi trail that goes in/around my town. It takes me about five hours of 4-20mph biking and it seems like it would burn 3000calories.

So.... what would be best to eat besides a protein filled breakfast and some cliff bars? I'm more conscious about exercise calories now but I don't just want to drop in some Crunchwrap supremes or papa murphy's pizza.

Any advice from people who burn lots of cals in the day?


  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    Don't eat it all AFTER your ride. Have a good filling breakfast (Carbs are important to give you the energy) and carry some snacks with you that include carbs and protein. After your run, have a nice meal that includes protein, healthy fats and good carbs, how about a nice mexican dish with tons of beans, salsa and guacamole :)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    cold meat in your bag
    pasta with protein and veges a few hours before ( if you eat it)
    trail mix - dark choc, dried fruit and nuts ( be careful and weigh portions it's easy to munch)
    ans as recomneded by Graeme Obree, a man famous for his no-nonsense approach to training to discover' for the first time, his special mixture of fluid and carbs - water and jam sandwiches

    smoothies to refuel

    hope this helps
  • Thank you for the ideas. One of the major probs I have with exercising more than just biking to work is that I really don't think I can afford the extra food so I only do this every once in a while.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    beer :drinker:
  • I burned around 2800 calories yesterday on a 18 mile Mt. Bike ride, during the ride I ate around 800 calories from protein bars and banana's, after the the ride it was all BBQ Chicken, Salad and low Cal Beer. :) Felt great the next day.
  • nejaustin
    nejaustin Posts: 76 Member
    It sounds like a fantastic ride. I would double check the calories burned. 3000 seams like a lot for 26 miles of biking. If you are only doing this occasionally I would just have a good (non stomach upsetting) breakfast, pb&J or trail mix on ride. Chocolate mile (or almond milk) is good for recovery within a half hour or so after. Then maybe just a little more food at your next meal.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    beer :drinker:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's my day off today and I plan to bike the whole 26mi trail that goes in/around my town. It takes me about five hours of 4-20mph biking and it seems like it would burn 3000calories.

    So.... what would be best to eat besides a protein filled breakfast and some cliff bars? I'm more conscious about exercise calories now but I don't just want to drop in some Crunchwrap supremes or papa murphy's pizza.

    Any advice from people who burn lots of cals in the day?

    Everything . . . just hit your macros along the way.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    EVERYTHING!!!! :bigsmile:

    Dammit someone beat me to it :grumble:
  • It sounds like a fantastic ride. I would double check the calories burned. 3000 seams like a lot for 26 miles of biking.

    I second this. I guess it is possible, but I only burn about 100 cals/mile running, I would burn a good bit less per mile biking. I am pretty fit though, but I just want to make sure you don't end up eating back too many exercise calories and negating some of that hard work. If you have access to a HRM, you should wear it until you get a better feeling for the number of calories you burn per mile or per hour biking.
  • It's my day off today and I plan to bike the whole 26mi trail that goes in/around my town. It takes me about five hours of 4-20mph biking and it seems like it would burn 3000calories.

    So.... what would be best to eat besides a protein filled breakfast and some cliff bars? I'm more conscious about exercise calories now but I don't just want to drop in some Crunchwrap supremes or papa murphy's pizza.

    Any advice from people who burn lots of cals in the day?

    3000 calories? That's freaking awesome!!! My weekend 22 mile bike ride nets at 1450 calories under 2 hours. I find it hard to eat when biking and I just drink water, lots of it.

    Besides your breakfast, just continue with your regular meals throughout the day. Add whey protein to recover from the soreness. You'll be fine. Have fun.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I would eat 4lbs of chicken breasts with veggies and whole milk... (dead serious)
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I would double check the calories burned. 3000 seams like a lot for 26 miles of biking.

    Do you wear a heart rate monitor? I find that MFP's calories burned calculations are much, much higher than what was actually burned.

    But in all seriousness, eat a good, healthy meal before you head out. Carbs and protein are your best bets (as everyone else has said). Make sure to take along something with protein to keep you full and help rebuild muscles as you go. And LOTS of water!
  • Keep in mind that Papa Murphy's is ok. Just get one of their delite pizzas. They're a lot healthier.
  • I actually think now that the cals lost are at about 2000 or less. Most of the trail is through woods and is hilly so sometimes it's slow going.

    I decided to make a meal of pasta, chicken, roasted red pepper, mushrooms, onions, olive oil, and spices. I'll just up the cals slightly, bring a pb&j and a cliff bar, and have some leftover potato and cabbage pie for dinner.

    Thanks everyone for the input!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Spread it out over two or three days. :)

    Also, expect that you may not be very hungry after burning all those calories, an additional benefit to spreading it out.