Wheat and Dairy Free

Jalyn77 Posts: 45 Member
Hey MFP friends!

I am about to venture out, again... on a gluten and dairy free diet. I did a food sensitivity test with my naturopathic doctor almost a year ago because I struggle with digestion (constipation and severe bloating) and migraines. The test showed that I am sensitive to wheat, all dairy, eggs, bananas, and almonds. I did a strict diet for a few months and saw a lot of great results including less bloating, going to the bathroom almost daily, and way less migraines. During that time my husband and my son also got the test done and we all had sensitivities to manage, but somewhat different from each other. Before getting to my point, I'd like to mention that we all have had tremendous success by removing foods, with symptoms subsiding such as itchy skin, eczema, diarrhea, constant fatigue, weak immune system - getting sick all the time, sinus problems, etc.

Anyway, as you can imagine it became very difficult to manage all of our diets and I started adding foods back in without testing them one at a time. Needless to say, I need to do this all over again. I don't have as much motivation this time, but I'm tired of seeing weight loss all over my body except for my stomach. It gets severely bloated by night time and I look about 5 or 6 months pregnant. The crazy thing is I'm at my lowest weight in years! My guess is that it's mostly from wheat because I hardly eat any dairy, eggs, etc.

I'm curious to know if any of you have gone through this. I'd love to hear your stories. Do you take any supplements? I've been taking a digestive enzyme and apple cider vinegar which both seem to help a lot. Do you have any favorite recipes to share?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

P.S. Hit me up if you want to be friends.


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member

    You sound like me. I suffer from IBS, asthma and migrane. I avoid dairy (not eggs) due to asthma and IBS, bananas, potatoes and all grains due to bloating, painful trapped gas, and constipation and alcohol, dark chocolate, and lots of sugary things due to migranes. Stress also is a major factor for me too.

    The adverse effects from eating badly are pretty bad, so that tends to keep me on the straight & narrow. (says me who is munching fancy chocolates right now to celebrate passing an exam! )
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Our family deals with the same type of thing, and though it requires a lot of work, it can be done. In our family we have allergies/intolerances to gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, meat and eggs. Most of those are me, some are the kids. I'm vegan, my oldest daughter is vegetarian. And I cook one meal a night that works for everyone, though we all just eat the parts that we can have/want. My husband is the only one that eats everything.

    It is a lot of work to keep everyone eating what they should and shouldn't be eating, but is worth it for everyone to be healthy.

    A lot of those intolerances are mine, as well as having Celiac. I have only been gluten free for 2 weeks but I already feel so much better, my nails are strong and growing for the first time in years, i have more energy, I'm less irritable, and the swelling in my stomach is starting to go down, and I"m on medication to control it, but the chronic diarrhea that they have passed off as both IBS and "dumping syndrome" after having my gall bladder out seems to be better. I won't know for sure until I go off my meds though.

    I take a lot of supplements. Calcium, B12, physillium husk, a probiotic, iron, and a multi vitamin.
  • Jalyn77
    Jalyn77 Posts: 45 Member

    You sound like me. I suffer from IBS, asthma and migrane. I avoid dairy (not eggs) due to asthma and IBS, bananas, potatoes and all grains due to bloating, painful trapped gas, and constipation and alcohol, dark chocolate, and lots of sugary things due to migranes. Stress also is a major factor for me too.

    The adverse effects from eating badly are pretty bad, so that tends to keep me on the straight & narrow. (says me who is munching fancy chocolates right now to celebrate passing an exam! )

    I'm sorry to hear about your syptoms! Did you get a food sensitivity test done, or did you just figure it out?
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I have Celiac so I'm completely wheat and gluten free. I've gotten into a habit of making lots of things, like bread, right at home. Honestly, most of the time you can't tell a difference and everyone seems to enjoy it. My mom has Celiac so they tested me pretty good. We did blood, food sensitivity tests, they had me eat gluten for two weeks (I thought I was going to die) and then back off for two weeks. It was crazy. But once we figured it out, it's been smooth sailing.
  • karrielarrie
    My partner is celiac and vegetarian and I am vegan. We keep our home gluten free, because she is very sensitive. I have had a lot of luck converting vegan recipes to be gluten free. Some are naturally gluten free, and none have dairy or eggs.

    I like the recipes from happyherbivore.com. One of our favorites is chickpea tacos.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I can certainly relate to your challenges. I have been slacking a little bit and need to get back on track. I am gluten free, dairy free, and soy free and coconut free. It can be hard to always be dairy free as I like foods with cheese or butter.

    However I know that the first month I was off all dairy and gluten (before I found out about the soy) I went down 2 pant sizes because my stomach was so bloated. I could actually sleep better and I do the vinegar and honey in the morning. It helps so much. If I drink coffee I add mollasses and that helps with my sugar cravings. It also adds some of the minerals in that I need and am often deficient in.

    I have found my favorite flour mixture is Mamas Almond Flour, but you can try the coconut flour mixture as well.
  • skinnybefore
    I started a gluten free diet a little over a week ago to help with acid reflux, and I couldn't believe how much better I felt overall, within the first few days! Not cured, but I feel healthier.

    I can relate to the bloating... it's awful! Since getting rid of the gluten, I really noticed a reduction in the swelling in my feet, hands and face. It's amazing! I'm hoping to see the bloating diminish soon.

    Hope you see success!
  • Jalyn77
    Jalyn77 Posts: 45 Member
    My partner is celiac and vegetarian and I am vegan. We keep our home gluten free, because she is very sensitive. I have had a lot of luck converting vegan recipes to be gluten free. Some are naturally gluten free, and none have dairy or eggs.

    I like the recipes from happyherbivore.com. One of our favorites is chickpea tacos.

    Thanks for the suggestion for happyherbivore.com! I'm excited to try some of those recipes!!!
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I am on a GFCF diet. It is going GREAT. The only time I get Casein (dairy) is when my wife makes eggs since she MUST use butter (family tradition she refuses to give up), but other than that I haven't felt better my whole life!

    Milk - Almond Milk (or for women, Soy Milk for the Estrogenic effect)
    Cheese - Gone (substitutes have empty calories)
    Sour Cream - Gone (substitutes have empty calories)
    Ice Cream - Frozen Greek Yogurt (Protein burst and low cal but very filling)

    I eat absolutely NO grains except Corn and Rice. Not even things that were processed with it.

    I find I eat a lot of produce and fresh fish. I'm constantly under 1200 calories (but feeling very nourished).
  • Jalyn77
    Jalyn77 Posts: 45 Member
    I am on a GFCF diet. It is going GREAT. The only time I get Casein (dairy) is when my wife makes eggs since she MUST use butter (family tradition she refuses to give up), but other than that I haven't felt better my whole life!

    Milk - Almond Milk (or for women, Soy Milk for the Estrogenic effect)
    Cheese - Gone (substitutes have empty calories)
    Sour Cream - Gone (substitutes have empty calories)
    Ice Cream - Frozen Greek Yogurt (Protein burst and low cal but very filling)

    I eat absolutely NO grains except Corn and Rice. Not even things that were processed with it.

    I find I eat a lot of produce and fresh fish. I'm constantly under 1200 calories (but feeling very nourished).

    The frozen greek yogurt doesn't have caesin?
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    I created a new group for people following a wheat and dairy free diet. Feel free to join http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/12949-wheat-and-dairy-free-diet
  • jsmith1352
    I have just started to try to be wheat free. There is a book called Wheat Belly that my sister-in-law has recommended to me. Also, I have done the Advocare 24-day challenge, and during the cleanse phase, you can't have wheat or dairy. They give you lots of recipes though, to help you get through it. They have a great probiotic that is actually recommended by Dr. Oz to contain exactly what it says: https://www.advocare.com/12061145. Check them out!

    I make chilli a lot, with ground turkey. This seems to be a good wheat free meal. You can garnish with avocado if you are missing the coolness of cheese in your chilli. Good luck!
  • mathlovingrunner
    mathlovingrunner Posts: 9 Member
    I am new to GF/DF and trying to find a good bread receipt. My son doesn't like the store bought GF bread.

    All of the receipts I am finding seem to have really werd stuff and I am not talking about the flour. (I already have at least 7 different types.)

    Anyone have a good recipe? I am making the bread to please an 11 year old boy that HAD to go GF/DF and is not happy about it. So I want white fluffy soft bread so he will think he has died and gone to GF heaven. (I NEVER use to let them have white bread before going GF so it would be a real treat.)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I'm both and i love it.Check out my diary if you're interested!
  • Fit_French
    Fit_French Posts: 134 Member
    Im also grain free and dairy free (mostly), I do eat eggs, but ever since I stopped eating dairy and grains I have no stomach bloat! At all! I swear I look at least 5lbs slimmer just because of that! Love it :)