Are you 50+ year olds with 50+ to lose - please help!

Looking for people around my own age facing the same type of battle as I am. I'm a 51 year old wife, mom, and administrative assistant in a school district who needs to lose at least 60 lbs. So far I'm down 8 lbs. since I started on June 18th, at least after the 4th I hope I still am. I would like to have a group of friends to rely on that are in about the same place I am in this journey. I appreciate all the help and support of all those who have been there and done that - but the beginning of this journey is so hard and it is not so easy to get in to the mind set of doing exactly what it took each successful person to get to where they are right now. I want some one to whine and complain to that can say I know exactly what you are talking about and am feeling exactly the same right now. I hope that makes sense. Looking forward to making some new friends.. :flowerforyou:


  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I've played with the same 10 to 15 lbs since losing 30 lbs 4 years ago. There's a barrier I just can't seem to get past. I do fine during periods of less stress and more free time for exercising, planning and cooking, but then fall into bad habits during busy, busy times. I sent you a friend request. Maybe we can get through it together.
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    I am a 53 year old wife, mom, and grandmother. Since March ihave lost 45 pounds with another 40 to go. Feel free to friend me. You are doing great so far with your weight loss. I know how tough it is once you get over the 50 mark to lose the weight. It seems like you have to work a lot harder at it.
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    Yay! I have found 50 year olds with 50 lb loss needed! Anyone out there that wants to help encourage and be encouraged... add me.

    I have lost 18 lbs since April (2012) and am at a stand still. One week I gain a half pound, the next I lose that half pound. The past 3 weeks I have not done as well with my diet or exercise and am getting frustrated and eating things I know I shouldn't!

    I have noticed, just int he past year, my upper arms are losing the toned look (even with being over weight). Since I've only lost 18 pounds, I don't think it is the weight loss, I believe it is my age kicking in. Anyone have a good exercise for that?

    Keep your chin up and your weight down!
  • Ashlieeros
    Hello! I am a 54 year old woman and incognito. With 100+ to lose, of course I am incognito. The real me has not seen the light of day in...oh..over 50 years. I just joined today because I need to keep a record of what progress that I WILL make, however long it may take.

    Until I get my ducks in a row and a steady plan/routine, I will be lurking on the boards, getting a feel of this place, how it works exactly.

    Until the real me starts to emerge, I am Ashlie. :tongue:
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    I'm a 50 year old guy with 60 or so lbs to lose. Happy to provide encouragement to anyone who needs it. Just friend me.
  • dutchk
    dutchk Posts: 121 Member
    57 year old here. I have 90 total to lose but an intermediate goal of 60. Approaching 90 days of MFP and have good success so far. A couple of steps back, sometimes for unknowned (to me) reasons, but generally the weight chart has been going in the right direction. I've got some good MFP friends and it helps to have someone in the same age group to team up with. Add me if you like, I'll be happy to join you.....Dutch
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 55, two years into a lifestyle change, eight months or so on MFP. I've lost 40 lbs. with twenty-three to go. I've uncovered some medical issues along the way, so it's taking some time. You may want to look into a group called "Menopausal Mad Hatters" - a fun group of funny people on the same journey.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Please add me; I'm a 57 year old wife and Mum with 70+ pounds to lose. Good luck!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm 55 yrs old and my current end goal is to lose another 85 lbs. After that, who knows! I started about 4 yrs ago and I've lost about 115 lbs so i'm on my way. Sometimes the weight loss is so slow it's agonizing and the plateaus are frustrating, but I keep plugging away. I also just had both of my knees replaced this past winter, so I'm just getting back to working out. Motivation from others in the same boat is always a help!
  • basslakecabin
    I turn 50 in a few months. This is all new to me and I am excited yet apprehensive about failure...again. Married with 3 grown children. Never posted or blogged or belonged to a weight loss group before. I like this age group and hope I can offer encouragement and gain confidence. My goal is 50-60 lb weight loss. Cannot remember what happened to my pre baby body and honestly don't care anymore. Ha! Looking forward to ease of movement, energy, and a health heart. I'm not sure how to add friends on here but will just keep plugging along until it all becomes comfortable.
    As I read your stories, i want to send hugs and encouragement. So HUGs everyone and keep on keeping on!
  • jayeh2005
    jayeh2005 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, I'm fifty one, and I am so glad the OP posted this question. I am right at that place that I'm done with the obstacles and yoyoing, and I am changing my life. I guess I finally got tired of stressing out over diet, and MFP provided me with a tool to keep track of my progress.

    Reading everyone's posts is inspiring, and I keep learning. Thanks, y'all.
  • Hi ! I'm 53. I'd love the support and would love to give support too. My friend just introduced me to MFP a few weeks ago. I'm just learning to navigate through all of the things it offers.
  • dar0721
    dar0721 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am 59 and just beginning here on MFP. I have had a past track record of losing the wieght and reaching my goal but maintaining is my challenge. So as a result I got very discouraged so: I am back at square 1. But I am excited this time to be doing it in a format that comes with encouraging friends this time. Also my life may be taking some major changes in the near future so I want to be in shape and feel good to enjoy every minute of it. So add me as a friend if you are so inclined. Thanks! :flowerforyou: