What are you tricks for cutting down on Calories?



  • Emily_fitat30
    Emily_fitat30 Posts: 32 Member
    Cut my portions down, it is mind over matter with me!
    I use smaller plates as I like to see them full! I buy 400g bread rather than 800 so im still having 2 pieces of toast they are just smaller
    no longer use butter or marg, i make white/ cheese sauces with cornflour.
    Use skimmed milk rather than semi
    weigh everything!
  • calmanza2
    I have almost completely cut out my fave - Ranch dressing. Market Pantry (Target brand) has a great Raspberry Vinaigrette and Lite Honey Mustard. Also, I don't pour the dressing on my salad anymore - I put it on the side, and just dip the edge of each bite of salad into my dressing. I get the flavor, without drowning my salad in unnecessary calories.

    I also love Greek yogurt - it tastes fattening, but is full of protein instead and fills me up for a long time. It fools me into thinking I am eating something fattening when I'm really not. Tzaztiki sauce is another great trick - it's Greek, with cucumbers and garlic (and Greek yogurt), but tastes like one of those creamy salad dressings without the calories. :tongue:
  • July121980
    July121980 Posts: 37 Member
    I cut out salt. Meaning I add salt to nothing. That used to be a huge issue for me. I know that has nothing to do with calories but it does retain water weight.

    I have stopped drinking regular soda. I only drink milk, tea, black coffee, water and on occassion a zero calorie soda ( like if we are out to eat - rare....and then only a small and with water)

    I think the small amount I have lost so far is mostly due to that. I have also started to eat more fruits and veggies and have found that I crave sweets less and less.

    I have my good days and my bad days but if I really am craving chocolate or sweets I will go buy a package of the 100 calorie snacks to cut that craving....

    My weight loss is minimal so far because I have cheated but what I mentioned above I have seen results from slowly now and in the past.
  • MAJr12
    MAJr12 Posts: 4 Member
    In the rare instances I eat a salad, lots and lots of fresh, coarsely ground black pepper. Heavy on the black pepper for almost everything, anyway. For meat/chicken breast, a tiny dab of sriracha spread across goes a long way.

    The black pepper handles my need for dressing, and the sriracha handles my need for sauces, other condiments, etc.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I focus on getting in my nutrition FIRST.
    When your body has what it needs, it's less stress, more satisfied and you get less cravings.
    Nutrient dense foods aren't always loCal per say, but foods with a good Nutrition to Calorie ratio tends to be more satisfying so you have less need to over eat.

    Carefully budget Sugar and artificial sweeteners because they increase your appetite.
    So I try hard to avoid or reduce them in "real foods", because I do have a sweet tooth and would rather have 15 of trader joe's chocolatey cats cookies for 9g of sugar. Than 1/2c of tomato sauce for 9g of sugar.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I simply don't like salad. Period. So instead of drowning it in salad dressing, I get my veggies other ways. I think it was the lettuce that was putting me off, because I like raw veggies, and I'll have 1/2 a plate of them with my lunch. I use hummus as a dip, which doubles as my protein for that lunch. Lots of healthy fibre in the hummus too - bonus!

    I don't like the low-fat, low-sugar versions of a lot of stuff, so I just have less. I still love good butter on some cooked veggies, so I'm extra careful with the amount instead of just going crazy with it like I used to. I cut a lot of the calories from my lattes/cappuccinos by a) taking less syrup and b) taking a smaller size. I've got that down to about 100 cal now, so I can still enjoy it without it being a huge hit to my daily intake.

    Small changes - finding which ones work for you is the trick. :wink:
  • boreshagal
    Substitutions. Using these helps to curve cravings and stay satisfied without feeling I am missing out on my favorite foods.My favorite chef show is Hungry Girl. I not only watch her shows for inspiration, but I also have her books and DO NOT MISS out on the love of FOOD. For instance, when I want fries, I just take a parsnip, mix it with a teaspoon of oil and my favorite seasonings and just go to town.They are that good and very low in carbs. Fabuloso.:smile:
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    My trick is to cut out liquid calories or at least cut down.....Otherwise I enjoy my food and work hard to be able to eat it.

    This times 100. I found that my Tassimo Chai Tea was pretty heavy in calories, so I've switched to drinking tea with Truvia.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • CarolGrullon
    I watch my portions!
    Instead of getting a big plate I take a smaller plate to serve myself lunch or dinner. It's a good trick to full your mind because then I actually realize that Im full.
    When Im on a run and don't have time to eat, so instead of buying food while Im on my way to work or school, I grab my meal replacement which is only 140 calories, packed with 20 grams of protein and only 1 gram of sugar! This is one of my good tricks to cut down down calories because not only do I save money from buying food outside, I actually feel full for about 4 hours once I take my meal replacement. Plus I get all the nutrients and vitamins that I need!
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    diabetic i live with the calories in the regular dressing cause the fat free has more sugar there is like one gram of sugar in a serving of ranch but in fat free there is like 14 grams:sick:

    wow never thought to look at that... hmmmm.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    99% lean turkey mixed with 97% lean beef 50/50 is a good replacement for just about any ground protein.
  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69
    My tricks is to eat what I want, in small portion, then go for a run to burn them off. My problem is that I can't stop eating. :grumble:
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Adding protein has really helped me with feeling hungry all the time!
  • Pateluma
    Hi, this is my second day and noticed you do Insanit and P90X. How do enter these on the exercise counter? I tried typing in the names but nothing came up.
  • saamantha
    I eat a salad before dinner almost every day, and I make sure it's a big one. 2 cups shredded romaine, 1 cup spinach, tomato, cucumber, avocado (if my "main" is smaller), maybe a mushroom or two. I'm usually pretty full by the time the "main" comes around, and tend to eat much less of whatever that may be.

    I also completely agree with elainecroft. Prep-work is half the battle. If I have healthy options in the house there's less binge eating and I have a better idea of calorie intake and portion size of the available food. Plus, since I'm busy as heck, it means I can run home, grab something healthy, and run back out the door instead of either starving myself or grabbing the worst possible option when I get to/am on my way to my destination.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I love pasta, but not the calories in a full serving of pasta. But I've found if I use shorter varieties (e.g. penne rather than spaghetti) I can take half a serving size and mix with lots of veggies and some lean protein. I still feel like I'm getting a full bowl of pasta, but with much fewer calories.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I no longer drink anything but water and black coffee. I no longer squirt dressing on my salad - now I weigh it and only add 15g or less depending on the size of the salad. I also switched to side plates instead of the big dinner plates a long time ago.

    I have started putting veggies in everything, including things I never ate with veggies before such as egg salad sandwiches and things like that.

    I don't eat anything but full fat products sweetened with sugar or honey as I don't agree with the extra crap they sometimes add to make low fat/cal foods. This has forced me to be very vigilant about my portion sizes. I weigh everything and I also cook my own meals.

    Spices are excellent! learn what spices pair well with which foods and use them liberally to add flavor without adding too many extra calories.
  • KWNurse
    KWNurse Posts: 45 Member
    I use my grill alot now. I marinate with mostly vinegars and herbs and a tsp of oil then grill. Be sure to weigh your portion. Also, I have cut out starches from most of my dinners unless it is pasta night and only have for breakfast and lunch.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I watch portions by using a kitchen scale (when I'm at home anyway). I try not to drink my calories. Pop is a big culprit so I tend to have very little of that. As for dressings, I make my own. I really only enjoy ranch dressing so I've found a recipe for 30 cals a serving. I also bake more instead of fry. That makes a huge difference. I love cheese too so I try to find the most natural and low fat. These are just the little things I do.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I will load up on vegetables - mashed cauliflower, steamed broccoli with a little butter, cabbage - filling stuff that's low in calories. Some nights I will eat an entire head of cauliflower mashed with some tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese.