Not doing that well...



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Take a look at this article - it helped me because this is totally what I do. You have gotten some good advice here. Good luck!!

    Thanks that was a great article!
  • chamgiggz
    ahhhhh don't sweat a couple of cookies, @ least you took are taking notice of it now, which you probably wasn't doing before.
    I'm not sure if I am doing a good thing or not, but I like playing with the calories and gain/ let's say I went over 100 I would research a workout that would "win" me back the calories, so in a way you are motivating yourself into losing it...think of it as a game..and don't be too hard on yourself..just walk
  • annabell48
    Hang in there hon. Yes, it can be aggreviating when there's a slip. Still do it myself from time to time. Make sure that you are drinking your water. Most of the advice I hear is if you're tempted, drink up to 8 ounces of water before you grab that/those cookies. Yes, you read that right. Some times your body is actually thirsty and that's what triggers the cravings. Second, I find it helpful, escpecially when I am working, to take more healthy food with me than what I think I might eat or will eat (equal to my meal caloric intake). I may or may not eat it all.
    I'm glad you are setting smaller increments for your weight loss journey. You can opt to buy a new pair of pants/slacks 10% or 10 pounds. Other options besides clothes, would be Manicure, pedicure, books to read, etc.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    But I have already screwed up for today. I had some snacks this morning that I didn't need, didn't really want, and didn't fill me up. I am logging them on my food log just to remind myself that I don't need crap like this in my life. Without dinner planned (but snacks and lunch planned) I am already 1179 calories over my target for today. That number is just depressing because I didn't really needs the cookies I had already today.

    Of course you want to log them - not just as a reminder or punishment (don't do that to yourself!) but as a record so you know what you're doing.

    You overate this morning. But there's still this afternoon and evening. And tomorrow!
  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    Without dinner planned (but snacks and lunch planned) I am already 1179 calories over my target for today. That number is just depressing because I didn't really needs the cookies I had already today.

    The answer? Skip dinner and any calories that will put you over for the day. Sure it totally sucks but if you don't ever suffer the consequence of eating over your calorie goal then what is different than before? You'll be hungry but once you meet your calorie goal you have to be done. The end. No more for the day.

    If you eat cookies then you have to make yourself pay for it. Going over a couple hundred calories occasionally isn't that big of a deal but if you're crushing your plan with nearly an extra 1200 calories it's not going to work.

    This is terrible advice! This is what someone with an eating disorder would do. Punishing yourself isn't the answer. Use this opportunity to learn that eating over your calories makes you feel bad, and you don't want to feel bad --> remember this feeling next time you reach for cookies when you don't need them. That's how you build up your willpower and strength; not by punishing/starving yourself.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    100% agree shortie.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Do a huge kick-*kitten* workout and own the calories you've eaten!
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    All I can say is WOW - I wasn't expecting so much support!!! I don't plan on skipping dinner, that will just cause me to eat like a pig when I do get hungry. Plus I have to go out to dinner for work. Still working out what to order, but I will make myself aware of what I am doing.

  • Charity2001
    One good thing about weight loss being a journey is that there is time to learn from mistakes and move on down the road. Perhaps this experience will help you think twice the next time you think you want to go off track.

    Think about this: What was the reason behind you really wanting those cookies? Was it a physical, emotional, or environmental factor that triggered your craving? It may help to come up with a game plan now to keep in mind the next time you experience a similar trigger. What will you do differently to get yourself through without those extra 1000 calories?

    This is not a failure, it's a learning opportunity.

    That's awesome! I did the "emotional eatihng" last night because it was another appointment with the kids where I was forced to accept some stuff I don't like. So, I eat sugary/floury things to ease the ache. Which leads to a guilty conscience and the occasional bout of tummy troubles. Next time...........sit back, breathe, have a nice cup of tea!
  • Squashypig
    Squashypig Posts: 60 Member
    Without dinner planned (but snacks and lunch planned) I am already 1179 calories over my target for today. That number is just depressing because I didn't really needs the cookies I had already today.

    The answer? Skip dinner and any calories that will put you over for the day. Sure it totally sucks but if you don't ever suffer the consequence of eating over your calorie goal then what is different than before? You'll be hungry but once you meet your calorie goal you have to be done. The end. No more for the day.

    If you eat cookies then you have to make yourself pay for it. Going over a couple hundred calories occasionally isn't that big of a deal but if you're crushing your plan with nearly an extra 1200 calories it's not going to work.

    100% agreed. The simple answer is don't go over your daily calorie goal and you will lose the weight. You have to be totally committed to this and hold yourself accountable. Yes, tomorrow is another day......but if every day were like you really want to go there?? You can do this, but you need to plan meticulously, get rid of the cookies and anything else that is so tempting and start over.........seriously! Apologies if this seems harsh but I would be giving myself a serious butt kicking for going that much off course. And I wouldn't be posting on here looking for everyone to tell me it's OK. That said, with all sincerity, I wish you all the very best of luck on your weight loss journey. If you think it will help, If you want someone to be brutally honest with you and give you all the positive encouragement you need, as well as kicking your butt when needed, then please feel free to add me. :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    It took you longer to put on the weight than it will to lose it.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    As everyone said, this is one day. Tomorrow is a new day!

    I think what you need to figure out here is this: you said you didn't want or need the cookies, but you ate them anyway. Why? Habit? Were you bored? Craving a sweet? (note: this is intended to be an internal dialogue, not forcing a confessional here) Starting new habits is part of this whole process. Maybe next time you reach for the ____ (whatever thing you don't want or need), substitute it with something else. Go for a walk, do an exercise, call a friend, eat a healthier alternative.

    That said, have a cookie once in a while. If you don't indulge on occasion, the more apt you will be to binge on the things you're trying to avoid. It also makes it so it's not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I still have Ice Cream and Cake and chips, I just change how I do it.

    Smile and be easy on yourself. You're not perfect. :)
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    I just wanted you all to know that I didn' t post this hoping everyone would tell me it is ok. I know it isn't. I posted this because I need help with my internal dialogue and suggestions that know what I am going through. It is hard to do this alone, especially when you have an addiction to food like I have had in the past. I am trying to break that addiction and the positive suggestions you are providing me, I really will take to heart. I am actually writing some of them down to carry with me.

    I am loving the suggestions on how to monitor what I eat and the emotion tied to it. Thanks to all of you for the positive reinforcements~ that is something I lack right now...
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    But it IS okay. It's okay because you recognize it where you may not have before. Don't punish yourself constantly or you'll stress out and fail. It's too hard to keep that up, trust me, I've tried.

    You know where you've failed, you've recognized the failure, and you're now armed with that experience and knowledge. Use that ammunition moving forward.

    Every meal is a choice. One bad choice does not ruin a day, regardless of how many calories over you are.

    The only mistake you'll make is the one of not learning from your past.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    That said, have a cookie once in a while. If you don't indulge on occasion, the more apt you will be to binge on the things you're trying to avoid. It also makes it so it's not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I still have Ice Cream and Cake and chips, I just change how I do it.

    Smile and be easy on yourself. You're not perfect. :)

    Love this post. Exactly. ^^^^
  • BrewerFan2
    Nothing says you can't walk off some of those calories. Have a sensible "planned out dinner" and start fresh tomorrow. We all have those days where we just can seem to get going in the right direction. As long as we keep trying and get back on track is all that matters. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you for continuing to log and having the guts to admit your mess-up and move on. We are all here for you.
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    But it IS okay. It's okay because you recognize it where you may not have before. Don't punish yourself constantly or you'll stress out and fail. It's too hard to keep that up, trust me, I've tried.

    You know where you've failed, you've recognized the failure, and you're now armed with that experience and knowledge. Use that ammunition moving forward.

    Every meal is a choice. One bad choice does not ruin a day, regardless of how many calories over you are.

    The only mistake you'll make is the one of not learning from your past.

    This is EXACTLY the mentality that I am trying to adopt. Right now (not that it is good) I have an all or nothing mentality, so before today, if I made a bad choice I gave up on the day and just eat whatever I wanted and didn't care about the calories or exercising it off.
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    Nothing says you can't walk off some of those calories. Have a sensible "planned out dinner" and start fresh tomorrow. We all have those days where we just can seem to get going in the right direction. As long as we keep trying and get back on track is all that matters. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you for continuing to log and having the guts to admit your mess-up and move on. We are all here for you.

    I am trying to plan a healthy dinner tonight and have added in some of my walking. I have walked about 55 minutes so far today and burned off about 300 calories or so. Not sure how much more I will get in, and depending on what time I get home tonight I would like to get about an hour of yoga in. Thanks for your support!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Do you mind opening up your diary so that we can give you suggestions for meal substitutions if you're having a difficult time keeping it under control?
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I've learned (for me) that I am actually not the emotional eater that I always thought I was. I was a non-planner, winging it, and "hoping" for...... I don't know what!

    Since I've pre-planned, pre-logged and balance my macros, I don't ever eat mindlessly (well, very very rarely). You could try that! Best wishes to you!