anyone else 30-something with 50 to lose?

Hi I'm 33, and I am working on my last 50 pounds to lose... i have already lost 60 over the past year or so but I have been stuck at where I am for a long time and am having a difficult time bursting through this plateau.

I'd love to meet like-minded people who are sharing the same goals, maybe we can band together and help each other out?



  • Hello my soon to be Bride...I have 80 to lose after dropping 50 last year and gaining it ALL back and then some. YOU, however, don't have 50 to lose...30 at most!!!
  • hello honey.... oh, so sweet... but im not sure 30 will cut it!

    did you accept my friend request yet? :)
  • Hello!

    I was 33 when I was +220 and decided to finally lose the weight. I'd gotten down to 160 after about 1.5 years (took the long, steady route) but hit a killer plateau. I didn't revert to too many old habits, but I gained back about 15 pounds and maintained that for a year.

    At 35 I finally got motivated enough to really push through and try to lose my last 35.

    Gratz on what you've already lost at this point - it's a huge accomplishment. My advice is when you get stuck, just keep with it, but don't obsess over the results. Even with my hard push, it took over 3 weeks to see the scale needle move a pound. And switch it up! I'm guilty of wanting to cycle off the pound, but recognized I can't avoid lunges and squats forever if I want results...
  • Would love to be added. Went from 226 to 130 with about 15 to go.
  • Hi, I'm soon to be 36 and although i tried to start MFP i think in 2010, i had a newborn baby and 2 older boys-not much time for me. So this is my second time around and even though it's just been a wk, i have been doing a better job a loggin on daily and journaling. I do have 50+ lbs to lose, sad thing is that after the birth of my 2nd child i lost 80 + all on my own in just under a yr and half. Deciding to quit my job and stay at home with my boys and then have another one hasn't been easy for me, it's mostly the carving out me time-i always feel guilty about that. But now that the little one is 3 and doesn't require as much from me, i'm focused and ready to get back into that box of cute clothes that i still have. I am really new to the whole replying to topics and looking for friends, so this is a bit out of my comfort zone here. But i have relized that the people on here probably know and understand what i am dealing with better than anyone i personally know, so i would love to be added to your freinds group-although i am still not quite sure how to do that :) But please feel free to add me to yours if you'd like.