
  • Joe, that Top 10 list is awesome. Did you write it or find it? Either way, thanks for sharing it.

    I found it on one of the highlighted topics on my home page and had to share it! I especially loved the one about breakfast... :bigsmile:

  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    Wednesday Wish: #1 That I had more energy. #2 That I would be a little stronger at saying no when I know that realistically I am stretched as far as I can possibly go. #3 That I can keep a positive, sweet and giving attitude all the days of my life. (my tendency is to be sarcastic and catty) LOL

    Have a great day everyone,

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning. I am right handed but left eyed. This makes me buy left handed bows, shotguns and rifles. I do bat right handed and play golf right handed, but I shoot pool left handed. To test which of your eyes is dominate go to this link, you have to copy and paste it into your address bar because I cannot make links that work unless they are on the MFP site. I think it is a limit of the BB code here.
    How To Determine Eye Dominance

    My Wednesday wish is that MrsMorgori starts logging her food again and keeps up with getting healthy.

    Joe that is a good top ten list, I like it!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm left-eyed and right-handed, too - when I skeet shoot, the instructor puts a piece of masking tape on my glasses.

    My Wednesday wish? To maintain my current plan of eating, one bite at a time, without the usual internal OMG I HAVE 140 LBS TO LOSE OMG OMG HOW AM I EVER GONNA DO IT OMG litany. Today, I will keep the focus on what and how I eat today. Tomorrow I will focus on tomorrow. That feels much healthier.
  • vanimelda
    vanimelda Posts: 20 Member
    my wish for today is that my boys do not have to go through the struggle of needing to lose weight like me and their dad (hes not as bad as i am but still needs to lose some)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Evening everyone. Just popping in to say hello and let you know I am still alive and kicking. My hours changed at work and it cut into my evening computer time by quite a bit. I am still out here and logging every day though and sticking with my plan.

    Take care all. :flowerforyou:

    i was wondering where you've been. hey!
    Well made it to wednesday. I had some great news from my husband last night. After thousands and thousands in medical bills the last few years his compay is now going to start offering health insurance. He was filling out the paperwork last night. It is going to be such a nice change to not have to worry anymore if one of us needs to go see a doctor. My wish for today is to have more patience with myself in all areas of my life. I tend to be very hard on myself if I dont do everything exctly the way I had planned.

    wow, that's really exciting for you. congrats.
    My Wednesday wish? To maintain my current plan of eating, one bite at a time, without the usual internal OMG I HAVE 140 LBS TO LOSE OMG OMG HOW AM I EVER GONNA DO IT OMG litany. Today, I will keep the focus on what and how I eat today. Tomorrow I will focus on tomorrow. That feels much healthier.

    that's where i started too. with about 140 to lose. now i'm down to like 95 and you'll be surprised that it isn't that hard if you just keep swimming. figuratively. though literally keeping up with a swimming regimen would no doubt also be beneficial :laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lin - I was 5'11" in high school. Now with degen disc disease I am 5'8". I loved being the tallest girl in class.

    Chris - hello to another leftie. I just couldn't get crochet. Always wanted to but the stitches wouldn't line up. I know you can reach your goal by your Drs. appt.

    jtconst - thats great news about the health insurance

    MyMowmow - another leftie! Love it! sorry you're in a funk - but don't even think any more about junk food to pull yourself out of your funk - you need to find a substitute and ASAP! Is there anything else that you think of as PLAYFUL and FUN that would make you happy?

    gigi - I hope you get all your wishes

    Morgori - Interesting link - I'm going to give it a try. I have a weak left eye so I'm interested in the results. I, too, hope Mrs. Morgori stays healthy.

    Toots - how is it coming on the adoption? Is your move causing that to be put on hold?

    My Weds Wish - That I stick with exercising now that I have made a good start.
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Wow, I miss 2 days and there are 6 pages of post. I hope to do better keeping up. Sorry I can't reply to all now, but I will do better. I kind of fell off the wagon the last couple of days, but I am back on now. I am starting a challenge with myself (and anyone else who wants to join in) I want to loose 50 pounds in 90 days. I know it is hard, but should be doable for me if I stick with it. Why 50 obs - its a start. Why 90 days - I need a kick in the pants, and I need to have knee surgery and I want to lose that much before the surgery which I am aiming for mid November. With that said, I will be on here a lot trying to keep myself on the right path and motivated!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    Wed Wish- That I can get my butt in gear this week with walking and sit ups.

    Non fitness related-- I wish relationships with partners, kids, family were not so hard to deal with. My wish would be we would all get along as nicely as I do with my co-workers.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @morgori--isn't eye-dominance correlated with brain-dominance? I'm left eye dominant and left brained (most left handers are right brain dominant). So as a right-hander isn't it more common to be left brained and hence left eye dominant? Maybe I'm wrong about that. Curious if you've run across a lot of right handers who are right eye dominant.

    Wed Wish:
    That I manage to complete my 10 days of running. I'm 3 days in and I'm feeling it in my thigh muscles. Today will be a short run--1.5 miles.

    @doug--I also find it funny that a mile or mile and a half is a "short" run considering where I started. Congrats on those hills--I've heard from others that they are great for improving your pace, so keep at it!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    MyMowmow - another leftie! Love it! sorry you're in a funk - but don't even think any more about junk food to pull yourself out of your funk - you need to find a substitute and ASAP! Is there anything else that you think of as PLAYFUL and FUN that would make you happy?

    Thanks for the thoughts, they are much appreciated. :smooched:

    No need to worry over a backslide into junk food. I won't do it, I just wish I could. I have a serious phobia about sodium now, luckily most junk food(at least the kind that attracts me) is jam packed with sodium so there's no way I'm going there. I think about what I want to eat and look it up in MFP database and then flip out because of the sodium content.
  • beachlover1129
    beachlover1129 Posts: 7 Member
    thank you for the welcome
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - how is it coming on the adoption? Is your move causing that to be put on hold?

    no, it's all good. we have two more classes before we are licensed and those classes are this saturday and next saturday. after that we just wait until we find a match. which could take literally years. but it's all good with the moving. once we're back in new mexico we just have to have them come and check out our new place to make sure it doesn't contain a pit of sharks or whatever.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 303 Member
    Wednesday Wish: To get to sleep earlier...5 and a half hours is just not enough sleep :grumble:

    Same here. I go to bed at 2 to 4 am in the morning and get up at 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. School starts Monday so I can't do that any more. Bed at 11pm and up at 6am.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    My Wednesday Wish goes out to my best friend. She is right now in the middle of having her hip surgery. She has hip dysplasia and where the ball joint meets the socket the cartlidge is destroyed so they are repairing the cartlidge. She has been on horrible pain for a few years and finally found a doctor who believed her pain and found the problem. So she is in surgery now. I leave tomorrow to go be with her until Sunday. So my wish is that she gets through this surgery perfectly.

  • evanpdixon
    evanpdixon Posts: 20 Member
    Wishing for a scale victory Monday! Even if it's just a pound.

    And that we finish up remodeling our bathrooms this weekend. That'll help burn some calories at least!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Wednesday wish - an easy button! I wish my leg swelling would go down - arthritis sucks yall.

  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 303 Member
    today is my weigh in day. lost some ounces. every bit counts. :laugh: I keep losing and gaining the same few pounds. :sad: I wish I could just lose.
    My other wish. My son and I had a talk yesterday. He wants healthy snack from now on. :heart: :smile: :smile: just wants ice cream every now and then. YES!! :love: :smile:
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Bump:wink::flowerforyou: Have allot going on this week at work & kids starting school....Will catch up later:smile:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Wednesday wish...I wish that I had a gym membership... I know I have a stationary bike and treadmill and some light weights at home but I need a change up. I read somewhere that the Y lets you pay $5 to work out for a day... If I had a membership I'd be at the gym all the time. Walking outside isn't a great option in this hot, thick and humid Texas summer. I can't wait for it to cool off enough to walk comfortably outside. Is it too much to ask for some 80 something degree weather. I also wish my sister wasn't so embarrassed of the scar on her back. She says sh will never wear a bikini in public because she doesn't want people making fun of her scar. She was diagnosed with scoliosis on June 4th 2009. It was too far advanced for her to be braced. She had the surgery on July 22nd. 9 hours face down on the operating table later she now has titanium rods fused to her spine and it is straight. sadly the nurse forgot to put the drainage tube in so that it could drain properly and it built up in there and then decided to all come out at one time. Also the worst part of it all is that if the school had done the proper screening test for it she could have been diagnosed early on and been braced. Since then the school has been forced to do the screening and the school nurse complained and blamed my sister for them having to do it.... But you know what really gets me they found so many kids that they had to refer to their doctors because of the % of the curve they had in the spine. Ugh just burns my bubbles. (Sorry for the little rant there)

    @Evanpdixon aren't home renovations fun? I hope we can get our kitchen cabinets finished this weekend. I'm tired of burning my skin with the stripping gloop and inhaling dust that the sander puts out. I am looking forward to the finished look though. Going from green to dark cherry stained cabinets. Then to have the counter tops we want put in. We found a great place to buy the counter tops at minimum cost $250!

    @alleykat69 That's great that your son wants healthy snacks!

    Happy wednesday everyone! (really only wednesday?)
