Team Fit continued- January



  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Yayyyyy, Lisa's back!!! :smile: You are welcome for the note. We are so glad to have you back - we missed you! Welcome back!

    Angie - You are doing a great job with the workouts and I agree with Kim on the motherhood, too! You are back exercising and losing! That's a big accomplishment!

    Kim - Good for you on the .5lbs!!! Way to go! Thanks for cheering for me - I'm going to need it! :tongue:

    Yes, as Ariel said, we've all been experiencing "fear of the scales" since the holidays. I have not weighed since before Christmas and I can tell by my clothes that I have lost ground...but...with your help, I am going to do this!!

    Thanks for the motivation, everyone - I'm with ya all the way! :bigsmile:
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    Morning everyone!! :flowerforyou: I'm here to confess that I've fallen hard off the wagon the last 2 days. Exhaustion, stress and feeling sorry for myself has gotten the best of me again. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I'm trying to fit in working full time Mon-Fri, getting up at 4:15 AM, a newly diagnosed son (16 years) with ADHD and learning disabilities and a million other things. It was just easier the last 2 days to eat whatever I could grab (junk) than actually put thought into it and track and exercise. I couldn't peel myself off the couch last night to exercise no matter what. So of course....I'm sure I've gained back what I lost but I refuse to step on the scale until my weigh in day on Saturday. :cry: This gets the best of me everytime!!! I start thinking....I'm just too busy for this......I can't possibly do this. Enough whining!! I'm brushing myself off.....and moving on and I WILL do my step aerobics tonight. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou: I'm off to work now so thanks for listening and I'll check back in tonight. Have a great day!!:heart:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning team!! :flowerforyou:

    Karen#2- dont feel too bad about falling of the last couple days. life can be hard and we wont always be able to make ourselves do what we need to. just try not to let it discourage you too much and think to yourself that you will get right back on once you're feeling better. :flowerforyou: it takes time and it takes patienence. :wink: you're doing great so far!!

    yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water. i'm going to make sure i get in all 65 mins of exercise today. i wanted to yesterday but my sister and i waited until 6:30 to exercise so we got done at 7 and i just didnt feel like doing another after that. so as long as i start early today i will be able to get in the last 20 mins.

    and i think i will finaly be able to start my book tonight!! :glasses: :happy: :bigsmile: Finally!!

    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    i've called Nordstrom everyday to see if I can get my shoes and still they are sold out. i litterally have to call every day becaue they dont have like a set date when they are going to get more in and they get shippments every day. Grr!!! I just want to wear my shoes already!!!!! :grumble: :explode:

    okay gotta go now! hehehe be strong today team!! you can do this!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :happy: :smile: :wink:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning team.

    Monday - I ended with 50 min of workout, 12 glasses of water, and within my calories

    Tuesday - I could not make myself workout this morning - I am so sore from yesterday, so I slept an extra hour. I am going to use this as my off day and go for a walk at lunch.

    K#2 - Hang in there, everyone slips up, just dust yourself off and get back to each. Each day is a new day. We believe in you

    Karen - you are truly an inspiration with your management of your life, we should all take a lesson from you. Hope the DVD was fun

    Ariel - you are just rallying the support. Hope your shoes come in soon. Can you order them online?

    Lisa - welcome back. One day at a time and you can get back into the swing of things.
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Hi everyone! It's been crazy today...this is the first chance I've had to log on today!
    I didn't get to do the Shred last night; we got home from karate late! All I had to eat between lunch and karate was a snack size portion of trail mix. So on the way home, we stopped at Chick Filet for a chicken salad sandwich. I wolfed it down in nothin' flat! I was still full an hour later (9:30), so I didn't do the DVD. I think I will make Sun/Mon my off days to get past the hectic Monday night karate schedule! I did good on the cals and water yesterday and can't wait to do the Shred tonight!!!

    Kim - thanks...even though I don't feel like an inspiration. LOL

    K#2 - You've got the right idea - don't beat yourself up about getting off track. Just begin again! It's all about navigating thru the little bumps in the road and doing our best each day. This is a lifestyle change for most of us and it doesn't happen overnight. You're really doing great - hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    Ariel - I feel your frustration with the shoes...I'm sorry you're having to call everyday! Kim had a great idea about trying to order online.

    Angie & Lisa - How are you two doing?

    Drinking my water; so far so good on cals; will do the Shred tonight.
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    So I'm just home for the first time since 5 AM and it's after 8. I'm going to have a shower and get to bed since I'm exhausted. I didn't get a chance to exercise at all today so I'll have to definitely do my workout tomorrow. I did stay under my calorie limit though but only drank 4 glasses of water. I'll try and get 8 in tomorrow. Night!!!:smooched:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!! :flowerforyou:

    i would order the shoes online but the thing is i have them but they're too small, so i have to exchange them. :ohwell: Nordstrom took my name down twice and said as soon as they got a 9.5 or a 10 they would call, but i cant rely on that promise, so i feel like i have to call every day. hahaha :laugh: i just want to wear them already!!! i walk 20 mins a day so they would be great for that. grrr :grumble: anyways, i got in 65 mins tonight. yay!! :happy: well i want a piece of toast and my boyfriend burned it so i have to go make another now...... talk to you guys tomorrow!! :drinker:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Top o' the mornin team!!! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you all had a nice evening last night. Mine was good, my sister and her hubby were over and we made dinner. We had baked chicken that was marinaded in this kroger marined called chop house (mmmm its a good one!!!!) with a side of corn and au gratin potatoes. I only had a little bit of potatoes. :bigsmile: and i know corn really isnt that great either, but veggies and me dont really see eye to eye, so i eat the ones I like. corn, green bell peppers, and broccoli. hahaha. thats about it though. :laugh: i give veggies a chance all the time, but i donno. i just dont like them :ohwell: which sucks because i want to! Then we played Trivial Pursuit on the Wii and watched the office and scrubs. mandy and i are waiting for the last disc of season 3 of the tudors to come from netflix, i've seen them all already but my sister hasnt so were on a mission to see it! i love that series! :love: jonathan rhys meyers is soo HOTT!!!!! :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: god i wish i could have that man! :blushing: okay, enough drooling.

    yesterday: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    be strong today guys! we're half way through the week now!!! :glasses: :drinker: :happy: :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning

    Tuesday finished with no workout, 12 glasses water, and within calories

    Wednesday - 36 min weight training this morning.

    Will try to check back later - busy day
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Good morning, all!
    Ariel, You're showing great discipline in your eating, especially with company! Good for you!!! The meal sounds yummy! I'm like you in that I don't rely on cust svc people telling me 'they'll call me'...I'd be calling everyday, too! :tongue: I hope you get your shoes soon!!!

    Tues: I finally completed cycle 1 of the Shred!!!! I can tell I've been slacking - my knees are hurting. I think I need to do more stretching / warm ups before the DVD. I hate lunges and my arms and legs were letting me know about it at the end last night! Karate again tonight, so I'll get the exercise in afterwards. I'm going to walk while my son is at karate since the weather's warmed up! :bigsmile:

    K#2 - You're doing okay with staying within cals. Your body really needs the rest with your schedule, so don't skimp on that! Hopefully things will slow down and you can get back into the exercising. Keep drinking the water. Good luck - we're cheering for you!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:

    Okay, I'm busy again today....I'll check back in later. :smile:

    Lmr / Amm - We miss you and hope you are doing well!!! :flowerforyou:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey guys, sorry about my lack of posts. I went to the gym Friday and haven't been there since. :embarassed: But I've been doing yoga and ab exercises at home! Although I know it's not the same as going to the gym, I can tell it's working because I am kinda sore.

    I am flying home tomorrow for my niece's baptism on Sunday. My sister and I are going to try to get to a gym while I'm home, but I don't know if we'll have time. I come back Monday evening.

    lmr9 - I haven't weighed myself since Thanksgiving, so I'm with you on being kinda afraid to do it. I forgot to when I was at the gym on Friday. I don't trust my scale at home (it's a cheap electronic one) so I rarely use it; when I first started using MyFitnessPal, my scale told me 146, but the scale at the gym and at the doctor's office told me 153. Now that I think about it, I have to go to the doctor for my annual exam today, so I bet they'll weigh me. Hmmm could be interesting...
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Well....another crazy night for me but I managed to do my step aerobics workout before I started running around. Got the whole 45 min DVD done and only managed to drink 4 glasses of actual water today although lots of herbal tea.

    And......I joined a weight loss challenge!! It was weigh in week and it runs for 6 weeks. There was a HUGE turn out!! Everyone paid $35 to get in and $25 of that goes into the pot. The person with the greatest percentage of weight lost at the end of the 6 weeks wins the pot! :happy: It's put on by the Herbalife distributors but you don't have to use any of their products to participate.

    Amm......good job on the exercising at home! Have fun at home!! :smile:

    Karen.....way to go on Cycle one of the Shred!!! That workout kicks butt!!! Great idea to go for walks while your kids are busy. Thanks for the message today. :flowerforyou:

    Kimberly.....12 glasses of water.....amazing!!! :drinker: I swear I'd never be able to walk away from the bathroom! :embarassed: rock on the exercise!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Way to go!!! The dinner sounded yummy and I'm totally in love with JRM too!! :heart: :love: :heart:

    Have an "amazing, low fat, low carb, lots of exercise, tons of water" kind of day tomorrow!! :smooched:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member

    Wow, I was REALLY bad last night!! *kicks self in the *kitten** I ate like 3 pieces of garlic bread with cheese on top, a small ear of corn on the cob, and a couple bites of a sirloin steak. Plus I didnt exercise!!!!! :mad: :explode: :noway: I only walked for 20 mins yesterday!! :sad: So i'm making sure today I do it both! And I am not going to do the easy exercise , i'm going to do the 30 day shred twice! i have to make up for yesterday! :ohwell:

    Angie- I hope you have a nice time at your nieces baptism! thats great your sis will go with you to the gym!! :drinker:

    K2- YAY!!! :laugh: someone else who loves JRM!! I want to see that new movie he is in From paris eith love, just so I can see him! hahaha, I dont ever care about the rest of the movie, I just want to watch that sexy man do his thing!!:love::blushing: *drools* I haven't had a hollywood crush like this since I was 13!!!!! but man! you know that episode of Friends where they talk about their "list" of hollywood stars they could sleep with and not have it count? well he is totally my number 1!!!!!! HAHAHAHA :bigsmile: :laugh: :wink:

    Karen- YAY! You did the shred!! I love it!! the move i hate the most is the.... drawing a blank.. i cant think of what its called, but its the one where you put one leg back and do bicep curls while doing a lunge. those suck!! it makles my leg shake and hurt so bad! hahaha! but its awesome! my favorite is the bicycle crunches at the end! Man you can feel those!!! :wink:

    today: 65 mins of exercising! 8 glasses of water! I have to be strong and do it! I've only got 15 pounds to go! I feel like I should step it up again! Maybe I'll do the shred twice in a day again! It worked good last time! :bigsmile:

    Okay giys, have a great Thursday!! :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ok guys - another crazy day so just a quick post

    Tuesday - 60 min workout, 8 glasses water, within calories

    Wednesday - 45 min workout will try to go for lunch walk to get out some frustration

    talk later
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Hi everyone. A quick post for me as well. Work has been crazy busy this week for some reason!!!

    No Shred last night...too much stuff got in the way - mainly a last minute school project!!! :grumble: :mad:

    Wed: No exercise. Water & Cals - great!
    Karate tonight and then Shred! I'm sooo sore from Tuesday's workout, but I'm really looking forward to doing it again. Yes, Ariel - I love the abs workout at the end, too....but ....I......... H A T E.......L U N G E S !!! :noway:

    Ariel - Don't over do it!! :happy:
    Angie - Enjoy time with your family. :flowerforyou:
    Kim - Exercise is a great stress reliever - good for you! :wink:
    K#2 - I hope you find time tonight for some "me" time. :smile:

    Take care and everyone have a great night! I'll check back in tomorrow.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning team!!

    It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :glasses: WOOOHOOO!! I am SOOOO glad!! Tonight I'm having a nice girls night with my best friends Karina and Jocelyn. We're going to make dinner, were making rosemary roasted chicken with garlic red potatoes and broccoli with almonds or something like that. hahaha i'm not too sure about the broccoli part...... but I'll try it. And then we're going to watch a movie. I dont know what movie were going to watch because I'm just going to get it from on demand. But I'm looking forward to it. :smile: I <3 my girlies!

    So last night my sister and I went and played tennis!!! And I forgot how much fun it is!! :happy: We had a blast! We pretty much sucked but we were laughing and having a good time. We played for about 40 mins so I'm hoping I got in a good work out. I was sweaty and a little winded by the end. It was a nice change. :smile: Then afterwards we finished watching season 3 of The Tudors, so now we must wait for season 4 to start. I dont know if I can go that long without seeing my sexy, sexy man though! :bigsmile: :blushing: :wink: MMMMM man he's fine! :laugh:

    yesterday: 85 mins of exercise (wow I didnt even realize thats how much I got in yesterday!! :drinker: ) and 8 glassesd of water
    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    Tomorrow is the game between New Orleans and The Cards!!! Please pray that the Cards win guys!!! We need to show everyone that last year was not just luck! :wink: GOOOOOOO CARDINALS!!! :flowerforyou: :glasses: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: :smile:

    okay I'm done! have a great day guys!! Talk to you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning. Another busy day for me.

    Thursday - 75 min workout, 8 glasses water a little under on calories
    Friday - 30 min weights so far

    You are all doing well. Life is getting busy for each of us, so hang in there and do what you can. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do all of it. remember one day at a time.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone. So I have a wicked head cold/sinus thing going on and have zero energy. I haven't tracked my food for the last few days and haven't had the strength to do any form of exercise.:frown: I have to shake this thing before I can get back in the swing of things. Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Monday Morning team! :yawn:

    So the Cardinals lost BIG time! :grumble: But what can I say? The Saints played a much better game. So I am now going to go for the Vikings. Since they beat the crap out of the Cowboys. Hopefully they can beat the crap out of the Saints next week! And you gotta give it to Bret Favre too. I mean no one in the history of football has played in a post season game at 40! Thats a huge accomplishment! :flowerforyou:

    Well I only got in 25 mins of exercise this weekend. Oh well. And I only lost 1 pound, but it was that t.o.m so I'm hoping thats why I only lost one. But the good news about it, is I now officialy weigh what I did when I was a senior in high school!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :happy: :smile: I have a box fuill of old clothes I want to go through so I can see if they fit. And some friends this weekend were telling me how skinny I looked and that I even look thinner now then before. :happy: What a great feeling! :bigsmile:

    today: 105 mins of exercise- i'm going to play tennis again with my sister- and 8 glasses of water
    tomorrow: 105 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    I really want to step it up now. I've only got 14 pounds to go and I dont want it to take another 3 months! I need to be at 150 by April 8th which is my 25th b-day! :wink:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    good monday morning!
    I was sick Friday and Saturday, so I didn't get any exercise in or drink my water. Just laid around feeling yucky...i'm better today, though.

    ariel - 56 POUNDS LOST - - - amazing - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 56 POUNDS IS HUGE!!! it sounds like you had alot of fun with your sister! i'll bet you have all kinds of energy since you've lost the weight. one of my friends was babysitting a niece and it dawned on her as she picked up the 30 lb child....she'd lost 30 lbs recently - the same weight as her niece. she couldn't believe in picking her up, that she'd been carrying around the same weight as if carrying her niece all day, everyday. what a difference that made when she realized that!!!

    not sure, but i might have lost a lb or two since i couldn't eat very good. hope so. i'll get back into the shred dvd tonight.

    GO VIKINGS!!!! I am so glad romo and company LOST! they just showed up...couldn't do much else!!! whoop! :happy: