How do you control a craving?



  • i subsiitute chocolate with fruit, ive got to a point now where a actually prefer the taste of salad to deep fried, fried or grilled food..

    i hate to say it but it is all in the mind, if you consider yourself somebody who is avoiding fast food you will always be drawn to it, however if you consider yourself as somebody who prefers the healthy option you cant fail.

    your fast food does no good for you, you pay extra for eating blatant crap and in the long run it is killing you..... much like smoking, drinking or taking drugs....
  • Here's a couple of tips that I and others have used:

    1) Drink water, if you haven't had your 8 glasses for the day - that sometimes stops the cravings.

    2) Keep telling yourself that nothing tastes better than being healthy

    3) Each time you feel a hunger pang, say to your self: "that's me losing weight"!

    4) Eat something low calories and high fiber in the morning to stave off the cravings (see if that helps)
  • I use willpower, and ignore it. I ask my self what do I want more.. To be fit and healthy? or Fat and unhealthy? Choice is easy for me.
  • toriking
    toriking Posts: 12 Member
    I have a craving for jelly sweets when it's monthly time and as much as I've tried I can't cut it out. So I give in. I exercise harder and I eat even better in order to do it.
    Even though we are all trying to be healthier and fitter we have to remember that we can do anything and everything in moderation :)
  • If I crave fast food I opt for the kids meal size of it. That way I can enjoy it without all the guilt and because I am used to eating less nowadays, the smaller meal tends to fill me up faster. I also get it with water, diet soda, or black coffee so I don't have the extra calories in the drink. I also try to keep healthy treats in the car for when I need something salty or sweet and I'm in the car for emergency (this includes boredom in the car as well).
  • It is mind over matter and that's all there is to it. If you want to quit the addiction badly enough you wil. Always ask yourself "will this taste as good as skinny feels"
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    Lots of great advice in this thread! Bump!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    cut up your CC's and don't keep cash on you... problem solved!
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    Bring healthy snacks with you and eat before you leave the house. And bring water. has a recipe for awesome chicken nuggets! Once you stay away from fast food for a while, if you have it again it will taste nasty, trust me!
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Definitely search for healthier alternatives. Keep healthy snacks in your car or purse. Water, Water, Water.
    Good luck. It's ok to have your favs every once in a while.
  • bnfs2012
    bnfs2012 Posts: 29
    When i start to think about something i want...i brush my teeth or drink a cup of water...
  • JillABeaN25
    JillABeaN25 Posts: 3 Member
    Honestly? Gum is my first defense. Really strong mint flavors work the best - it's like going to the dentist. You don't want to eat right after a cleaning and the strong mint flavor would taste bad when mixed with something else. Helps deter it at all. If that doesn't work, try a really small taste of it. Like get one for your kids or your husband and ask for a bite. that's all.
  • shendras
    shendras Posts: 46 Member
    Popping a piece of minty gum in my mouth usually works. Once I'm all minty, nothing really sounds good to eat.
  • heatherhauptli
    heatherhauptli Posts: 6 Member
    I have a hard time with drive-thrus. So now I ride my bike everywhere I can. I don't want anyone seeing me riding my bike whilst dragging around a bag of fast food. Problem solved. :) Good luck to you!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I have a HORRIBLE addiction to fast food I can make myself go a day or two with out it but then three days later I am in the drive through for Chicken nuggets and a pop. It makes me sad that I can't keep myself eating right. I have like zero self control when I am in the car and hungry. All I want is to be healthier but I keep getting in my own way!!! GRR How does everyone else control a crappy craving?

    Calorie king give you a run down of ingredients PLUS tells you what you'll have to do to burn those calories.

    ie: 6pc chicken nugget from McD-

    78 mins of walking
    32 mins of jogging
    23 mins of swimming
    43 mins cycling

    When I SEE exactly how much work it'll be to 'fix' it, it REALLY makes me re think the choice.

  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    Don't allow yourself the drive through, or, leave credit cards at home if you don't need them. Carry enough cash to get what you need. Change your route so you aren't driving by them.

    What I did, and I'm not reccomending this, to cure myself of the "rodeo cheeseburger problem" was to order four of them, let them sit in the fridge for 4-5 days. Then I ate them. I, of course, got a bit ill. It helped me avoid them in the future because I kept thinking back to that sick feeling.

    These days my fast food eating continues, but its salads and chicken breasts minus the bun. The salad has plenty of fiber and helps keep you feeling full.

    Drink your water, don't drive by fast food when you are craving, don't carry credit cards if you can't control yourself. These tips I give to you.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I keep a fiber one bar in my purse all the time. I try to keep a bottle of water with me too. So I know I don't really have an excuse to stop by McD's. I was so addicted to them but, you know what? I don't like the way their burgers taste now. It doesn't taste real anymore. Now that I'm use to real food, I much prefer it to fast food.

    I think the high sodium in fast food has something to do with the cravings. High sodium food just seems like it's more appealing when you're in a hurry. I don't know why that is.
  • I had the same problem. I was eating in the car and "hiding" what all I truely was eating. I started to bring an apple or peach with me. and I totally avoid the drive thru. I started driving out of the way to avoid where i knew my weak spots were. If you have to have those chicken nuggets, start buying a kids meal. They give you 4 nuggets. perfect size. you will get there. Keep trying, we all have cravings!!!
    :smile: :smile:
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I eat fast food all the time. Nuggets at wendy's with a chili and a light lemonade will still keep you in line to finish just fine for the day and every other day won’t kill you. Just NO sauces!!! Don't deny them go for it, just know what you are getting before hand. Most of the time they have 1.00 burgers that are all around 300 calories anyway and no calorie lemonade or light lemonade. It might be beneficial to reward yourself or have an off day such as Sundays. Heck I ate reeses and popsicles yesterday for my reward. Today a twix bar! Just go for it girlie! Sunday is my off day where I can go over and eat what I want. This might be an option. I just know for me if I deny myself of any of that its not reasonable for the long run and I will eventually go out of my mind and gorge!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Find a healthy alternative to it.

    You like chicken nuggets? Learn to make your own; make and bake them ahead of time then pop them in the micro for a quick bite. Like pop? Try sparkling water; its flavored and far healthier.

    And in the beginning, maybe treat yourself to that craving once a week, then once every 2 weeks, etc until you can wean off it :)

    This! You'd be shocked how much better homemade can be. Leave the McD's nuggets as a treat.

    If that's not working, Google how they're made. That should turn you off. ;)