Office Life: Let Them Have Pie

Reps always bring food or sweets when they visit our office b/c apparently humans are easily bribed with food and contracts cannot be inked w/o an offering of tasty treats. As I sit here at my cubicle every single co-worker is shoving pie in their mouths. There are two of the biggest pies I've ever seen on the other side of my cube wall- apple and key-lime. I will not eat pie despite the fact my feminine hormones are begging me to consume sweets this week. I'm sticking to healthy food b/c the 8 inches 13 pounds that are no longer a part of my body didn't disappear by eating pie. This may sound mean but it also helps that a few of my co-workers are considerably overweight so I keep picturing Jabba the Hut shoveling pie into his face which seems to help my motivation. (yes, I'm a Star Wars geek) So they can all have pie, and cake, and cookies and doughnuts, and all the other passing treats... I'll pass b/c nothing can taste as good as fit will feel!


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'll pass b/c nothing can taste as good as fit will feel!

    Just going to leave this here...

  • vbmama2012
    vbmama2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Agreed! In our office, we all take a turn each Friday with bringing in breakfast. I usually end up eating at home before coming in on Friday, as everyone generally brings the usual donuts, bagels, and coffee cakes. I've lost 53 lbs so far, and it's been common knowledge in our office since day 1. I never hid the fact that I was changing my diet, and never hid the fact that I was diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic. On my days, I prepare a healthy breakfast to share with my co-workers, to try to encourage them and show them that we can eat yummy, tasty food that's good for us! I'm not asking for special meals, but just a little consideration, when we have several people in our office who are fighting some medical issue related to weight and food.
    I do the same visual thing you do, OP. Maybe not Jabba The Hut, but some similar visual. Way to go on resisting the temptation, and on your progress!!
  • jlilangel
    let your co-workers be "Jabba". Stick to your guns! You're showing restraint, which is awesome. To curb your temptations any day of the week, bring some healthy snacks and put some extra out along with the pies and other sweet goodies. Set a good example for your co-workers and grab a healthy goodie when they go for the pie.
  • oOMusicBabii
    I'll pass b/c nothing can taste as good as fit will feel!

    Just going to leave this here...
    That image is priceless.

    Now I could be wrong, but if you really want that piece of pie, have a small piece and work it into your calories for the day. It is ok to indulge...just be smart about it.
  • nonstopjamhen
    I have this exact thing ALL THE TIME. Except our office is open plan, so there's no hiding from it. This week was a giant baked blueberry cheesecake. Luckily, have managed to avoid. Browsing these forums while it's around helps.
  • mandilwebb
    mandilwebb Posts: 13 Member
    My indulgence is Skinny Cow ice cream pops or vanilla greek yogurt with unsweet cocoa powder and splenda- tastes just like fatty fatty chocolate pudding :)
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Fellow Star Wars fan! W00t W00t! It sounds like every office in America. Ours does a Birthday Club where we pick a name of another "member" of the club and make their favorite dessert. PAINFUL. Now with MFP, I can scan the store-bought stuff and figure it into my intake. I also have a mail scale in my office, so I WEIGH that puppy and cut off the excess from my planned portion and place the secondary plate in the kitchenette for others. Most times I just share a piece with a co-worker or "come in late" that day so I don't have to worry about the forcing of food.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    sexiest post of the day
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'll pass b/c nothing can taste as good as fit will feel!

    Just going to leave this here...


    I am SO LUCKY!

    I get hipbones AND pizza.

    I find this image to be pretty don't need a thigh gap to be healthy and happy. And you don't have to give up all the treats in order to reach your goals.

    To me, it's worth it to portion out that big bowl of ice cream, and I'm not at all resentful when I lace up my shoes and head to the gym to bust my butt and work it off. If you're willing to burn the calories, ALL foods are available to you. And it's perfectly okay if you aren't. Most days, I am not willing to exercise to that level either. But knowing that I have the choice, and that those tempting treats ARE available to me if I'm willing to EARN them, is the reason I've been able to maintain my current weight for the last year and a half, and will be able to do so for life.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member

    I am SO LUCKY!

    I get hipbones AND pizza.

    I find this image to be pretty don't need a thigh gap to be healthy and happy. And you don't have to give up all the treats in order to reach your goals.

    To me, it's worth it to portion out that big bowl of ice cream, and I'm not at all resentful when I lace up my shoes and head to the gym to bust my butt and work it off. If you're willing to burn the calories, ALL foods are available to you. And it's perfectly okay if you aren't. Most days, I am not willing to exercise to that level either. But knowing that I have the choice, and that those tempting treats ARE available to me if I'm willing to EARN them, is the reason I've been able to maintain my current weight for the last year and a half, and will be able to do so for life.

    This. All of this.

    If you want the pie, EAT IT.
    Just make sure it's a good portion, and fits into your alloted calories. No need to deprive yourself of something you're so evidently craving. That's only going to lead to binges.
  • twistofcain
    I always love when the old farts retire from much damn pie and cake and I eat it all.
  • WhatDoesLisa
    Switch departments! No joke, I work in a "non-revenue" producing group and there is no pie, cakes, sweets here. Ever! If it isn't free, no one will spend their money to bring it in.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    You can lose weight, be healthy AND eat pie, you know. But I wouldn't eat it either, if there wasn't cool whip.
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    We have sweets left over from events or that people bring in all the time. A very sweet person we work for brought dunkin donuts munchkins in specifically for me and two of my coworkers today. I let my two coworkers have what they wanted and then put the rest in the break room--it wasn't as difficult to resist as I thought! Yesterday, our building had an "ice cream social" and I skipped it so I wouldn't be tempted. Sometimes, I will let myself have some of the treats though, but only a little sliver or bite--I know if I have much more than that I will lose self control.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    My indulgence is Skinny Cow ice cream pops or vanilla greek yogurt with unsweet cocoa powder and splenda- tastes just like fatty fatty chocolate pudding :)

    I'm trying your Greek yogurt mix today! I mix Greek yogurt with vanilla extract, truvia, and chopped fresh cherries...heaven!!