83 lbs Down w/ Pics


I've posted pics on here before at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/407179-45-pounds-down-before-and-after-pics but that was almost 40 lbs ago, so I thought that I'd check in again. There are more pics at that topic, but I'll just put the ultimate before and current here now.

Before: 345.2

Current: 261.8

I'm down 83.4 pounds so far and MFP has definitely been a huge part of why! Recently, I got under 265 and that was a huge deal for me. Getting into adulthood, at 245, I started Slim Fast and lost 20 lbs to get to 225.

I gained that all back and then some and at 265, I decided I was super fat and did Atkins. I lost 43 lbs to get to 222 and then gained and gained and gained over 7 years until I got to 345.2 and started here.

So, I kind of mentally see my weight zones like this:

Because I once saw 265 as "the most obese me I could stand", every pound above that had a bad mental picture for me. Being under 265 means a lot. As you can tell from the picture, when I get under 245, that is going to be a big deal for me, too! I can't even *WAIT* for under 222!

Of course, me at 261 now looks a whole lot different than 265 all of those years ago, but it is the principle of the thing, you know? ;)

Thank all of you for all of your support and inspiration. Since starting MFP, I've lost the 83.4 lbs and I've completed 2 5Ks where I couldn't even walk a block before. I'm wearing a ton of old clothes and going through belts like it is my job! ;) MFP is definitely changing lives!


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