Introducingggg...ME! Tada!

LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
Greetings and Salutations All!

I thought I should maybe post something instead of just using the trackers and lurking. So far, I've read lots of good and informative stuff. I opt to overlook the negative, harsh posts because it harshes my groove :wink:

Originally the "subject" was going to read "Disabled Vet looking to get back in shape" but I'm not that easy of a package or label.

I'll give the condensed-version of my fitness/health: fat baby, even the doctor told my mother I'd be on diets for the rest of my life; fat teenager - then "blossomed" at at 17, dropped weight and got in shape when babysitting my neice and nephew for two months. Who knew chasing kids and being interactive could burn so many calories?! Graduated high school and for four months, before I entered the Air Force, took care of my terminally ill grandma. Absolutely sedentary life except taking her to the hospital for chemo...gained lots of weight, so much that for the week before and the first week of basic training, was on a near-fast diet. Once my weight was within military standards, I got into shape because of mandatory physical training (PT.) Age 22 - 25, in an ugly, drunken marriage - gained weight and was at the edge of height/weight limits for moving over to Germany. Got divorced, lost weight - not a lot, but enough. 1998, fell down a flight of stairs, screwed up my back, received bad physical therapy, more injury, put on pain meds, anti-depressants. Honorably discharged in 2000.

YAY! Civilian!! First two months out, lived with grandma-in-law & mother-in-law. Grandma did things "old school." Did two months "pennance" (scrubbing floors on hands and knees, all laundry was hung to dry - outside in warmer temps, basement in cooler temps...rarely in the drier) lost 20lbs with all the chores. Husband & I moved into own apartment, I found the Internet, made virtual friends, rarely left the house.

Okay, the condensed-version is entirely too long LOL! That's what I get for living 42 years :laugh:

So, let's fast forward to a VA appt I had last week - they had me get up on the "cattle weighing cart" (I kid you not, that's what it looked like!!) and it read 170...I freaked out! That is like, 7lbs less than my highest weight when they had me doped-up in Germany!

I *knew* I needed to get a handle on the situation and I know three females who use MFP, so here I am. I have limited mobility, still am on a plethora of meds, but as they say, "slow and steady win the race."

I *know* what I'm to do: portion control, no eating after 9p.m., stick to MFP, drink plenty of water, take my meds and vitamins, and do whatever exercise I can but not to the point of injuring myself (defeats the purpose, ya know?!)

So, here's to us, from whatever walks of life we come from, to whatever "battles" we have to fight...we CAN prevail!


  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    CHEERS! *clink* , The end of your post sounded like a toast so....

    I will be 42 next month, I'm 5' tall and currently weigh 160 pounds. I just started on MFP 1 week ago at 163 pounds. I don't have injuries, except for a somewhat undiagnosed screwy lower back/hip region, but I think we could still relate to each others journey. Sending you a friend request. Welcome!
  • Inyosi
    Inyosi Posts: 19
    Welcome !! Feel free to add me as a friend on here, we all can use the motivation and support from each other!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Aye, a toast indeed! Or it could be a "battle of the bulge" warrior cry (smile!)

    As to my lower back issues, the doctors are trying to figure out if I have tears in my lumbar and/or sacral discs, as they definitely know there is something seriously wrong with my SacroIlliac Joint, or SI Joint as they like to document. It's like a car's rear alignment is out of whack. ~sad chuckle~ The chiropractor I see almost weekly, has to put me in realignment every week...ouch.

    I will give support as I can...but as to guidance, well, let's just say I can pretend I was a cheerleader in high school, as I had to hear my sister practice for *years*. My dear sister, all of five feet tall and 85lbs...yeah, we look *nothing* alike (but the booby fairy visited me instead of her! ~chuckles~)