New to this site

Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
I found this site yesterday and so far it seems to be fab, I havent counted caloreis for a long time, and I think that this site is going to help me no-end, I have this on my ipod touch so it is easy to get at? Love to hear from anyone else who is just starting out like me?


  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I'm new to the site and I absolutely love it! It's a great way to track what you eat, your exercise, and to visualize your goals! It's awesome. Welcome and good luck with your endeavors.
  • suirwin
    I found this site my accident looking for nutritional information. I have been using Nutrimirror, but this site seems to have a lot more of the foods I eat in their database. I'm going to stick with it for a while and see how it works out.:smile:
  • kms322
    kms322 Posts: 7 Member
    This is week 2 for me and I lost 6.6 lbs so far. I was on WW but with the economy it has stopped me from being on it and actually I think I like this site better. It does have a lot of food options in it, the nice thing is that you can add a food to the database and you can share it with the community so there are goods I thought that no way would it be on there, and it is cause someone else in the forum has eaten it. Another really cool thing about this site is you can befriend someone, go on their page and view what they have eaten to get other ideas. I love that! Good luck and enjoy, it helped me stop from going completely nuts last night. I was so hungry, I did have a lot of snacks, but small amounts, didn't go over by much but if I didn't have this, then I could have done real damage.
  • BeautifullyBlessed
    This is week 2 for me and I lost 3lb last week. My goal right now is to loose only 3lbs a week. Good luck and welcome. Its alot of fun and very helpful.
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    I too have done WW but it is too expensive for me at the mo!!! Motivation is the key with me, but I think this site could help me lots, just have to figure my way around it?