Dangers of low calorie diets - link



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    just finished 10 weeks and lost 50lbs,,,glad I never read that arcticle till now,,,
    look up Dr. Bernstein,he must have it all wrong???

    fact is he has an add on the link you provided,lmao

    I want to know how many calories you eat, and if you are working out. Mine are 1200 with minimal workout.
    On average 450 a day with no working out, strict food groups... check my diary. Two shots of vitamin B6 and one of B12 a week, all part of the program.
    I have been in maintenance for 10 days eating about 800 a day I have always maintained 10,000 steps a day and I am now doing 20,000, no other exercise at the present time.
    Last Saturday I walked up a mountain with my wife, 2 1/2 hours up and 1 1/2 down. I will start a formal training program in the next few months.

    Right on!!
  • childonboard
    wow that feels awful. i know as i too have been suffering headaches, extreme tiredness, and terrible dizzy spells.
    i am not blaming restricting calories, as i have only just started this yesterday and the symptoms have been happening for a week today. get your thyroid checked maybe???
    hope you feel well soon!!
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    How healthy and fit you are matters above the scale. While I was writing my thesis I visited this old lady, she's well above 75 and we went up to her attic to look for her old photos in a chest. It was a medium chest, weighing maybe around 45-50 lbs and I couldn't lift and put it on the table. She told me not to worry, and she grabbed it as it was feather and put it on the table. I was very scale obsessed back then and I felt ashamed of my youth. She's been doing yoga for the past 40 years, every day in her life. She is healthy, she is in a very good condition and she does it by looking after herself well.

    I hope your doctor visit goes fine but if he suggests a therapist, don't feel discourage. Therapist is only someone you can talk to freely, in a letting things off your chest way. He/she may show you a different way to look at things as an objective outsider, which a family and friends may lack most of the times.

    Just remember that you can do anything as long as you want it.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    it's amazing how many people think they are doctors and nutritionists here. BTW, that article sucks.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    it's amazing how many people think they are doctors and nutritionists here. BTW, that article sucks.
    You can leave now.

    Here's the door.... *points to door*
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    wow that feels awful. i know as i too have been suffering headaches, extreme tiredness, and terrible dizzy spells.
    i am not blaming restricting calories, as i have only just started this yesterday and the symptoms have been happening for a week today. get your thyroid checked maybe???
    hope you feel well soon!!

    Thyroid is perfectly fine
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Anyone who is on 1200 cals a day or lower should ABSOLUTELY be under the guidance of their doctor.... having regular bloodwork taken to check on any deficiencies.....take a daily multi vitamin.... take vitamin D....keep protein between 60-80 grams daily to maintain lean muscle mass.... drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
    I started eating 1200 cal and fine tuning things feb 25th 2011. I even went a few weeks while on liquids averaging 600-800 cal a day....ALL under a docs care and supervision. I never was weak...never hungry... and full of energy. By dec 6th 2011 i had 200 pounds off.

    I lifted weights all during my weight loss and gained a bit of muscle and still lost weight.

    only time i experience a slight headache was when I had cut my carbs n stopped eating bread n pasta when i went on 1200 cal. it lasted maybe a day or two then never had them again. i ate balance healthy meals and remained healthy as a horse...and still am an now am eating at least 1100 = 1200 cal and somedays i know of my portioning i am up to 1300 if not more.
    i hate it when people down eating lower than 1200. If it is done safely with a docs care and with proper nutrition etc it is a ok
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    it's amazing how many people think they are doctors and nutritionists here. BTW, that article sucks.
    You can leave now.

    Here's the door.... *points to door*

    I wasn't hating on your thread...more the article and the respones. You can find better research and better advice else where.. That is all.

    Also, not to be hateful...if you are fearful of eating, you really need to talk to your doctor about it and possibly see a nutritionist or a therapist. It's not healthy.
  • clbowman11
    clbowman11 Posts: 117

    Must read. I'm currently going through all of this... Think this is pointless and not true? Ok, it's your opinion but it happens to many people. I see a lot of people here (including me....) eating way too low. At first it might work, but over time it will do the opposite for you. It has for me...

    In fact, this morning I almost fainted for no reason, Very dizzy, nauseous, shaky, fog headed, scared, shortness of breath and sweating. I noticed eat time I eat something, my heart pounds through my back and chest like its trying to work harder. I'm going to see my doctor this Friday for a physical and I'm mentioning it to him.

    I've also gained fat and my shape is different due to muscle loss.... I'm trying to rebuild them back up but it's hard when you're afraid to eat more.

    It also sounds to me like you're experiencing some hypoglycemic episodes. I had hypoglycemia episodes for 3 or 4 months straight up until I started dieting and exercising. And those sound just like it. So, you might want to ask your doctor about running a fasting blood test. However, women should NEVER eat below 1200 calories a day. And there are ways online to find out by your sex, your age, your level of activity, etc how many calories you should be eating. I heat 1200-1220 (as suggested) and I feel fine. I eat every 2-3 hours snacks in between meals and I make it just fine. And I exercise at the gym 5x a week. So, unless your hypoglycemic you are eating too few calories for your body.
  • clbowman11
    clbowman11 Posts: 117
    You are going to have those leaping on here now crying "My doc says i can and therefore its fine!!!".
    However I am being a hypocrite at the moment because I am trying to stay under 1000 a day. It is for a week or two to see if i can start losing again.
    I hit a plateau then put on 4lbs somehow (I really do not know how, I log all my food and have stuck to around 1250 a day). So i thought I would try this to see if it kick starts something inside me so that I start losing again.

    Getting under 1000 calories a day will actually ruin your weight loss. It will slow down your metabolism in order to save energy from what you've eaten.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I will say, I do love all the low calorie diet adds in the add breaks. Aahhh... good ol' irony
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    My doctor actually said no more than 1200 calories a day. So... I honestly almost fainted in his office. Like tonight, yeah, my MFP is set on 1200, but with working out and such, it's gonna be a lot more.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This works!


    Heres a good study of women and diets.

    I now have 250 peeps on my method all experiencing weight loss of up to 2lbs a week.
    Most are eating close to 2k a day.

    My view on this subject is this:

    If you give fat a reason not to exist then you wont hold onto it.

    The 4 major biological functions of fat tissue are (1) energy storage (2) toxin storage (3) protection against insulin resistance, and (4) protection against estrogen decline in women. Eliminate the functions of fat tissue also eliminates the reasons for its existence.

    So you eat at a good daily caloric intake to signal that you arent in a famine.
    You workout to break insulin resistance.
    You get your hormones in check.

    You dont have fat.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    First of all all of my adult life I have had problems eating enough, once I force myself to eat a reasonable amount of calories I started to loose weight. Second I read this:
    Calories for Fat Loss

    Science tells us that 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily calorie deficit of 500 should result in 1 pound per week fat loss (find out how many calories you burn for any exercise here). In reality things don't quite work that efficiently! Generally, a person's energy expenditure becomes less as they get lighter - meaning that you will inevitably plateau. The amount of food intake that once lead to weight loss, will now only maintain2.


    Always try to aim for the "Fat Loss" daily calorie level. The "Extreme Fat Loss" level is effectively a rock bottom calorie level. Do not attempt to immediately drop your calories to this level hoping for the quick fix - this may ultimately backfire. The Extreme Fat Loss level is listed to show the lowest calorie amount that could be considered. It should be seen as the exception rather than the rule.

    It truly is better to burn the fat than to starve it.
    From: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    Hope it helps!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    This works!


    Heres a good study of women and diets.

    I now have 250 peeps on my method all experiencing weight loss of up to 2lbs a week.
    Most are eating close to 2k a day.

    My view on this subject is this:

    If you give fat a reason not to exist then you wont hold onto it.

    The 4 major biological functions of fat tissue are (1) energy storage (2) toxin storage (3) protection against insulin resistance, and (4) protection against estrogen decline in women. Eliminate the functions of fat tissue also eliminates the reasons for its existence.

    So you eat at a good daily caloric intake to signal that you arent in a famine.
    You workout to break insulin resistance.
    You get your hormones in check.

    You dont have fat.

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    just finished 10 weeks and lost 50lbs,,,glad I never read that arcticle till now,,,
    look up Dr. Bernstein,he must have it all wrong???

    I wonder how much of that was body fat and how much was lean muscle? Also whats your calorie count now? 50 lbs in 10 weeks is really fast and I dont want any part of it. Weight like that comes back and bring more lbs with it.

    Rapid weight loss brought on by a severely restricted caloric intake can also increase your cholesterol levels. This puts a strain on your heart, causing it to work harder

    blood work perfect,heart rate perfect,dropped pressure pill by half likely going to stop taking it,still as strong as before,haters gonna hate,,lol

    Well done!
    I read later 450 calories but perhaps its okay if a short amount of time and now you are upping the cals. Do you know what percentage was lean muscle or are you not bothered as most appears to be fat? Plus you have all those improved health markers.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    just finished 10 weeks and lost 50lbs,,,glad I never read that arcticle till now,,,
    look up Dr. Bernstein,he must have it all wrong???

    fact is he has an add on the link you provided,lmao

    I want to know how many calories you eat, and if you are working out. Mine are 1200 with minimal workout.
    On average 450 a day with no working out, strict food groups... check my diary. Two shots of vitamin B6 and one of B12 a week, all part of the program.
    I have been in maintenance for 10 days eating about 800 a day I have always maintained 10,000 steps a day and I am now doing 20,000, no other exercise at the present time.
    Last Saturday I walked up a mountain with my wife, 2 1/2 hours up and 1 1/2 down. I will start a formal training program in the next few months.

    Did you say this was a Bernstein plan?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Anyone who is on 1200 cals a day or lower should ABSOLUTELY be under the guidance of their doctor.... having regular bloodwork taken to check on any deficiencies.....take a daily multi vitamin.... take vitamin D....keep protein between 60-80 grams daily to maintain lean muscle mass.... drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
    I started eating 1200 cal and fine tuning things feb 25th 2011. I even went a few weeks while on liquids averaging 600-800 cal a day....ALL under a docs care and supervision. I never was weak...never hungry... and full of energy. By dec 6th 2011 i had 200 pounds off.

    I lifted weights all during my weight loss and gained a bit of muscle and still lost weight.

    only time i experience a slight headache was when I had cut my carbs n stopped eating bread n pasta when i went on 1200 cal. it lasted maybe a day or two then never had them again. i ate balance healthy meals and remained healthy as a horse...and still am an now am eating at least 1100 = 1200 cal and somedays i know of my portioning i am up to 1300 if not more.
    i hate it when people down eating lower than 1200. If it is done safely with a docs care and with proper nutrition etc it is a ok

    Amazing amount of weight loss! If you took an extremely slow route to weight loss you would probably still be obese now.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Did you go to the doctor since March when you joined? You had similar concerns then, and everyone advised seeing a doctor and seeing a nutritionist.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member

    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Did you go to the doctor since March when you joined? You had similar concerns then, and everyone advised seeing a doctor and seeing a nutritionist.

    I don't have the money for a nutritionist and all he's going to tell me is to eat more calories. Especially when I workout. If I tell him I have trouble eating at the recommended amount because I don't want to gain anymore fat, he'll probably be Really concerned and send me somewhere and I don't want that.

    I want to be able to eat more and workout again. I want my leaner body back so badly.... I'm tired if feeling and living this way. I miss how I use to look, too.