Cedar Point

Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
So I'm going to Cedar Point this Saturday with my friend and a few other people...I'm 5'4 and 277 pounds...I'm worried about fitting on some of the rides...it'd be pretty embarrassing if I didn't fit... : :embarassed: just wondering if anyone has been.. Any rides I should def. avoid? Anyone around my size have some rides I should be fine on?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I don't know about Cedar Point but a lot of amusement parks have a sample seat outside the ride on those rides where size could be an issue. You could probably just eyeball it to see if you'd fit... Or pretend you're taking a photo and sit in it if you're embarrassed.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Considering three boys are going with me I can see it being a semi embarrassing day...
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    From the Cedar Point website:

    Restraint Systems Safety is number one at Cedar Point. All passenger restraint systems, including lap bars, shoulder harnesses and seatbelts, must be positioned, fastened and tightened to allow guests to ride. We are required by the State of Ohio to enforce all manufacturer requirements.

    Due to rider restraint system requirements, guests of larger size may not be accommodated on some of our rides. This may apply, but not be limited to, men who exceed 6’2”, or those who exceed 225 pounds, have a 40” waistline or 52” chest or females who exceed 200 pounds or wear size 18 or larger. Each person has different body proportions so it is not possible to list exact size and weight.

    Maximum rider height is 6' 6" for the following rides: Maverick, Millennium Force, Shoot the Rapids, Top Thrill Dragster and Wicked Twister.

    Our larger guests may experience difficulty on Blue Streak, Corkscrew, Disaster Transport, Mantis, Maverick, maXair, Mean Streak, Millennium Force, Mine Ride, Power Tower, Raptor, Skyhawk, Top Thrill Dragster, Wave Swinger, Wicked Twister and WindSeeker.

    Maximum recommended weight limits are posted on many rides including Camp Snoopy rides, Monster, Planet Snoopy rides, Scrambler, Skyscraper, Super Himalaya, Troika, Wave Swinger, WindSeeker, RipCord and most Soak City attractions.

    You may enter the ride via the exit to ensure the restraints function properly prior to waiting in line. We have test seats at Mantis, Maverick, maXair, Millennium Force, Raptor, Skyhawk, Top Thrill Dragster and Wicked Twister..
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    And also:

    There are weight limits posted for several rides. The weight limits listed here are per ride unit and must be dispersed between the two to four riders that the vehicle accommodates.

    Balloon Race (300 lbs.)
    Camp Bus (440 lbs.)
    Frog Hopper (500 lbs.)
    Helicopters (220 lbs.)
    Lolli Swing (275 lbs.)
    Monster (400 lbs.)
    Peanuts 500 (275 lbs.)
    Red Baron (220 lbs.)
    RipCord (800 lbs.)
    Scrambler (510 lbs.)
    Sir Rub-A-Dubs Tubs (250 lbs.)
    Sky Fighters (100 lbs.)
    Sky Ride (660 lbs.)
    Skyscraper (500 lbs.)
    Super Himalaya (495 lbs.)
    Tilt-A-Whirl (800 lbs.)
    Troika (330 lbs.)
    Wave Swinger (230 lbs.)
    Woodstock Express (300 lbs.)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I've seen that but Ive heard some people say that it doesn't apply to everyone so I was wanting personal experience or advice..
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I'm just so nervous about it all...it's on my mind all day
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Dearest Fellow Myfitnesspal members...any more advice...im kinda desperate to aviod embarrassement
  • mfkn_Titanium
    I went with some friends a couple years ago...one friend was about 250 or so and they wouldn't let her on some of the coasters. *shrugs* She was pretty pi$$ed too because she had convinced her 11 yo daughter to go and then she was turned away.
  • nikket3000
    nikket3000 Posts: 18 Member
    I live near Cedar Point. Most of the rides to have seats near the enterance of the line to get on the ride.
    this is from the website

    "Safety is number one at Cedar Point. All passenger restraint systems, including lap bars, shoulder harnesses and seatbelts, must be positioned, fastened and tightened to allow guests to ride. We are required by the State of Ohio to enforce all manufacturer requirements.

    Due to rider restraint system requirements, guests of exceptional size may not be accommodated on some of our rides. This may apply, but not be limited to, men who exceed 6’2”, or those who exceed 225 pounds, have a 40” waistline or 52” chest or females who exceed 200 pounds or wear size 18 or larger. Each person has different body proportions so it is not possible to list exact size and weight.

    Our larger guests may experience difficulty on Blue Streak, Chaos, Corkscrew, Disaster Transport, Mantis, Maverick, maXair, Mean Streak, Millennium Force, Mine Ride, Power Tower, Raptor, Skyhawk, Top Thrill Dragster, Wave Swinger, Wicked Twister.

    Maximum recommended weight limits are posted on many rides including Camp Snoopy rides, Chaos, Monster, Planet Snoopy rides, Scrambler, Skyscraper, Super Himalaya, Troika, Wave Swinger, RipCord and most Soak City attractions.

    You may enter the ride via the exit to ensure the restraints function properly prior to waiting in line. We have test seats at Maverick, maXair, Millennium Force, Raptor, Skyhawk, Top Thrill Dragster and Wicked Twister."
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Don't go on the Dragster ride. My friend had a tough time getting her restraint down and she was probably 225lbs.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I personally had some issues on the rides that buckled across the waist this summer. No issues with the rides that go over the head but it was a struggle to get the other ones buckled. I was able to ride them all but it was stressful. It was actually one of the reasons I'm on this path. Good luck!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I go there generally once a summer and I'm not going to lie most of the big coasters have small seats and harnesses so you may have difficulties riding those. I would suggest trying out the test seats on the rides that have them. A lot of people try them out so it is the norm there so I wouldn't worry about the embarrassment factor there. I guess if it were me I would want to know before I waited 3 hours to ride if I fit or not.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    I go to cedar point every year. Im going to be honest with you I could not fit on the millinium force and had to have help with the lap belt on the dragster other than that i fit on everything else. Its bull**** and embarassing. Im going back next month and hopefully this year I will have no problem we'll see though. (btw Im 5'6 220lbs: :embarassed:
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I went with some friends a couple years ago...one friend was about 250 or so and they wouldn't let her on some of the coasters. *shrugs* She was pretty pi$$ed too because she had convinced her 11 yo daughter to go and then she was turned away.

    Do you remember which coasters so i know to aviod those?
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    It sounds like Jonalee gave you all the info you need. If your waist measures larger than 40" there will be rides you can't go on. Measure yourself and see. If you think it would be too embarrassing to sit out so often, don't go. If you could shrug it off and enjoy the other rides then go have fun!

    Personally, I'd go. Enjoy yourself and in a year go back. Ride everything and feel like a million bucks! It can be great motivation if you let it. Don't let your weight cost you anymore happiness. Go have a blast, get some exercise walking around and keep making healthy choices. Next year you can post a success story that can help motivate the rest of us! *hugs*
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    It has alot to do with the size of your hips as well. Im larger in the hip area and thats where most lap bands go over. You may have trouble with the dragster& millinium force. (I did) I agree with theartichoke go have fun and stop worrying!! There are many other rides to go on (with no worrying)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    How did it work out for you? I'm heavier through the hips and thighs, and I couldn't fit on half of the roller coasters when I weighed 225 (I'm 5'5"). I could **barely** get the belt buckled on Millennium Force. They let me stay on, but I know they've gotten more strict over the past few years. (I went in 2001, before they changed some of the seats, and I've heard they're even smaller now.)

    Rides like Raptor were fine since they have a shoulder harness and I'm smaller on top. I don't plan to go again until I'm under 200 pounds. I had zero issues when I weighed 160-180.