Weight loss and Hubbies

I find it very hard to loose weight around my hubby. It isn't that he isn't supportive but he doesn't help matters.


  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    BTDT.... You just have to be strong for YOU!!! Sometimes there are things that you cannot control, but you can always control what you eat! Gotta get your head into the right place. If he is a pain in the butt, griping about your choices.... you just have to figure out how to cope with it and move ahead with YOUR plan for your own health/body/life... know what I mean?

    Find a way.... you can do this!
  • eaglesgirl2012
    It is really hard if he is not on the same page. My bf always used to suggest we go out to eat, never wanted to go grocery shopping (so then we had to go out to eat). You just have to put your foot down and say, this is what i'm going to do, even if you eat every meal separate, and eventually he will hopefully come around. Another thing that helped me is to eat only half what he does when we do eat together, which is really really hard, but just force yourself to eat slow so you finish around the same time and you're not tempted to pick off his plate.
    You can do it! You just have to do what you need to do for yourself and not worry about making him happy when it comes to food and exercise
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    I have same problem with husband. So I eat alone. He used to bug me about it, but not anymore, since he saw I was really serious about what I was trying to accomplish. Sometimes now he even joins my healthy eating.
    But yes, you have to be firm, don't back down. You can do this!