Twenty down, 12 more twenties to go.



  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Awesome job and it sounds like you are in here for the long haul. Very inspiring story! I am nearly to my first weight loss goal but there will be more as I have yet to get to 200. If you would like a friend who will do her best to cheer you on, add me. :smile:
  • gendoll
    gendoll Posts: 89 Member
    Congrats!!! Someone once told me the first 20 are the hardest (not sure if that true or not) but I know that it's an amazing feeling. Be proud and here's to the next 20.
  • Deanadet
    Deanadet Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you! Great post BUT I ask you not to refer to yourself as a behemoth. Would you call another person a monster? No, I don't think so, so don't do this to yourself. Ya, ya, I do the same thing....self-deprecating jokes, but I am not going to do this any more. Seriously, we need to be kind to ourselves.
    Good for you for making this decision for yourself. Remember that losing just 7-10% of your weight has a big impact on reducing your health risks, so you'll be there soon! Keep it up~
  • ncwall
    ncwall Posts: 64 Member
    I love the out look of not having a huge goal but a dozen little goals. Food can be very dangerous thing and a trap to fall into. I never realized how damaging it was to my self till I woke up

    Thank you for sharing and look forward to hearing more from you

    feel free to add if you want
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Wow, congratulations. Thanks for sharing this, I found your post very inspiring. Keep up this positive outlook! :)
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    Deanadet -

    First of all, thank you for your supportiveness. It really does help to see people caring about people on here. I am glad you mentioned the "behemoth" reference. When I explain it, I think you will understand that I meant it in a positive and not self-deprecating way.

    Over the many years that I accumulated my extra weight, I would either avoid looking at myself in mirrors, pictures and the like. When I did, I would convince myself that I didn't look so bad. I did that all the way up to 487 pounds. It was not until I finally and truly recognized what I had done to my body and admitted it, that I decided to do something about it. It was that recognition that spurred me on to action. So when I refer to myself as a "behemoth," it is not in an angry way or to belittle myself. Rather, it is a way of acknowledging, "hey, Houston, we've got a problem," and that through action, I can solve that problem. A lot of people would look at being 478 (now 458) pounds as a terrible, horrible, no good and very bad thing. I do too, with two exceptions.

    First, I have a medical condition (morbid obesity) that I can solve myself without surgery or dangerous drugs. In that regard, I am pretty sure that a lot of transplant candidates and cancer patients would trade places with me in a moment. All I have to do is to do what I know I need to do and I can be my own best treatment for what ails me.

    Second, I do NOT let my weight define me. Am I morbidly obese? Yes. Is that my defining characteristic? No! I am also an excellent father, a very accomplished attorney, a pretty good husband (thank you Dooney & Bourke for saving my butt a few times), and a funny guy with a really good sense of humor. My acceptance of the reality of my physical condition about a month ago when I started this journey, and continuing today, is a big part of what will spur me on to the finish line a year and a half to two years from now. And I'll do it one good food choice at a time, one decision to exercise at a time, and one pound at a time. I don't know how to lose 258 more pounds. But I do know how to lose 1 pound and to do that 258 more times. And I will!

    I hope this makes sense.

    Scott R.
  • Cds309
    Cds309 Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats!!! Congrats!!! Congrats!!! The hardest thing is getting up and moving. I have had times where I get depressed about being overweight and then eat something to feel better, which makes me only more overweight. This is my first day and the inspiration that you have given is priceless!! Please keep sharing!!
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    Congratulations on your first 20-pound loss! It truly is an achievement, so here is your pat on the back. *pat, pat*
    Some people join this site to lose 10 pounds, and I don't think they can truly grasp the resilience and strength of people with literally 10 to 20 times their amount to lose. We're not dealing with "Oh I ate too much over the holidays." We're dealing with "I am addicted to food, just like other people are addicted to drugs." At least that's my story. Until you've been in those shoes, you just cannot understand how someone can "let themselves go." Other people are lucky in that their addictions aren't so apparent to the outside world.

    Some people would just give up staring down a triple-digit weight loss goal. I know when I saw that my goal was 115 pounds to lose, part of me wanted to say, "God. This will take forever." But I am doing things one day at a time, just like you. This website is what I have needed all these years ago when I was just flailing around looking for something to help me stay focused. I've tried TOPS, not counting calories (just going by hunger), weighing, not weighing, SlimFast, NutriSystem, blah blah blah. I just had nothing to keep me focused at all times quite like MFP.

    I'll say it again, job well done. We'll be here to give you a high-five for every milestone you reach :)
  • Saundra45
    Saundra45 Posts: 1 Member
    Wow - what an amazing post. Although I have never posted before, your words are so inspiring that I had to reply by thanking you for sharing such a wonderful message. I too have some ways to go but today you have inspired me to persevere on the road to better health. All the best with your journey and congratulations on your success thus far. Feel free to friend me :smile:
  • alanrosez
    What a great post! Congrats to you!
  • Energyflows
    Bravo! Really well done! I'm happy for you!
  • julieo81
    julieo81 Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats, Those pounds will continue to melt away. By this time next year you will be a new man.
  • ba18ba18a
    Thanks for the inspiration, Scott. I love your infectious attitude! I commend you on your choice to go walk off your overage. Way to go. It may not be the easy thing, but it's the right thing. Well done.
  • juhobi
    juhobi Posts: 2 Member
    That's really inspiring!
  • grandmatimes9
    Good for you. There is so much support here. Just reading the posts with motivate you. Good Luck.. You can befriend me if you like.
  • chattah
    chattah Posts: 11 Member
    First off congratulations on the twenty down. You have a phenomenal attitude that I'm going to have to steal for my own use. I think the topic of your post says it all with "12 more twenties to go". I learned not long ago that small goals are the only way that I can move forward and you have set yourself up with your big and small goals all wrapped up into one. I know that if you keep that attitude and positive thinking going you will not only reach those goals but probably greatly exceed them.

    Way to go!!!