Encouraging Words Needed Please



  • xlntrose
    xlntrose Posts: 7 Member
    You've obviously worked very hard and been successful to date.. success can only come with acceptance of our occasional setbacks, so you can choose to get back on track and let the last couple of days be blown away with a kiss as you bid them goodbye and return to your chosen program.

    keep up the good work! :)
  • Don't focus on how far you have to go. Focus on where you are and how far you've come. You've lost all this weight!! That's amazing!! Don't let it go to waste. Don't give up. So you had two days that were bad. Get back on that horse tomorrow and eat well and kick butt doing your workout. Sometimes we all have to take a break from this thing and reevaluate what we're doing. Just don't let it get in the way of your goal. Maybe make a goal other than weight? How about running an 8k by a certain date? Or a 10k? And then go for a half marathon. Just don't give up!!
  • Hang in there. The important thing is not to let to days become a week!pick yourself up and start fresh tomorrow. You are trying and doing your best. Good luck.
  • Oh I am so in the same boat! The last few days have been really bad food days and I was hoping to start the C25K program. I am still working out, but not as intense or as long as I usually do. I think, like anything else, weight loss and exercise have their ups and downs, you might be gung ho one day and slacking the next, but it's the same with house work, studying, procrastinating about cleaning the basement lol! Two days over your calories may give your metabolism the boost! Everyday is a battle, just because you "lose" a few battles doesn't mean you lose ground or have lost the war :)
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Nothing like going 'off the wagon' to really appreciate the benefits and good feelings of being on! :)
  • Hey you - first of all - everyone needs a couple days sometimes. I've started over so many times since I've decided to head down the journey of weight loss. Look at you - 31 lbs down?! That's no easy task, you should be very proud of yourself. At least when you take those couple of days don't just think about the extra calories - but about how far you've come.

    Then, when you're done, tell yourself tomorrow is a new day and pick yourself up and make it a good one. How do you think those 31 lbs. disappeared? You can do this!

    I'm here if you need any more encouraging words too :)
  • Don't beat yourself up over 2 lousy days!!!! Think about how far you have come. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon :) We all have those crappy days that's what makes us human.

  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Thank you everybody. I am feeling better. There's nothing I can do about today. But I can do something about tomorrow and the day after. Feeling better.

    With that attitude, you will do great. It's for a lifetime, not for a couple of days. Judge yourself on how far you have come.
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Maybe you could figure out what occurrence in your life caused you to stop for a couple of days. Sometimes it can be a work stressor, a family issue, or a health issue that can cause that old auto pilot to click on so that you react as you used to do in the past. I say this because I have experienced it.

    I had two MRIs today and I felt stressed. Knowing that I had already made dinner and that I had already planned the rest of the day out really helped me to avoid some unhealthy behaviors. Wishing you success in reaching your goals. You have already come this far. Don't forget what you've already accomplished and where you're going with all of this. You are SO worth it!
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I'm kinda pooped and quite exhausted...here's all the motivation i can muse

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're always right" - Henry Ford

    "If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney

  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    Its a marathon...not a sprint!!!! 2 days aren't going to defeat you! You on pace just finish your race!
  • It's all good honey.... If you can just sit back and remember that the two days are NOT your normal lifestyle, the previous days ARE your normal lifestyle. Everyone is entitled to have a rough patch. We all binge at times, sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week. But you have already created a reality of weight loss to be more active. You can do it!!!!
  • jadums
    jadums Posts: 22
    You can do it!
    You can do it!
    You can do it!

    Halfway there, it's all downhill from here!!!

    Do you remember when you thought you'd never make it this far and look at you!!!!

    Go! Go! Go! Go!

    You're awesome!
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    What they said.

    And, friend ALL OF THEM! They will be with you, watching you, supporting you for the next 40 pounds. Up to the day that you take a picture with your cell phone of your awesome new figure in your bathroom mirror and post it here. Then we will all applaud and look forward to the day we can do the same.

    Hit it hard in the morning, have a healthy meal and snap, you are back on track.

    But Friend all of these fabulous people. Seriously.
  • Don't beat yourself up over 2 lousy days!!!! Think about how far you have come. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon :) We all have those crappy days that's what makes us human.

  • ElayeRoss
    ElayeRoss Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes after a good loss, it's like I lose my mind for a day or two. Before I know it, I'm eating something ridiculous like southwestern eggrolls. mmmmm....southwestern eggrolls. Anyway, I just have to rein myself back in and refocus. I also think a lifetime of using food as a celebration tool is a hard habit to break! Hang in there! You've done excellent!
  • tito7388
    tito7388 Posts: 37 Member
    Going over your limit isn't bad once in a while. It helps your metabolism believe it or not. As long as you don't eat below your BMR and have a healthy decifit from your TDEE you're good.

    A couple of days will not undo months of healthy eating So it's good to fall off he wagon once in a while to treat yourselft.
  • Nariel
    Nariel Posts: 11 Member
    Virtual hug! Holding space for you and sending you breath to carry on. Be proud of the courage you have shown this far in your weight loss journey. Take a short maintenance break if you need to rest. Then gather up your courage to make another push.
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    2 days- just enough to reset your metabolism! We all have set backs. The important thing is to get back up and keep going :)

    Hang in there- you've come a long way and we are cheering you on!! :flowerforyou:
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I'd never make it in life if I didnt live. A couple days isnt anything to beat yourself up about, just a little living on the side of your healthy habits. I'm sure you remember to - KEEP ON PUSHING. Doesnt mean you are quitting!!