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does anyone use Body by vi



  • Also this is pretty funny to me. I don't read the forums often, but I have looked at a few posts. If I posted "Well I never leave my couch and eat pizza all day, I don't know why I'm not losing weight." I would get 6 pages of support messages.

    Post that you are considering meal replacement shake options and you are a lazy rip off artist.

    Not true. I personally use a meal replacement shake but I'm very picky and those that would like something like Body by Vi shakes, there are cheaper options.

    I eat soy, I have nothing against soy but I don't think soy protein isolate is the best thing to eat. Also Whey is cheap protein, which is something they also use in their shakes. If you want vitamins, take a vitamin pill or buy a shake that has vitamins added. There is no magic to a meal replacement that has vitamins in it, they just added it for you.

    Again, if you want a meal replacement, there are high quality items out there and there are low quality items out there. Body by VI ingredients seem to mesh more with the low quality items and for those, you can find cheaper options.

    I've read this thread, clearly what I said was true. Also whey is cheap, but it is also incredibly high in cholesterol. I'd rather have a little extra estrogen and not have the cholesterol. Also this is not a protein shake and most vitamin pills are giant wastes of money. It's one of the worst possible ways to get vitamins since most of them don't dissolve until they are so far into your body that you can't absorb anything. Also like a said $1.45 per meal, why do I need cheaper options?
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I've been using it a few months now and between that and working out I have lost 45 pounds. There have not been many times at all that I have felt hungry while using it.

    Also it is not a protein shake. If you want protein only go get something else. However protein powders are often lacking in vitamins and minerals and that is why they are not meal replacements.

    Also for the people getting pissy about taking the easy way out. Sorry I don't have unlimited time and money for whatever you consider real food, but I'm happy to be losing weight while you all seem really bitter. You do what works for you and I'll do what works for me. But thanks for adding nothing to the discussion.

    For those who say you get stuck or addicted. I'm fine with that. When I was trying to eat healthy using "real food" I would often find myself consuming too many calories to actually lose any weight unless I worked out like crazy. Now I and dropping weight no problem and not having any real cravings so for once I am not concerned about what happens when I try to keep it off.

    Also if you want to buy it don't get a hold of me. I made it very clear when I signed up that I am not going to sell it. They were fine with that.

    Read my earlier post about the protein I take please. A lot of them have vitamins too.

    Otherwise... Thanks for contributing
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I've read this thread, clearly what I said was true. Also whey is cheap, but it is also incredibly high in cholesterol. I'd rather have a little extra estrogen and not have the cholesterol. Also this is not a protein shake and most vitamin pills are giant wastes of money. It's one of the worst possible ways to get vitamins since most of them don't dissolve until they are so far into your body that you can't absorb anything. Also like a said $1.45 per meal, why do I need cheaper options?

    If you are happy, you are happy. The truth is though you could get similar soy/whey blends if you wanted for less, including vitamins. If someone was looking into Body by Vi, I'd recommend they look into the other options as there are many and many are much higher quality. I'd personally never do a soy, whey or soy/whey blend mix or recommend such. (Again, I love soy in any form but isolate)
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i have lost 85 pounds on it.. in 8 months.. i can give you links to people who have lost 200 pounds on it or 100 and there are more of them than you think

    fact is the stuff is an amazing tool for nutrition and it works..

    if it didn't it would not be the largest growing nutritional company out there
  • booksavvybabe
    booksavvybabe Posts: 26 Member
    I am just starting my "get fit" program here. I am doing BBV, I have about 1 shake a day, I mix in other stuff with it to help fill it out (fruit, low fat peanut butter, yogurt, etc) The shakes are really tasty, and they are an easy meal. For me, the shakes are a tool, as is the whole 90 day challenge thing. I like the 90 day challenge A LOT. It gives me a time frame for my goals, and helps keep me motivated.

    In addition to the shakes, i eat healthy snacks and a healthy dinner, and work out. I have lost weight before, but got sidelined with a back injury, and gained some weight back (for me, there is NO weight loss w/out exercise) So, I do know how to eat healthy, but I also learned that there is nothing wrong with using certain products as tools to help me along the way.

    Bottom line, different people require different tools and methods for weight loss. I really like the Body By Vi so far, if it helps educate others, awesome. I see no reason to bash it though...
  • I have been on Body by Vi for a little over a week now and already lost 12 lbs!! I am so excited for this weight loss journey!!
  • KimSlim1968
    KimSlim1968 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on body by vi for three days now. My husband and I both are trying to lose together. We will remeasure and weigh in on Sunday. I am excited, I can already tell a difference. [link removed by mod]
  • I just got my Vi shake mix. I have only used it a couple of days. I like to "eat" my meals....but I did have it for breakfast (which I usually don't have a breakfast anyway) and then when I get home after working out. So far, I really like it. You're right it is pricey at $49 plus s/h and take it's almost $60 for a 30 day supply. Mine will last longer because I won't replace two meals a day with it (everyday, anyway).

    I have been comparing other protein powders to the nutrition facts. I cannot find another that compares. 2 scoops of the powder is ONLY 90 calories compared to almost 200 for other powders. This has 12 grams of protein, which is a good amount considering your body can only absorb so much.

    Unless I can find something comparable at a lower price - I'm gonna bite the bullet and keep buying Vi. I hope this helps. Good luck.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I have been comparing other protein powders to the nutrition facts. I cannot find another that compares. 2 scoops of the powder is ONLY 90 calories compared to almost 200 for other powders. This has 12 grams of protein, which is a good amount considering your body can only absorb so much.

    Unless I can find something comparable at a lower price - I'm gonna bite the bullet and keep buying Vi. I hope this helps. Good luck.

    Generally, you won't find meal replacements in the 90 calorie range since that isn't really considered enough calories for a meal replacement. I used to take one that was 200 calories/serving and 23g protein. I basically used half a serving because I'd add things to it and didn't want the entire 200 calories from the shake.

    For a similar price, better nutrition, similar stats, I'd look at Amazing Meal. It has a lot of good stuff in it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So, OP, how many people selling the stuff have contacted you in response to your post?

    (I'd almost rather hear that an old friend was selling life insurance or investment planning than this stuff. At least they'd likely be slightly less fanatical about their product.)

    (Edit: because plurality of verbs matters...)
  • CaseyP1207
    CaseyP1207 Posts: 148 Member
    I use it and I like it. People b**** on these thread about how it is an "easy way out." Not really. I am getting the same amount of calories in that I would have anyways? I work my *kitten* off at the gym and at home. I'm doing the exact same thing as you. An "easy way out" in my opinion is taking a shake/pill or whatever it may be and still eating way over/under your calories and eating junk 24/7 and expecting it to make you lose weight.

    If you do it just make sure you still hit your calorie goal, workout, and drink lots of water(:

    Do what works for you. Don't bash something that is clearly working for others.
    You tell 'em Shelbie! THAT'S why we're friends! Love your feistiness!!!!
  • I used it for a few months at the end of 2011 and lost about 35 lbs. Then I stopped using it and stopped losing weight too. Now I'm starting to bring it back into my daily food program and am noticing results. I stopped weighing ,myself pin a daily basis but I feel better, pants are looser...I'm a big advocate of the ViSalus shakes and do think they work. But to each their own :)
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    There is absolutely nothing magic about it. It's a protein shake and like all the other protein shakes out there it has it's pros and cons. I have been taking it for breakfast for almost a year now. The only reason I did is because my Boot Camp instructor is a distributor and in order to grow his "business" he set up his classes in such a way that if you ordered the shake from him you could get unlimited boot camp classes for free. Before this I was taking another protein shake for breakfast so I just switched to this one instead so I could get my classes for free. I then had to deal with the awkward moment of my instructor asking me to become a part of his "promotional team" and it would only be a $49 investment. I politely declined and he hasn't tried to suck me into his MLM since. I have found it is much easier to say no from the get go than to try to get out once you get sucked in. MLM's just aren't for me. They work for some people and that's great but I will NEVER be one of those people. Anyway, back to the shakes. They taste good and they serve their purpose but they aren't the most incredible shake I have ever had. I probably wouldn't be taking them if I was getting free boot camps out of it. There are plenty of other affordable options out there. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Ok, my two cents. My cousin who weighed 569 went down to 429 before using BBV. He ate only fruits and veggies though and exercised. Now, he is using BBV, doing the 90 day challenge, and he gained 8lbs (went up to 437) and then this past week went back down to 425. He tries to sell it to me, and I gave him a challenge: i will do the calorie counting, proper diet and exercise stuff and be down below 175 before Christmas (knowing my body it will take that long) and he continues using the shakes 2 times a day along with one regular meal and see if he gets to 300 by Christmas.

    For me, I wouldn't personally buy it, but that is just me, and do what works for u!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I also enjoy the bbv shakes. They're easy to use as a tool complimenting the other changes I am making in my life. They taste good and are filling. While there is no silver bullet this is no different than any other tool out there that helps promote healthy eating, focusing on what you put in your mouth and taking up habits that will stick for the long run. I'm pleased with the results and help this product has helped me achieve thus far.