Help with "cheat" days



  • pepin1224
    pepin1224 Posts: 21 Member
    A good thing to do is to try eating good vegan food. Check out or for some really great tasting food that tends to be healthier. They have a lot of good comfort food. I personally love the lentil taco on the ppk.
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    A good thing to do is to try eating good vegan food. Check out or for some really great tasting food that tends to be healthier. They have a lot of good comfort food. I personally love the lentil taco on the ppk.

    I don't have anything against vegan food, however I do live in Texas so a vegan place to eat is SUPER hard to find in the beef capitol of the US. There is one place I know of called the Spiral Diner and they do have some great food but I'm not much into tofu or "fake" meat because to me, there is no substitute for meat. I'd rather just eat the vegetables and different variations of such. I am totally a meat eater so it is what it is and I have to accommodate that.
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    :smile: Hey guys! I just thought I'd let you know that I think I solved my own problem. I upped my caloric intake a little by changing my goal to lose 1lb a week instead of 2lbs and it's helped me to stay stronger for longer. I still gave into temptation this weekend and ate stuff I probably shouldn't have, but I was able to make it all the way to Saturday morning this time before I screwed up. Before it would be no holds bar by Friday afternoon and the beer/goodies would flow. I also started adding my light/moderate house cleaning routine as exercise calories burned and that's helped some too! HERE'S TO HOPEFULLY GETTING PAST THIS BUMP IN THE ROAD! :drinker:
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    You say that your job is stressful. Maybe keeping busy helps you stay on track? Maybe it would help to change your weekend behavior all together?

    I find that I eat more on the weekends because I don't have any structure. Now it helps because I know that I'm going to spend my saturday mornings at the farmer's market (surrounded by food, I realize, but it's mostly produce which I turn into a healthy, tasty and eco-friendly lunch when I get home).

    Being away from the house (and the couch, and the tv, and the computer ...) helps me stay on track.

    On the same note, during the week I tend to get snacky around 8 or 9. I'm trying to make sure that I go for a bike ride at that time every day. I don't go for speed, just to have a nice outing for 45 minutes. Then I have a shower, and it's almost time for bed, and I've missed my snacking opportunity.

    Actually if I'm not working through the weekend, I'm usually out and about with my husband looking for fun things to do since I work so much. Though I would love to, I RARELY sit on the couch and do nothing during that time.