
For those of us who have those friends or relatives who can't resist but tempt us with food or weird comments..
What do you guys do to stray away from temptation of going off your fitness goals? And how do you handle people who deliberately try to sabotage your diet? :noway:


  • Cheryl_66
    Cheryl_66 Posts: 68 Member
    Historically, not handling those situations well. I'm workin on it though.
  • JessigirlJb
    that would be my mom.. she cant help herself some times will her sweets cravings and tries to pass it on to me.. i just tell her no and then jokingly say i dont want to be fat and pathetic anymore.. and remove myself from the situation.. it has toned down alot since i have not given in.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i don't talk to them.
  • lswartz592
    lswartz592 Posts: 1 Member
    Try to reason with them....explain your situation and how it makes you feel. My brother is like that and was very critical

    Once I started having succes they noticed and the sabotage stop

    Good luck!
  • cvthatcher
    cvthatcher Posts: 47 Member
    my boyfriend is kinda bad about it. i'm also quite the pushover.

    but we've discussed it a lot and he doesn't really do that anymore. so my advice is talk to the bf didn't really understand that the things he did and said were unhelpful and now he's more supportive. and hopefully, he'll join me in the quest of fitness soon!