New :) Looking for people in there 20's

Hey there new (ish) Have lost 4lbs so far int he past week and a half, I'm 24.. Looking for other people in there 20's/30's to do this with me. I need the motivation and encouragement lol and will do the same in return.


  • I sent you a request! I am 22 years old, and I log in every day. I'm on here on and off all day most of the time. Anyone else can feel free to add me. I love having motivational friends.
  • sincere201
    sincere201 Posts: 16 Member
    feel free to add me 23 years
  • Bolthouse26
    Bolthouse26 Posts: 70 Member
    I am 23 5'6 about 145 pounds, need to lose about 20 pounds. Feel free to add me .. I'm pretty new here as well. I try to log in every day. Do you guys follow what MFP has customized for you or you guys made your own plan ?
  • MJH5773
    MJH5773 Posts: 70
    Hi there. I'm 26 and new to the forums here but have been using mfp for 102 days. I'll send you a friend request and anyone else is welcome to add me as well. Nothing wrong with extra motivation.
  • I will be twenty in December! Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • im 24. Although my goals my be different then most on MFP i can offer some insight as i also do this for a living :)
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I'm 21! Almost 22! (Okay in over 2 months ... lol)
  • I will be twenty in December! Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • 23, always looking for new friends/ people to support/Supporters! Feel free to add me too! :D
  • cpachecoiii
    cpachecoiii Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Carlos (24 yrs). My bio pretty much explains it all. I enjoy being active and living a healthy lifestyle. I'm not necessarily on a weight loss journey. I just want to be healthier each and every day. I'm a big guy, but truly when I tell people my weight they never believe me. I weigh 280, but everyone thinks I'm around 240-250. I always played every sport year-round and love being outside and getting dirty. I have a lot of muscle mass (which would explain my weight). I'm also 6'2" so I guess I carry my extra weight pretty well. If anyone needs a friend, or at least someone to chat with, feel free to add me.

    P.S. If anyone cares: Right now I workout 8X a week.
    MWF I lift heavy weights using the Stronglifts 5X5 Method and afterwards I have been following a "Swim a mile" program which usually last about 45 min each.
    T/TR I do some easy going yoga just to clear my mind and limber up, usually in the morning.
    As far as eating goes, I try to stick to the paleo diet, but focus a bit more on the low carb aspect because I am an unashamed carnivorous beast and also I love me some good green veggies and such! I don't beat myself up for a slip-up every now and then. Life is hopefully a long road for all of us, and I see no point in being negative about any of this. I just try my best every day.
  • althaluszombie
    althaluszombie Posts: 94 Member
    I could use some motivation haha really need workout buddy who is into martial arts and smoking. pretty much where I am at. working on my first baby. Alexander. Gonna be a cutie like me.
  • Hiya everybody! I'm 22 (23 in December) and would love some motivational buddies! Feel free to add me, I'm working on my bio and my goal is to lose at least 100 lbs (I started off at 255, I'm currently 247.8).
  • hougt
    hougt Posts: 1,088
    Hey all, I am 27, 6'2" and weigh in at 115kg/255lbs and looking to lose about 50lbs in total. Feel free to add me :)
  • My fiancé has almost the exact same stats as you. (except he's 6'5). He's about 6% body fat. You should add him. I think it would be cool to compare. Also to see what a different composition looks like. His name is ADHDentrepreneur

    Hey all, I am 27, 6'2" and weigh in at 115kg/255lbs and looking to lose about 50lbs in total. Feel free to add me :)
  • slowly_changing12
    slowly_changing12 Posts: 192 Member
    25....feel free to add
  • Sammylynn89
    Sammylynn89 Posts: 83 Member
    23 here and looking to lose about 50lbs, add me! :)
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    26 here. I have lost most my weight and am getting into the cutting/toning phase of my journey. I definitely love to give advice and motivate my friends though!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I'm 29, been on my journey since Feb 2010.
    Feel free to add me, I'm here everyday, love to support and encourage & get the same in return :)
  • lajonna
    lajonna Posts: 36
    I'm 20 & a mom just trying to loose baby weight, tone up, just feel sexy again. I'm only 5' , curvy body type (from playing volleyball) about 148 lbs right now. Would love to get back down to 119lbs like i was when i wrestled. Just recently started clean eating & loving it so far. Keep up the work everyone. Feel free to add me ( :
  • Tashcake
    Tashcake Posts: 13
    I'm 24 and new here, have sent you a request. =)