Struggling and not losing

The last month or so I have been really busy the kids have been off from playschool e.t.c I have been trying to get a work from home business started and generally been busy.

I have let slip my tracking (trying to get back with it this week) I have still been exercising I started insanity and I'm on day 19, my problem is food I crave foods that are just so bad for you and lately have been cavinging in on my cravings not drastic but not good.

I'm trying to get back at it this week back to healthy eating e.t.c but finding it hard and having no results on the scales is not helping either I am up and down 2-3lb the last month and it's driving me mad, I may have lost inches but I stupidly didn;t measure myself so can't compare on that side of things

I started my weight loss journey in January and I have lost 52lb but have another 52lb to lose and starting to feel like it's such a daunting task that I may not complete in spite of my efforts

ah I don't know why I am even writing this just feeling a bit bla


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Shoot for 100g of protein per day, cutting back the bread and banana to match the calories.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    Are you following the insanity diet? -- it was really helpful the first time I did insanity, I definitely saw results and I wasn't "starving"...I felt full a lot of the time and was losing weight and inches. I dropped to my goal weight after just 3 weeks of insanity. I would try that...or like yarwell suggested -- more protein, less carbs. Try to get your macro's to 40-45% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat. or something like that.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    thanks, I will def try cut the carbs a bit, I actually don't normally have so much bread this week just not good at all my husband bought in white bread I normaly buy brown but I love white bread and it's just been too tempting lol I do love my bananas though must try not have so many I used to have berries e.t.c too like I said my healthy eating gone to the way side a bit, will get back on track

    I don't have the insanity diet I got the disks of my sister just the disks nothing else i don't even think i am doing the program right at the min i'm just alternating the workouts and i do sweat and burn loads so must be doing some good people keep saying i look like i have lost more just scales not showing it I must get a tape measure and measure myself today late is better than never right lol
  • misskerimac
    misskerimac Posts: 10 Member
    Don't feel bad...I'm on recovery week of Insanity and I have gained weight and my clothes feel tighter. I have noticed more muscle definition which YAY, but the scale has become the devil to me. I'm not even using it now until the end of the program. Trust me, I am driving myself CRAZY over analyzing my calories in/out along with exercise. It stinks but I'm giving the program it's full attention and then I'll analyze it later. I have to say thought, my energy level is way up and I have been impressed of the endurance :-) Good luck and stay strong!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    craving food is such a battle of willpower. what i do when i have a craving is that i say "if i really want this, i will wait one hour before i can have it." usually in 60 minutes i forget i wanted it.

    i never found the whole "don't keep junk food in the house" rule useful, as i have cash and feet, and therefore can walk anywhere they sell junk food.

    also, rules work. for instance one of my weaknesses is pizza. I only allow myself pizza at most twice a week, and at most, two slices each time i order.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, i just looked at your diet and exercise diary.

    either you are over estimating your calories burned, or you aren't eating enough to help your body lose weight. Your calories burned are the same every day! i think it's time to invest in an HRM.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Keep in mind insantiy requires a lot of calories. Did you use their calculator to figure out uour caloric requirements
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    also, i just looked at your diet and exercise diary.

    either you are over estimating your calories burned, or you aren't eating enough to help your body lose weight. Your calories burned are the same every day! i think it's time to invest in an HRM.

    I am using a HRM I burn the same most days, and yea I think maybe I am not eating enough but I am never hungry either I guess I have that fear in me of eating too much and am nervous to add more calories when I am not hungry iykwim I will try though, I did yesterday I added in a shake and banana just to add more cals in but there's no way I could have eaten all my cals
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I've been where you are. I started out a good 80-90lbs over, and busted booty to lose 7lbs in 3 months--spent 2 of them gaining and losing the same 3lbs. The scale was NOT my friend!

    I did learn a few things though. 1) the scale is deceptive. in 2004 I was 174lbs and wore a size 14. I am now a 14 again, but I weigh 28lbs more. It has be muscle. 2) it is impossible for me to lose on the carbs that MFP suggests. I need no more than 30% carbs--the fat and protein don't have to be specific amounts, just as high as I can get them. 3) if I deprive myself, I'll end up binging. It is better to allow myself small portions of *bad* foods pretty much daily ( a mini ice cream, a bite of hubby's butter drenched toast, a spoonful of my son's cereal, etc)
  • debow65
    debow65 Posts: 22 Member
    52 pounds is amazing! I have only lost 30 lbs, which I think is pretty good since march.
    I also still have about 50 lbs to go, but I am really trying to stay positive and motivated. So what I am saying to you is you have done brilliant so far. The weight won't come off as quick as it did in the beginning, but it is better if it comes off slower as you will adjust and then less likely to put it back on. Keep it up you are doing great and if you need support, I will support you.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, i just looked at your diet and exercise diary.

    either you are over estimating your calories burned, or you aren't eating enough to help your body lose weight. Your calories burned are the same every day! i think it's time to invest in an HRM.

    I am using a HRM I burn the same most days, and yea I think maybe I am not eating enough but I am never hungry either I guess I have that fear in me of eating too much and am nervous to add more calories when I am not hungry iykwim I will try though, I did yesterday I added in a shake and banana just to add more cals in but there's no way I could have eaten all my cals

    are you using a protein powder? try that.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    also, i just looked at your diet and exercise diary.

    either you are over estimating your calories burned, or you aren't eating enough to help your body lose weight. Your calories burned are the same every day! i think it's time to invest in an HRM.

    I am using a HRM I burn the same most days, and yea I think maybe I am not eating enough but I am never hungry either I guess I have that fear in me of eating too much and am nervous to add more calories when I am not hungry iykwim I will try though, I did yesterday I added in a shake and banana just to add more cals in but there's no way I could have eaten all my cals

    are you using a protein powder? try that.

    no I am using high protein shakes but I can try some protein powder too I guess? or just add more meat in my diet? going to have to kick start a completely new eating plan I think :-)
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    52 pounds is amazing! I have only lost 30 lbs, which I think is pretty good since march.
    I also still have about 50 lbs to go, but I am really trying to stay positive and motivated. So what I am saying to you is you have done brilliant so far. The weight won't come off as quick as it did in the beginning, but it is better if it comes off slower as you will adjust and then less likely to put it back on. Keep it up you are doing great and if you need support, I will support you.


    thank you :-)
  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    Don't stress yourself trying to stick to a popular diet. You have to find the meal plan that works best for you. Me personally i do high fiber / low fat. I did the low carb thing years ago and it left me not feeling 100%. I did lose weight but just didn't feel my best. I now do high fiber low fat and im losing weight again and my energy is back into my workouts. I keep 100calorie treats for those days i crave, which i have to say is much less then when i was low carbing.

    Remember we're all different. If there was a one size fits all meal plan we'd all be wearing six packs.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, i just looked at your diet and exercise diary.

    either you are over estimating your calories burned, or you aren't eating enough to help your body lose weight. Your calories burned are the same every day! i think it's time to invest in an HRM.

    I am using a HRM I burn the same most days, and yea I think maybe I am not eating enough but I am never hungry either I guess I have that fear in me of eating too much and am nervous to add more calories when I am not hungry iykwim I will try though, I did yesterday I added in a shake and banana just to add more cals in but there's no way I could have eaten all my cals

    are you using a protein powder? try that.

    no I am using high protein shakes but I can try some protein powder too I guess? or just add more meat in my diet? going to have to kick start a completely new eating plan I think :-)

    don't think of it as a new plan. think of it as trying to incorporate new things.

    i prefer using protein powder over pre-packaged protein shakes as i can control what goes into it. i like protein fruit smoothies after a work out. 6-8 ounces of OJ, a handfull or two of frozen berries, and 1-2 scoops of protein powder. you can also add a banana and some yogurt!
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    also, i just looked at your diet and exercise diary.

    either you are over estimating your calories burned, or you aren't eating enough to help your body lose weight. Your calories burned are the same every day! i think it's time to invest in an HRM.

    I am using a HRM I burn the same most days, and yea I think maybe I am not eating enough but I am never hungry either I guess I have that fear in me of eating too much and am nervous to add more calories when I am not hungry iykwim I will try though, I did yesterday I added in a shake and banana just to add more cals in but there's no way I could have eaten all my cals

    are you using a protein powder? try that.

    no I am using high protein shakes but I can try some protein powder too I guess? or just add more meat in my diet? going to have to kick start a completely new eating plan I think :-)

    don't think of it as a new plan. think of it as trying to incorporate new things.

    i prefer using protein powder over pre-packaged protein shakes as i can control what goes into it. i like protein fruit smoothies after a work out. 6-8 ounces of OJ, a handfull or two of frozen berries, and 1-2 scoops of protein powder. you can also add a banana and some yogurt!

    sounds good will give it try thanks for advice, must try find protein powder now, it's not that common here in Ireland I don't think lol (ps the shakes I take are quite good btw 2 shakes a day gives you 100% of your RDA of vitamins and minerals unlike others which is why I like them iykwim they supposed to help with muscle recovery too)
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    Don't stress yourself trying to stick to a popular diet. You have to find the meal plan that works best for you. Me personally i do high fiber / low fat. I did the low carb thing years ago and it left me not feeling 100%. I did lose weight but just didn't feel my best. I now do high fiber low fat and im losing weight again and my energy is back into my workouts. I keep 100calorie treats for those days i crave, which i have to say is much less then when i was low carbing.

    Remember we're all different. If there was a one size fits all meal plan we'd all be wearing six packs.

    thanks, was doing well till recently just lost my way a bit and think I need to just try something new, I don't think I could do no carbs but I think I do need to cut down though :-) will give it a go and see how I do