2lbs gained in 1 day?!!



  • Its a LOT of factors- mine is high sodium food, stress, alcohol, not enough sleep, water retention from working out and TOM. Point being- keep at it! It will drop and plus some :-) The body is a complicated thing and just know what you're doing works!

    ALL true for me as well, except TOM...Past that
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    You don't know if you've actually gained weight until after the full week, or 7 days since you weighed yourself last. So if you see a pound increase one day, it is water weight/weight from the food you ate the day before/sodium, etc.

    My weigh in day is Friday - I weighed myself on Sunday again and I was up 4 pounds. I weighed myself yesterday morning, and I was down that 4, plus another 2.. it fluctuates that much.. and then when I get back to Friday, it evens out and I see my REAL weight loss for the week.
  • But that's just it for me: I'll drop the 'water weight", no more, and regain the water back
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I went up 5 lbs in 2 days before. It's stupid water weight. =[
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    You should never weigh yourself every day, all it does is dishearten you and make you lose your motivation. EVERYONE will see a gain and a loss over the course of a week. For example, sometimes your body may still have food in it from the night before or more water than the day previous. Just weigh yourself once a week and you will see more accurate results.
  • It's water weight. When you have 1 off day don't weigh the next. It's brutal on your brain and really destructive. Shake off yesterday, jump back on today, drink lots of water, keep moving forward. Good luck!
  • kp1706
    kp1706 Posts: 1
    I think weighing once a week makes sense. I have tried every other day but still find some bizarre fluctuations that can be demotivating. I'll start this Saturday morning.
  • LadyFisch
    LadyFisch Posts: 12 Member
    I read an interesting topic in a Newbie link about how when you take in 1 gram of glycogenyour body holds 3 grams of water. So if you eat to many carbs you hold fluid. Not necessarily sodium retention. I always wondered why I could eat high carb foods and be in my target range but gain. It's an interesting tid bit for people who eat carbs but don't depelete the glycogen build up. I'm still researching this but it answers some of my questions about sudden weight gain especially if I eat lower proten and then follow with a high carb meal or BLOW OUT, GOD FORBID!
  • That's very interesting Lady, I think I will look into that too.

    Thanks for the info

    All the best, Vicky x