Cheating on the Row the World game



  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    I think this is awful! :(
    Ive copied and pasted everything you've said onto our team group and let them all know to check it out.

    Thanks for all your hard work. ;)
  • ClareRae
    ClareRae Posts: 153 Member
    I just don't understand what you would possibly get out of cheeting... Not like you're giving out ipads or something.
    This makes me sad. I did this because I knew that if I joined something like this, and didn't go out and burn some calories I'd be holding my team back. I did it to give myself motivation. I'm super greatful that I'm able to participate, and it blows me away that people would put fourth the effort to cheat rather than exorcise. Seems they missed the point. :-/
  • sin2001
    sin2001 Posts: 125 Member
    I know with the Oarlocks we have discussed that exact topic. this is a challenge that takes us out of our comfort zone and makes it a day to day thing. Love this challenge. No matter what place you take take it with honor knowing you gave 100% Lee thanks for this challenge.
  • Spudeata
    Spudeata Posts: 100 Member
    Lee - gotta hand it to you - you have a way with words - I know from the bottom of my very big heart that the Warrior Crew have all honestly logged our cals - as most know I even put my back in my attempts to move my butt - so lets get back to the essence of what this is meant to be!! x
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I took a short cut through the Panama Canal - sos

    Hah! I knew it was the Finch. You can't trust him you know. He has those shifty eyes....

    Seriously, Lee, I'm sorry to hear this. I know how hard you work on this game, and it's a shame that people are so competitive they have to spoil it in this way.

    We had a strong word together right at the beginning over in Phitbit Corner that we would only log purposeful burns, so I'm pretty confident we're ok. I did log 2 hours of housemoving this week (I actually spent about 8 hours, carting boxes, desks and assorted niknaks up a welshwoman's staircase, so I feel this was ok!), but that's about the only non-exercise burn I'm aware of in our team, and I felt it was legitimate (but can remove it if you'd rather I did).
  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member
    Just to let you know that when Chips Ahoy win the RTWC we did it fair and square.

    Hee Hee!!
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    Some people are dilholes.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Lee, I love this challenge and am disappointed to hear that even if we Island Hoppers win, there is no prize :(

    Seriously, I am extremely competitive even if there is nothing to win (except my own self-respect) but I would not resort to cheating. There goes the self-respect thing. Perhaps the persons doing this were not aware that they were cheating. I do try to give people the benefit of the doubt. This reminder should be enough for them to change their ways.

    Thanks so much for all the work you put into this challenge as it helped me to take off the summer BBQ, wedding and party weight I had put on in July. Ditto what all the other people said about this challenge.
  • Schmarrn
    Schmarrn Posts: 22
    Wow Lee sorry to hear This!
  • Ladysummers
    Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Lee may I take this opportunity on behalf of the Coast busters team to say how shocked and saddened we all are to hear that there has been cheating going on,I think it is so unfair that many off us work hard to get our burns daily im the proper manner,I think that in all honesty they should be disqualified from the race (Myopinion ).
    Thanks for all the hard work you have put in to get this challenge up and running.we the coast busters apreciate this.Kim:(
  • Fairy_Farts
    Fairy_Farts Posts: 166 Member
    That's sad. I'm really sorry to hear that, Lee. I hope this doesn't discourage you from organizing future challenges.

    Because of this challenge, I have tapped back into "Super Hollie" *said in the voice of Super Grover* ....I'm trying to exercise every day now (like I did a few years back) because I don't want to let my team down. Well, it started out as that, but now it's because I don't want to let myself down.

    If you do organize another challenge, this girl will be signing up! Woohoo!!
  • m14mme
    m14mme Posts: 22 Member

    First thing is first, it takes ages to get a game like this set up and admin..... about 2 hours a day, which is fine and it is done because I want to and I doing it willingly.

    It has come to my attention that a team or teams (I am getting more information now) seeM to think it is ok to wear a HRM all day while doing day to day stuff and log in stupid miles.


    I have two people that have sort permission to log stuff like that only because of limitations

    I am careful to call this a "challange" and not a "race" to aviod the frankly stuipd need to win at anything and everything. I accept that teams will want to get round the game first and that if fine, but do not do it by breaking the rules.

    I have always tried to keep my games rule free, fun and light, and im ashamed that it would seem that some of our "friends" seem to want to win at all cost.

    If you are reading this and have made a mistake, I accept that you will stop and play within the rules.

    If you are reading this and frankly wish to carry on with the rule breaking I suggest you PM me so we can have a private chat about it.

    We can only play this game on trust, so skippers, if someone in your team is logged crazy burns, its up to you to check it!



    skippers please bump this or something to make sure your teams see it.
  • MarinaPacheco
    MarinaPacheco Posts: 95 Member
    I'll post to the MissFits but I'm pretty sure that the crew are all logging honest burns. The only one who's been over the top is me and that's because I'm on holiday and doing some serious digging, swinging a pickaxe and breaking up bricks all in the name of gardening. I don't own a HRM so using MFP calories burned.

    I also want to second what everyone else has said to thank you for setting this up. I'm loving Row the World. I've met some great new people and it really has encouraged me to move more, so I hope you keep doing it and there will be a Row the World 4!
  • Trigger78
    Trigger78 Posts: 2 Member
    O second the skipper on the Bove comments Lee and may I also add our heart felt gratitude for pulling this all together. It's been a great nice give to push that little bit harder.

    Also I feel if these 'cheats' want to redeem themselves they should confess or be named and shamed!!!! It's appalling behaviour and takes the fun out of it..... Once again sorry you had to address such an issue.
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    * Nods head in agreement with all these wise people who have posted above me

    I can safely say hand on heart that none of the Guppies are cheating, we're working really hard for our calorie burns, battling through injuries and and we're still way behind most of the pack :ohwell:

    Thanks for all the effort you put in administering this challenge :flowerforyou:

    No cheating here, we (my teamates and I) have been busting our butt's burning the cals it sucks when you have people that think it's ok to log stupid burns for no reason.
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    Totally agree with all that has been said by my fellow team members & all taking part on here ! I'm thouraly enjoying this challenge ! I wear a fit bit all the time ! I log only my exercise nothing else like house work etc ! Hope that is ok?
    Lv Marie x
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I am absolutely gobsmacked... In fact I can't even close my mouth I'm so gobsmacked.

    As skipper of the Island Hoppers I can certify that every burn we have logged has been hard earned with sweat and tears. I am unbelievably appalled that people would resort to cheating to win a contest who's sole purpose is to get you to move more and gain fitness and make it fun at the same time.

    Shame on you cheating little buggers. Honestly. It's just sad. You're probably the same people who play in GOD MODE on video games because you can't stand to lose or die.

    I can't say I'm sorry enough Lee that you've had to incur this issue after having put in so much effort and trouble to put another round of this game together. Thank you for running the game from the bottom of my heart. From the Island Hoppers to you, We salute you Mr. Ketty... :)

    *HUGS* :)

  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    My captain of the Coast Busters has posted about this on out own forum, and I was flabbergasted to read it.

    Why would anyone want to cheat about the number of cals they have used....firstly they are cheating themselves ( makes me hope that they forget the cals are incorrect and that they eat them all !!!) and secondly if they are doing it to win a race, haven't they realised that it is a challenge with a beginning and an end, and the majority of us are just so glad that we have an added motivation to loose weight and will cheer loudly when we cross the finishing post whatever our position!

    I came into my crew as a sub, I ditched my HRM and use the sites cals. I am finding different types of exercises to try and up my cals so that I don't feel as though I'm letting my team down. Those extra exercises are mainly by using the wii boxing and tennis, I am so glad that i started this challenge as it has challenged me to do more, I am pushing myself more at the gym and on the bike at home, and hopefully after the challenge has stopped I will continue to challenge myself... Thanks Lee, I'm already looking forward to the next challenge :)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Only losers cheating themselves do this. It's really quite pathetic. For Christ's sake... it's just a game and a challenge as you say, not a race! Annoying when some of us are genuinely busting a gut however and thinking someone else is doing something way extreme to get there..... I've been burning 900- 1500 ish calories a day through hard core cardio (running and cycling) and haven't counted any of the walking I do (which is a lot AND my MFP is set to sedentary) so we could all play that game and we'd be done by now but is not the point!

    Anyways, hope they stop it now!