Women with goal weight around 115 !!



  • TanyaGirl76
    TanyaGirl76 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks you guys for all the wonderful suggestions!!
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    Oh my gosh, all of y'alls post are crazy inspiration for me! I am 5' 3" and I thought 130 was going to be pushing it. But ya'll have made me realize I can get smaller! Ya'll are all beautiful and thanks for the inspiration I just recieved!

    May sound crazy but seriously!

    Weight always looks different on a person!! My original goal was 105. Then I upped it to 110, then my husband said no way in he**! We agreed on 115, but he would rather me be at 125. He says it looks better!

    I think it really depends on your frame. I looked really awkward when I was 110-115. and looking back at pictures as I gradually gained, I thought I looked most womanly and healthy at about 120-125. I'm 5'6" though, so compared to someone 3+ inches shorter than me that could flex 5-20 lbs than my goal.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    5'4" here and currently 110. My lower belly is my biggest problem, too. I have re-set my goal (for the 3rd time, I think) to 108, hoping that those last 2 pounds will come from my belly pooch. I don't really want to lose any more weight, but I want this belly GONE!! It's so frustrating. I am lifting, and my body fat % has decreased a lot, so I'm hoping it's just a matter of time.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    5'5'' and 134 lbs at the moment. Cannot seem to get below 130 whatever I do. I was aiming for 125 (with building some muscle) but I don't think I'll be happy there really. We shall see.

    does anyone mind sharing their calorie level / exercise plans with me so I can see how you have gotten under 130?

    In the past I have never been able to get much below 130 (I'm only 5'2" though) but I recently went off birth control (DH got the big V) and I swear the weight started falling off. Now I'm at 123. Never thought I'd be that weight again! I still have plenty of fat on my thighs though, so I'm hoping to either lose a few more pounds or stay at this weight and gain muscle but burn fat.

    I think genetics have to do so much with where you carry weight. Mine comes right off my tummy but I've had curvy hips and big thighs since I was a little girl!
  • I totally understand where you are coming from. I am trying to get down to 115 as well. The abs are the hardest place to get defined or to lose weight there. I have been cutting back on sugar and salt and I have noticed a little change. So maybe try that!! Good luck
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I am 5'2 and I hit my goal weight of 115 last week. My stomach looks pretty good under clothes and I have had 3 kids (see my profile pic) but it is loose if I bend over, so I wouldn't feel comfy in a bikini. I have adjusted my goal to try to lose a few more pounds to see if that improves things. I will still be a healthy bmi and I can always put those pounds back on if I am too gaunt. I have ordered Jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack, so hopefully that will help!

    Good luck and good work so far!
  • I would be happy to get down to 125...115 would be a dream. Although at my smallest I was 117/119 around there and was pretty skinny (when I look back at pics)----my hubby even said I looked like bones). I am 5ft 3in and am so depressed with my current weight of about 148. It is the heaviest I have ever been---yet even though I know I have gained a lot weight, I had no clue I had gained THAT MUCH. I don't feel that I look THAT big but I know I need to lose weight. I feel like if I were just 2 inches taller, I would look way different. Being short and even a little overweight is so hard. I have been eating os much better and exercising more for the past few weeks and have not seen the scale budge. I don't know what to do!!!!!! HELP!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    That has more to do with your body composition than weight. I suggest working on your body composition and lowering body fat percentage.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am 5'2 and I hit my goal weight of 115 last week. My stomach looks pretty good under clothes and I have had 3 kids (see my profile pic) but it is loose if I bend over, so I wouldn't feel comfy in a bikini. I have adjusted my goal to try to lose a few more pounds to see if that improves things. I will still be a healthy bmi and I can always put those pounds back on if I am too gaunt. I have ordered Jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack, so hopefully that will help!

    Good luck and good work so far!

    The loose skin on the belly can take over a year to tighten up. My belly skin is still loose, but it's a lot better than it was. I found that strength training had helped with tightening the skin. Good luck.
  • selbeeps
    selbeeps Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love it if someone would design clothing for females who don't have flat, washboard abs! Why does everything cute have to be fitted or have elastic around the bottom so as to accentuate the slight pooch! Just a slight flare would do it - it doesn't have to look like a maternity top!
  • amj3303
    amj3303 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 5'2.5 and I'm around 128 lbs eight now. Looking to be 120 for starters then 115. It's been hard losing all of this weight but I know I can do this. i haven't been 115 in a very very long time. Maybe high school or middle school even. im excited to sew what ill look like at that weight and feel because I've always been somewhat chubby. Just have to keep working at it. we can do it!!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    1. Lift weights.
    2. Lift weights.
    3. Lift weights.
    4. Eat more protein and good fats.
    5. Cut simple carbs way down.
    6. Lift weights.
  • I'm 5'6 at 123 right now...trying to get to 115, as well! My lower belly has always been my problem, too. Feel free to add me...I just started, and I'd like to see the diaries of people with similar goals. Thanks!