help my dad!


So i'm in maintenance mode on here at the moment and have been here for about a year.

But I'd like some tips for my Dad. He's lost weight so that he's no longer near obesity (yay!) and has a stone or so to go...

He's stopped going to the gym during the week as has been busy (I know it's no excuse really) but he finds it really boring and running is hard because he has pronation problems. He tries to walk at lunchtimes and is more conscious about calories now. He also eats smaller portions (BIG NSV! ;p) and says that he feels fuller quicker. So I'm really proud of him so far.

BUT: he loves his ice cream/biscuits/cake and always has something (usually more than 1 helping) after dinner. I know he finds it depressing that his weight loss is stalling and that he hasn't met his target for our holiday. He won't cut out the ice cream and I believe that he can still eat it and lose weight because it's all about calories in vs out etc etc

Any helpful tips just to keep him on the wagon? I know it needs his commitment so please no "if he wants it, he'll do it" - I'm not forcing him; he knows what to do. I just want to subtly help him along haha

thanks guys!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Carte d'or do light ice cream, maybe find him some lower cal versions of the things he likes so he can still have pudding, but it fits in his cals?
  • Caroline244
    Caroline244 Posts: 56 Member
    This is a great suggestion. I buy frozen treats that are 100 calories or less; they're usually pretty good, albeit small in quantity, and I still get my "fix". I'm sorry to hear your dad is having a hard time and you obviously care about him and his goals. Have you walked with him or tried some excercise classes with him? Sometimes, switching it up is a good thing, and having a supportive person around to do things with you makes it more fun (and would probably keep your dad more accountable). :-)
  • bitterbrownie
    he's not into the "light" stuff ;p

    yeah we go on dog walks together so I try and keep that up with him :)

    he doesn't like the idea of exercise classes though seems interested in Body pump so I'll keep trying! ;)

    thanks for the ideas
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I like dessert too. I have a quarter cup of ice cream with a bit of yoghurt and some cashews on it almost every night. Sometimes I even add chocolate. I have the calories left over every day and it's my only sugar/processed food for the day.

    Perhaps he could work at just cutting down his dessert helping. So whatever he wants, but half a helping instead of one (or 3/4 instead of two).
  • jandalsah
    I have ice cream, but I make myself a deal - If I have it, I must go for a walk for an hour and a half - two hours.

    Also, I buy minis tubs so portions are kept under control.