Potty Traning



  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    For boys, just make them run around naked, in about 2 days they will ask to go.
  • laurin2010
    Use M&Ms as an incentive!! Good luck!!

    ^^^^This is exactly what I did. I got it from an old book called "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day"...and it worked. My son was trained in one day.

    wow one day!! that would be amazing!!
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    I have potty trained about 40 children. I have been a preschool teacher and nanny for years. I think the thing to remember is to set them up for success. I suggest diapering at night and nap until they get the feel of underwear. You have to remember that a diaper and underwear feel very different against his penis and it can stimulate urine in sleep or at play. You may find that he dribbles here and there and that will stop when he get used to the fabric. Sit on the pot every 30 minutes, don;t go anywhere, and if you do, bring lots of pants :) Good luck!
  • laurin2010
    You're in luck, boys are so much easier to potty train.

    so happy to hear that i have heard exact opposite!! I am hopefull :)
  • laurin2010
    I have potty trained about 40 children. I have been a preschool teacher and nanny for years. I think the thing to remember is to set them up for success. I suggest diapering at night and nap until they get the feel of underwear. You have to remember that a diaper and underwear feel very different against his penis and it can stimulate urine in sleep or at play. You may find that he dribbles here and there and that will stop when he get used to the fabric. Sit on the pot every 30 minutes, don;t go anywhere, and if you do, bring lots of pants :) Good luck!

    Hey thanks!! great advice I really appreciate that I would have never known!
  • samandlucysmum
    In my experience, there is no perfect way to do it, every child is different. My older 4 trained on a potty, the younger 2 trained on the loo. My younger son started training after 3yrs, it took a while, and now at 4 1/2, he is dry during the day, except when he is gaming, then he loses concentration, he is in pull ups at night. My youngest daughter was dry by 3, she used the loo too, she was scared too to start with, and had to have someone go with her eacg time, but she grew out of it after a few weeks, and now she is dry, both day and night.

    Good luck with it, try to avoid food rewards, try a star chart, or a promise of special underwear or a new set of clothes or a toy, using food will teach him to use food as a reward, and that will carry on into adulthood, hence us being on MFP.
  • laurin2010
    if you are old enough to be on this website, you should know how to go by yourself by now...

    jus sayin....

    ??talking about potty training a 2 year old what are you talking about?
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    You should be aware that it could be more difficult than expected (though hopefully not).

    My son is 3 1/2 and we've been trying to potty train him for nearly 6 months. At first he just refused, then he started dabbling...but wouldn't really get on board.

    Then we got the idea to give him a sticker every time he went potty and then reward him with a toy for every 10 stickers....he did fantastic with that....Soon we had to up the sticker requirement to 15 and 20 just to keep from going broke...

    But then when we stopped doing that because we felt he was potty trained more or less...he stopped going in the potty. So since then it's been a constant fight....Now he uses the potty exclusively at home. He hasn't peed his pants (outside of sleeping) in a couple of months. But we can't get him to tell us when he needs to go potty when we're out. Even if he's at my moms house he won't tell anyone. He'll just pee his pants.

    It's less frustrating than it was 3 or 4 months ago....but it's still a bit frustrating. He's getting too old to be in pull-ups (in my opinion) and honestly I don't want to keep paying for them.
  • laurin2010
    You should be aware that it could be more difficult than expected (though hopefully not).

    My son is 3 1/2 and we've been trying to potty train him for nearly 6 months. At first he just refused, then he started dabbling...but wouldn't really get on board.

    Then we got the idea to give him a sticker every time he went potty and then reward him with a toy for every 10 stickers....he did fantastic with that....Soon we had to up the sticker requirement to 15 and 20 just to keep from going broke...

    But then when we stopped doing that because we felt he was potty trained more or less...he stopped going in the potty. So since then it's been a constant fight....Now he uses the potty exclusively at home. He hasn't peed his pants (outside of sleeping) in a couple of months. But we can't get him to tell us when he needs to go potty when we're out. Even if he's at my moms house he won't tell anyone. He'll just pee his pants.

    It's less frustrating than it was 3 or 4 months ago....but it's still a bit frustrating. He's getting too old to be in pull-ups (in my opinion) and honestly I don't want to keep paying for them.

    I fear my son may be a bit like this BUT i wont know until I try, so thank you for letting me in on this I very much appreciate it :)
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    We did the sticker things for all the kids as a reward. All 4 of my children are potty trained.

    I would avoid using M & M's or food as a reward....that just sets up your child to view food as a reward and not fuel for your body like it should be.
  • laurin2010
    We did the sticker things for all the kids as a reward. All 4 of my children are potty trained.

    I would avoid using M & M's or food as a reward....that just sets up your child to view food as a reward and not fuel for your body like it should be.

    I can deff see how that would look, Thank you :)
  • kwoodson94
    As a mom of 5, both boys and girls, I have to say the most important thing is be consistant. Once you start, follow through all the way. Some kids may take to it right away and train within a few days, other kids need a bit more time. Number 2 usually will take a bit longer, but it you can catch them right at the right time, once they go #2 in the potty, they want to do it again.
    Be patient. I didnt use candy or stickers, just praised them like crazy! Called gramma or dad at work and let them tell them the good news. Good luck!
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    My parents had a couple methods. I was potty trained with "pretty panties." I liked them and didn't want to get them dirty so I'd go in the toilet. My younger brother was trained by peer pressure. He's the youngest of five kids so he wanted to be like the rest of us. Any time he used the toilet, all the kids in the house, plus any friends, were required to stand outside the bathroom and cheer when he came out. Over 25 years later my brother-in-law still remembers standing in the foyer while a little boy toddled out of the bathroom and the whole family burst into applause.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    As a mom of 5, both boys and girls, I have to say the most important thing is be consistant. Once you start, follow through all the way. Some kids may take to it right away and train within a few days, other kids need a bit more time. Number 2 usually will take a bit longer, but it you can catch them right at the right time, once they go #2 in the potty, they want to do it again.
    Be patient. I didnt use candy or stickers, just praised them like crazy! Called gramma or dad at work and let them tell them the good news. Good luck!

    Praise is absolutely necessary. After the stickers didn't work (or backfired rather...) I started just making a big deal out of it every time he went potty. While he doesn't make a big deal out of going pee anymore just about every time he poops he yells out "I pooped!"

    It's cute in a weird way lol.

    Also pooping was much more difficult for us to get him to do than peeing. There was a good solid month where he refused. Not even refused to poop in the potty...just refused to poop in general. He waited until he absolutely couldn't hold it any longer and then pretty much whined the whole time he was on the potty.

    Now he's used to it and he poops regularly and always in the potty.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    It's also very important to make sure that if they do have an accident you don't get mad or frustrated with them. BUT you have to be able to differentiate between an accident and refusal.

    Several times during the process my son would pee or poop his pants on purpose. We'd be asking him over and over if he needed to go potty and he'd say no and then 30 seconds later he'd stop and look at us and pee himself. This was something he usually got in trouble for.

    However...there have also been times where he's been running around a lot or playing and not really paying attention (and we hadn't asked him if he needed to go) and he's gone and we made sure he understood it was ok to have an accident. Heck there's even been times when he has told us and he's peed himself on the way to the potty.

    A week or so ago he peed the bed...bad...and woke up very upset and was being very hard on himself. I made sure to comfort him and tell him that it was going to happen sometimes and that its ok. We weren't mad and it was normal.

    He's wet the bed a couple times since and hasn't gotten upset again.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    We waited until we knew he was absolutely ready. He could pull his pants on and off, could climb on and off the potty by himself, would stay dry in his diaper most night, knew when he needed to poop, that kind of thing.

    We then went to the store and let him pick out his new "big boy" underwear. We got 20 pair.. you're going to need that many in the first day or two.

    Then we decided that once we started, we would not turn back. No more diapers, (we never did pull ups). It just seemed confusing, to tell him it's okay to go in the diaper some times, but not others.. he needed to know we had faith in him and knew he could do it!

    We used 1 or 2 M&Ms as incentives, and never scolded him for accidents. For the first few days we would ask "do you need to go potty?" every few minutes, but after a couple days, it was no longer necessary.

    We started on a Friday morning, and on Monday he went to daycare in his big boy underwear with no accidents!

    I feel like consistency was the MOST important thing, we didn't go back and forth, we didn't cave into a diaper because we were ready to leave the house and he wasn't quite there yet.. and it worked great, it was a postive experience for all of us! He was around 32 months old when he learned to use the potty.